Best 8 quotes of Ema Dan on MyQuotes

Ema Dan

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    Ema Dan

    As I have said before, we have the power to change the world. Since we are the world! Who is a country if not a sum of its inhabitants? If every one of us is leading good, noble lives there is no space for bad things to happen.

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    Ema Dan

    As late Michael Jackson songs goes: “We are the world.

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    Ema Dan

    From a book Hearty Land: A tale about a journey into a land of abundance; “Hearty Land has a protective layer built of merit from consuming kinder, compassionate, plant-based diets, from the merit of following heaven’s higher way, the Awakenings, from being the golden embodiment of kindness, love, and wisdom, and from their every thought and deed,” Mom continued.

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    Ema Dan

    God didn't invent monetary system, we, humans did it. As we did the system of injustice. And, yes, we do have a power over our choices. Every time we purchase something made by either a child or a slave we contribute to this system of injustice. And vice versa. We literally change the world.

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    Ema Dan

    I often hear or read: “Time is money.” If that would be true, everyone would have exactly the same amount of money. As the pointer on the clock is ticking the same for everyone.

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    Ema Dan

    Money is just a means of survival, stop treating it like a God.

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    Ema Dan

    Until we don't treat people, animals and environment with respect we have no chance for peace. We are saying that we want to have peace. But is that so? We value people according to their class, either is low, middle or high and above them all. Where one deserves all our respect (and jealousy) and the other zero. We want peace but at the same time we support modern slavery, low cost produced goods and inhumane working environment. Saying that we don't have enough money to buy fair trade, cruelty-free or homemade goods. We will have even less if we will support cruelty among the same species. Not to talk about the one, we impose on animals and environment.

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    Ema Dan

    We are beings of habits. If our ancestors, grandparents, and parents would teach us to eat plant-based diet from early years on it would be so normal for us as it is every breath we inhale and exhale. It would become our tradition. The way things are, and they always were. Which is the case of all diets.