By AnonymGeoff Colvin
Children whose "parents are very attentive to their elementary needs are likely to develop trust and security, which may promote prosocial orientation," note psychology researchers, but those parents probably weren't consciously trying to create cooperative adults; they were just being good, attentive parents.
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By AnonymGeoff Colvin
Follow your passion, study it assiduously, and as you pursue it, strive in addition to become more intensely human. Doing so will improve your material well-being as the economy evolves, and it will bring you a richer, fuller life.
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By AnonymGeoff Colvin
In our own lives, we will try something new and, finding that it isn't easy for us, we conclude we don't have a talent for it.
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By AnonymGeoff Colvin
What great performers have achieved is the ability to avoid doing it automatically.
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By AnonymGeoff Colvin
What you really believe about the source of great performance thus becomes the foundation of all you will ever achieve