By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
Choice means more than one option doesnt mean its completely open ended so it's controlled choice not a choice of anything they like, and the problem is, what if you chose not to decide? Then you still have made a choice already. So you must differentiate here between a literal choice and a rational choice, you can say how is that ever a rational choice? If you have to make a rational choice between, for example killing two innocent people, that is impossible. Did you see, so you have to make a literal choice though always.
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
I can totally tell you, how can you make your dreams come true? how to live easy? or how to go far in life ?. Simply i'll teach you how to dream. well, imagine with me, you woke at the 6am or 7am, whats your brain can tell you? and you already know it will be a long day, you want to take your shower, you want to take your breakfast, you want to wear your cloths, you want to out from your home in 30min, you want to take the bus or subway to your work or your school, you want to take a coffée in 15min.. all i said it's probably right. so imagine with me again, what if we remove the word "you want" and replace it with "dream". so you dreamed to take a shower, and then you took your shower as you imagined in your head, you dreamed to take a breakfast, and then you took your breakfast as you imagined in your head, you dreamed to wear your cloths, and then you wore the cloths as you imagined too, you dreamed to out from your home in 30min, you dreamed to take the bus or subway to your work or your school, you dreamed to take a coffée in 15min. its simply your little dreams are coming true. so what about the big dreams? its possible? did you see ? you just need to trust in your dreams. and live with all your dreams like that and like a friend. and feed them with your time and your energy whatever your dream is, just try to keep it alive and know that without dreams you reach nothing, and know that theres alot of haters they want kill your dreams, show them who you are.
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
I think everything in the subjective expression of human experience can be traced back to chemistry, biology, and ones family upbringing. Anything considered transcendental is just a lazy way of saying we don't know why something is the way it is, everything is based in materialism. If you really want to be able to read someone, ask about their upbringing and observe how they have react to interpersonal experience. Then, relate those things back to biology. We are unique, yes, but we are not in control of our uniqueness. We're just meat puppets subjected to the chemical reactions which manifest from the force of the Will.
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
I think there is a process where all our consciousness goes in circles if you like from one body to the other or it goes into another dimension where your next life begins and you keep moving up dimensions like a ladder through the universe or whatever. There so many different possibilities. - If we ask, where will the human conciousness goes when they dies? But Isnt that the greatest question in the world I would love to know as Peter Pan once said "to die would be an awfully big adventure", but realy i don't know because I'm not dead yet, you know it can be one with the universal consciousness. we are one consciousness manifested in different forms.
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
i want to explode in a cloud and be like a lightning striking the earth i want to lift the world and throw it in the other way maybe create a path so much things to say and i will talk about my life now since my birth day well there is not so much to talk about besides a boring life with issues i was talking to the other day and since then i knew its not worth i named it "Ben", like all names here in this country they beggin with ben and all the power comes from "Ben" "Ben" , i mean "bennani", "ben kirane", "ben jalon", "ben chaquron" i can't understand me and you can't understand these things and i hope none of us will because this could make you another you , and you dont want to be another you but i will be another me anytime facing you , me and you we are we who we were and are like straires we are who we are but we are changng and we will still be who we are because changing is not bad no matter how you look deeply into this you will find it like a trap trying to kill you inside you an let your real you go out from that page you created you dont worry it dosent rhime but maybe it does if you look closely weed eternety and happiness from above can i fuck with your mind a little love
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
realy i wish i knew me better. you knew that feel when you are motionless and your fear entwined with your regret ? a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done, i realy want to tell you how do i feel inside, but this feeling in me it sends me to 7 sky high, i always tried to hold it on, it makes me feel so strong after, may i look weirdo,i've been thinking too much and i've been asking and talking to myself like that "its there any point in making plans?
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
Some people will leave you soon no matter how, but it's not the ending of your story, it's just the ending of their role in your story. cause life goes on, and you should just expect damage from others.
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
the only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open.. live wild dont be a normal person.. to become presence, means accepting the risk.. and be sure if u don't take risks u'll have a wasted soul..
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
try to don't be killed and pray for healing, but be a killer and pray for forgiveness.
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
We all need that someone in our life who's going to motivate us and not stress us, and then we need to treat him the same way we want to be treaded, and no lies, we say what we mean and mean what we say. and always try to build together not destroy each other, if the outcome isn't what you expected, at least you can say you tried., but also remember that pressure makes diamonds people. not everything will be easy between you and me and him and her and them. its all give and take.. reward and sacrifice. try to love those who love you, not just the ones who are easiest to love, try to help those who need you, may you will need the help someday. try to forgive those who hurt you, may you hurted someone once upon a time and try to forget those who leave you, may god knew that they aren't good for you. one of my main goals on the planet is to encourage people to empower themselves like what im trying now, i try to makes you positive, to make a positive change in your life, it will never happen unless me or you or him or her make it happen. they said "be the change you want to see in the world" im like that and i would like everyone to be like me.
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
what an introvert/unsociable person like me needs to be alright.. 1- a good book. 2- an animal pal. 3- lots of meditation. 4- a good friend. 5- netflix and more netflix. 6- trip and time in nature. 7- weed and some of drugs. 8- time to think. 9- some creativity. 10- headphones. 11- alooot of solitude.
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
what if you've been born more intelligent than others? and you can't force them to understand you, but you can understand them?. then you just need to force yourself on them, and you can map out their axioms and core beliefs and try to transform them. and then map out the fundamental concepts they need to know to understand you. i wish you understood me.
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
without room for improvement, where would we have our purpose, if I had all that I wanted, I would have to lose increments to give myself the purpose to obtain again, without goals, without the challenge what are they? Maybe rising to meet the maintenance, learning new things, stepping out of comfort zones, accomplishing new goals, facing new challenges is a part of what happiness is about... others deserve their right to live inalienably, but i feel like I deserve my right to suffer.
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By AnonymMarouane Laassafar
you get to know who your true friends are cause there will be lots of them around when times are easy.. and when times get so tough.. they will leave you no matter how..