Best 6 quotes of Aimee Byrd on MyQuotes

Aimee Byrd

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    Aimee Byrd

    Good books last longer than blog posts, which fade into cyberspace, hoping that a Google search will bring them to light again one day. And they shape a higher purpose in shaping a reader....Read books!

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    Aimee Byrd

    No matter what our different circumstances and vocations may be, every woman is a theologian. We all have an understanding about who God is and what he has done. The question is whether or not our views are based on what he has revealed in his Word about himself. And yet many women are either turned off or intimidated by doctrine” (p. 53).

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    Aimee Byrd

    Our evangelical culture is one that promotes tolerance and love. But it isn’t loving to tolerate bad teaching in the church. Love requires the work of guarding the Word of the One who is truly loving. He loves us enough to be direct about holiness, sin, and the way to everlasting life. We have a responsibility to discern the teaching of those who eagerly wish to disciple others (p. 87).

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    Aimee Byrd

    Sometimes we get so invested in our favorite authors and teachers that we have trouble separating their personalities from the content of their teaching. How do you handle it when your favorite books or speakers are challenged by constructive criticism? Do you take it personally? Do you think you have any blind spots when it comes to reading with discernment? (p. 64).

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    Aimee Byrd

    To get to Adam, Satan went after a target of value to him. It is no surprise, then, that he is still relentless in trying to deceive Christ’s bride, the church, through false teachers, ill-placed priorities, felt needs, fear tactics, and coping mechanisms, to divert them from resting in Christ and in God’s wisdom, provision, and sovereignty” (p. 26).

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    Aimee Byrd

    Who is willing to suffer for a Savior they won't even trouble themselves to learn about?