Best 15 quotes in «martini quotes» category

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    It was always fun to skate with Paul Wylie and Paul Martini.

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    Martinis are like breasts, one isn't enough, and three is too many.

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    One martini is just right. Two martinis are too many. Three martinis are never enough.

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    Oh, yeah. A big part of my job is drinking martinis when I work in advertising.

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    Really, can anyone drink several martinis at lunch?

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    suffering is as necessary to entertaining as vermouth is to a Martini - a small but vital ingredient.

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    They say that a martini is like a woman's breast. One ain't enough and three is too many.

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    Me acerqué más aún y le dije susurrando —Hoy brindé por una noche sin conciencia ni culpas, el universo no me pudo enviar una mejor señal que un diseñador, esto debe significar algo. Ian levantó su ceja. Sostenía mi mirada a cinco centímetros de distancia de mi rostro, le preguntó a Johannes que nos observaba anonadado con las cejas arqueadas. —Amigo ¿Por qué brindamos hoy cuando nos servimos nuestro primer trago? —Por una noche creativa —respondió Johannes entre risas. —Y el universo me envió a una diseñadora… definitivamente esto debe significar algo.

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    You can no more keep a Martini in the refrigerator than you can keep a kiss there.

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    Mirabelle? Mirabelle Bevan? Well, I’ll be blowed!” Mirabelle started, almost spilling her drink. It took her a moment to realize who the handsome man was, now his hair was greying at the edges and he was out of uniform. Puffing laconically on a cigarette, martini in hand, he wore a lounge suit and an understated silk tie with a discreet regimental insignia woven into the fabric. “Eddie,” she smiled. “What are you doing here?

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    A woman needs her privacy while drinking a dirty Belvedere martini on the rocks with a splash of Tabasco.

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    I have either a cucumber martini, gin martini, or a vodka martini. That's it. Simple.

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    A medium Vodka dry Martini - with a slice of lemon peel. Shaken and not stirred.

    • martini quotes
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    Happiness is.....finding two olives in your martini when youre hungry.

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    I never go jogging, it makes me spill my martini.