Best 8552 quotes in «hate quotes» category

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    Be childish. Be irresponsible. Be disrespectful. Be everything this society hates.

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    Been brainwashed since age 2 I only had imaginary friends And still do And they hate you

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    Be grateful for luck. Pay the thunder no mind - listen to the birds. And don't hate nobody.

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    Be famous. Be a big social experiment in getting what you don't want. Find value in what we've been taught is worthless. Find good in what the world says is evil. I'm giving you my life because I want the whole world to know you. I wish the whole world would embrace what it hates. Find what you're afraid of most and go live there.

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    Being a woman writer, I would be deceiving myself if I said I write completely through the eye of a man. There's nothing bad in it, but that does not make me a feminist writer. I hate that name. The tag is from the Western world - like we are called the Third World.

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    Being a victim of oppression in the United States is not enough to make you revolutionary, just as dropping out of your mother's womb is not enough to make you human. People who are full of hate and anger against their oppressors or who only see Us versus Them can make a rebellion but not a revolution. The oppressed internalize the values of the oppressor. Therefore, any group that achieves power, no matter how oppressed, is not going to act differently from their oppressors as long as they have not confronted the values that they have internalized and consciously adopted different values.

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    Being a superpower is like being a Santa Claus that everyone hates.

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    Being gay is natural. Hating gay is a lifestyle choice.

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    Being in the industry, I've seen many situations where someone will get the call from the network where they say 'You guys have 5 episodes to wrap it up.' Then all your long-term story arcs gotta get wrapped up in five episodes because that's how many episodes you got left. I would hate to see that happen to 'Castle'.

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    Being female in this world means having been robbed of the potential for human choice by men who love to hate us. One does does not make choices in freedom. Instead, one conforms in body type and behavior and values to become an object of male sexual desire, which requires an abandonment of a wide-ranging capacity for choice... Men too make choices. When will they choose not to despise us?

    • hate quotes
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    Being self-critical is good; being self-hating is destructive. There's a very fine line there somewhere, and I walk it carefully.

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    Belief is a very peculiar thing: we tend to put more store in a belief we like than a fact we hate.

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    Be inspired to ignore their ignorant message, and feel gratitude in your heart that you are not burdened or addicted to hate, as they are.

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    Being Mormon is a big part of who I am, and I try very hard to live the right way, but I don't know that I'm an example. I hate to say, 'Yes, look at me. I'm a good example of being Mormon.' I want to be the best person I can be, so in that aspect, maybe I'm a good example.

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    Ben Carson's not really a factor anymore. I hate to say that of anybody, but he isn't a factor anymore.

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    Believe me, Hillary Clinton has tremendous hate in her heart.

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    Believe not much them that seem to despise riches, for they despise them that despair of them.

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    Believe it or not--it takes a lot of love to hate you like this.

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    Beside him a tiny elderly woman was leaning on a cane, studying him with curiosity. Since good manners seemed to require that he speak to her, Jon cast about for some sort of polite conversation pertinent to the occasion. “I hate funerals, don’t you?” He said. “I rather like them,” she said smugly. “At my age, I regard each funeral I attend as a personal triumph, because I was not the guest of honor.

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    Besides, our nearness to the King in love Is near the hate of those love not the King.

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    Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost.

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    Beware of him who hates the laugh of a child.

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    Be noble minded! Our own heart, and not other men's opinions of us, forms our true honor.

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    Beneath the greatest love lies a hurricane of hate.

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    Beyond all explanations which a good brain can give, why do we choose the worse and not the better, why hate rather than love, why greed and not generosity, why self-centred activity and not open total action? Why be mean when there are soaring mountains and flashing streams? Why jealousy and not love? Why?

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    Bite your lips, little brother...Don't cry. Keep your anger, your hate, for another day, for later. The day will come but not now...Wait. Clench your teeth and wait.

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    Bias used to say that men ought to calculate life both as if they were fated to live a long and a short time, and that they ought to love one another as if at a future time they would come to hate one another; for that most men were bad.

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    Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes.

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    Bhutto represents everything the fundamentalists hate - a powerful, highly-educated woman operating in a man's world, seemingly unafraid to voice her independent views and, indeed, seemingly unafraid of anything, including the very real possibility that one day someone might succeed in killing her because of who she is.

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    Be worried when the haters stop hating and the critics stop criticizing.

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    Biology has tended to be an observational science and deriving things from first principles has not been possible in the past but I hate to predict the future on that.

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    Blunted unto goodness is the heart which anger never stirreth, but that which hatred swelleth, is keen to carve out evil.

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    Blacks have a special history, since they were enslaved and were here as early as the first Americans. I hate to sound like a liberal but these are facts. That makes blacks a special group.

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    Blind hate against the enemy creates a forceful impulse that cracks the boundaries of natural human limitations, transforming the soldier in an effective, selective and cold killing machine. A people without hate cannot triumph against the adversary.

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    Born enemies don't fight. Nations you would say were designed to go to war against each other by their skins, their language, their smell; always jealous of each other, always hating each other; they're not the ones who fight. You will find the real antagonists in nations fate has groomed and made ready for the same war.

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    Boogie! I hate boogie, God, I mean, not the Chicago boogie like Willie Dixon or Howlin' Wolf, but all those awful white bands.

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    Boy, do I hate to lose.

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    Brain surgery is a terrible profession. If I did not feel it will become different in my lifetime, I should hate it.

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    Boy, I'd hate to shoot on tape or disc or whatever the hell they're talking about. I love film.

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    Boys frustrate me. I hate all their indirect messages, I hate game playing. Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you.

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    Brian is an archetypal character, a bit like Don Juan, which is how I play him. He's a blast to play. He believes unapologetically in his freedom. He holds nothing back. Something I'm learning is, you can't hate the character you play. If I think my character is an asshole, that's all that will come across. He is drawn in an extreme way, but that doesn't mean he's not a person.

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    Brilliant. A very funny and concise explanation of why we men are as we are. If you are male, you should read it and then make your partner read it, so they will no longer hate you but pity you instead.

    • hate quotes
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    Building art is a synthesis of life in materialised form. We should try to bring in under the same hat not a splintered way of thinking, but all in harmony together.

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    Bullies are ultimately unhappy people who try to inflict pain and hate on others and are to be pitied. Once you realize that, their words can no longer hurt you.

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    Bureaucracy destroys initiative. There is little that bureaucrats hate more than innovation, especially innovation that produces better results than the old routines. Improvements always make those at the top of the heap look inept. Who enjoys appearing inept?

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    Bullets ain't racial, kid...they only hate you.

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    Burn, baby, burn,” she muttered in a hard, satisfied voice. I cleared my throat. “As much as I hate to interrupt the supreme satisfaction you’re taking in watching the mansion blaze to the ground, I’d really like to get out of here before the whole house collapses on top of us.

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    Both the Oblation Board and the Specters of Indifference are bewitched by this truth about human beings: that innocence is different from experience. The Oblation Board fears and hates Dust, and the Specters feast on it, but it's Dust both of them are obsessed by.

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    [Bush Hating] undermines the good faith necessary for democratic discussion. Which is a large part of what people like Al Franken are all about.