Best 3 quotes of Joss Ware on MyQuotes

Joss Ware

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    Joss Ware

    A teen boy's wet dream, right here, right in front of him. Elliott closed his eyes, trying to reason with his raging erection, which argued, Come on, come on, it's been fifty years.

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    Joss Ware

    Birth control was frowned upon by the people in Envy and elsewhere. After so much of the human race had been destroyed, it was thought that attention should be given to repopulating the earth. Well, that was fine, Fence thought, but he wasn't just going to play Johnny fucking Appleseed planting babies with his junk.

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    Joss Ware

    But then it was over too quickly and they pulled away. She knew they couldn't stand there and kiss like a couple on the run in a thriller.