Best 53 quotes in «babe quotes» category

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    If I'm compared to Babe Ruth or Willie Mays, that's great. But I'm just going to go out there and be myself.

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    Good loving is hard to find, you got lucky babe, when I found you.

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    Full many wanton babes have I, Which must be stilled with lullaby.

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    ...ignorant as the unborne babe! ignorant as unborn twins!

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    I don't find offensive that I'm being labelled a babe by blokes. I'm absolutely flattered.

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    I'm not easy to live with and I know that it's true. However, you're no picnic either, babe, and that's one of the things I liked about you.

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    I'm a babe in the woods when it comes to the Internet.

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    I recommend you stick to your own species, Shy Babe." p. 155

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    I have never turned to my girlfriend and said, Oh, okay, babe, and I see it in scripts all the time.

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    I've been a babe magnet for quite a while now.

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    Most of the notable turn out to be the not-able. God's greatest truths still belong to babes.

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    I've had heroes in my life - Joe DiMaggio, Babe Ruth.

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    Is the babe young? When I behold it, it seems more venerable than the oldest man.

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    Nice tackle, babe." Ranger

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    Shepherds at the grange, Where the Babe was born, Sang with many a change, Christmas carols until morn.

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    Say yes, babe, or I'll spill you off over the Wall next time - got it?

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    She goes through the vale of death alone, each time a babe is born. As it is the right neither of man nor the state to coerce her into this ordeal, so it is her right to decide whether she will endure it.

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    Out of the unconscious lips of babes and sucklings are we satirized.

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    The babe is at peace within the womb, the corpse is at rest within the tomb. We begin in what we end.

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    The Babe is one fellow, and I'm another and I could never be exactly like him. I don't try, I just go on as I am in my own right.

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    Sing lullabie, as women do,Wherewith they bring their babes to rest;And lullabie can I sing to,As womanly as can the best.

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    The current Babe Ruth of improv? Sacha Baron Cohen. He's pretty amazing.

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    The whole sex symbol or babe thing doesn't bother me.

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    Wassup dear? Sup babe? What street you by? On 5th Bout to hit the West Side High

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    To be loved is the birthright of every mewling babe, but, once grown, a man is not assured of such affection.

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    Well, I'm a Harley Babe.

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    When I did 'Babe' I wanted to talk about animal rights without going through some convoluted justifications about using animal products.

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    You don't call Acheron 'babe.' (Valerius) You don't call Acheron 'babe' because...well, that's just sick. But I call him 'babe' all the time. (Tabitha)

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    Who discreetly whispers you forgot to zip up your pants? You babe, you're my bestest friend.

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    Your on your on with this one babe." "Coward." "Calling me names isn't going to get me in there." -Ranger and Stephanie

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    This isn't just a job. This is a service profession. We uphold the law, babe." Ranger

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    Call me babe again, and I’ll slit your throat,” she said, the sweetness in her voice a direct contradiction to the daggers she gave him.

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    I can't wait for apples... and apple crisp. Her soul suddenly felt as warm as a hot oven, and she again rubbed her stomach. "When I think about apple crisp, the baby kicks," Madge said, her breath coming out in little puffs. "So does mine," Wilbur laughed as Babe came sprinting back up to them, tongue hanging, his face a happy smile. Wilbur reached down and petted the dog. "Attaboy," he said, brushing a layer of snow off the dog. "Gotta learn to be like Babe. Happy and grateful for the smallest things in this world.

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    "You been down to the bottom with a bad man, babe But you're back were you belong.

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    How swiftly you dismiss our love...

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    I know babe" he said, wrapping me in his arms. I could hear the loudly thu-bump of his heart as he picked me up and carried me like a child. And he called me Babe.

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    A babe, by intercourse of touch I held mute dialogues with my Mother's heart.

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    People are rarely what they seem, babe.

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    You’re lucky you’re good in bed.” “Oh.” He grabbed at my foot. “I think you keep me around for other reasons.” I slanted him a look out of the corner of my eye. “Right now, for the life of me I can’t think what those reasons are.” Braden tugged harder on my foot, raising his fingers towards it. “Take it back or the foot getsit.” Oh hell no! I yanked at my appendage. “Braden, no.” Deaf to my warning, he started to tickle me,his grip tightening as I laughed breathlessly and kicked out, trying to get free. He wouldn’t stop. Ruthless! “Braden,” I panted hysterically, attempting to shove at him with my arms but struggling as he continued his war on my feet. I laughed harder, ribs aching, and then… horror. I broke wind. Big time. Braden immediately let go of my feet, his loud, rumbling laugh filling the room, laughter that only deepened when I lost balance, from kicking out at him and then being abruptly let go, and fell off the couch with an undignified thud. Mortified as he collapsed against the couch belly laughing at my fart then fall, I grabbed a cushion and launched it at him from my position on the floor. Of course this only made the idiot laugh harder. I warred between feeling humiliation at farting in front of him, something you just didn’t do in company, and laughing, since his was so infectious. “Braden!” I whined. “Shut up. It’s not funny,” I huffed, my lips caught in part smile, part grimace. “Oh babe,” he tried to catch his breath, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye as he grinned down at me. “That was definitely funny.” He held out a hand to help me up. I slapped it away. “You’re such an immature a-hole.” “Hey, I’m not the one who just let off.” Oh God, it was so awful. I groaned, falling onto my back and covering my eyes with my hands. “Jocelyn,” I felt his hand on my knee and heard the amusement in his voice. “Babe, why are you so embarrassed? It was just a fart. Brilliantly timed I might add.” I sucked in the mortification. “Oh my God, shut up.” He chuckled again and I snapped open my furious eyes. “You’re enjoying this!” “Well yeah,” he huffed, eyes bright. “I’ve never seen you embarrassed before. Even when I walked in on you naked you gave me attitude and acted like you didn’t care. That you’re mortified by a fart is really quite adorable.” “I am not adorable!” “Oh I think you are.

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    A babe at the breast is as much pleasure as the bearing is pain.

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    Syn felt a foot nudge his under the table, making him look at Furi and turn up the corner of his mouth. “There, that’s better,” Furi said in his deep, sexy timbre. “You’re hot as fuck when you get all controlling." Syn just shook his head and took a large gulp of the beer the waitress just sat in front of him. “We’ll have the endless wings, please.” Furi ordered for them. “Anything else, babe?” Syn choked on his beer at Furi’s term of endearment, wrenching a hearty laugh from not only the waitress but from his date too. “Funny. You’ll pay for that later.” “I hope so,” Furi almost purred.

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    A babe is nothing but a bundle of possibilities.

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    A babe is fed with milk and praise.

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    Alex grabbed our things from the bike and bought them inside; then he fastened the tent closed, securing us in. "Come here, babe, I'll keep you warm.

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    A role can go from being a babe to anything, as long as it's something that makes me curious.

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    Attending fully and becoming supple, Can you be as a newborn babe?

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    Babe Ruth was great. I'm just lucky.

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    Alas! dear Joy, the merriest, is dead. But I have wed Peace ; and our babe, a boy, New-born, is Joy.

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    Babe Ruth was not afraid to strike out. And it was this fearlessness that contributed to his remarkable career.

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    Don't worry about it. Babe Ruth struck out on occasion, too.