Best 3 quotes of Phil Schwarzmann on MyQuotes

Phil Schwarzmann

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    Phil Schwarzmann

    PPROBLEM: You "forget" to take off your shoes in the house. SOLUTION: There's no solution to this. She'll divorce you if you don't take off your shoes.

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    Phil Schwarzmann

    Each February/March the entire country takes a "ski week". The schools shut down, parents take off work, dogs go to the in-laws, and Finland's middle and upper classes go on holiday. But not all at once. They can't have the entire country gandala-ing up to Lapland at one time (AVALANCHES!). So the country takes turns. The best region goes first: Southern Finland. Then the second best: Central Finland. Then the reindeer herders and forest people take a week off from unemployment and go last: Northern Finland.

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    Phil Schwarzmann

    You're an unemployed bum. Should you live in that Finnish city by the lake with the S-market and K-market? Or how about that other Finnish city by the lake with the S-market and K-market? Finnish cities are all so very different!