Best 146 quotes in «true self quotes» category

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    Though we sometimes suspect that people are hiding things from us, it is not until we are in love that we feel an urgency to press our inquiries, and in seeking answers, we are apt to discover the extent to which people disguise and conceal their real selves.

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    To begin with, it seems like an effort to keep returning to the welcoming presence, but at some point it is so natural that it seems to require an effort to leave it. It feels like home. We no longer feel that we need to be entertained.

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    To enter your true self, check your ego at the door.

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    To know God begins with knowing ourselves, our true selves, whom we uncover as we make choices that help us step beyond the influence of the ego.

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    To see yourself objectively from the outside is a great blessing! Sometimes to visit your true-self you must leave yourself!

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    True happiness starts in the core of our true selves as a constant, a guidepost, a default, and a strength that shines from the inside out.

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    True beauty happens when two worlds collide and become one.

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    We are all 'right' if we are being truly ourselves.... that is the best we can be in each moment, until we learn more...

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    Until the ego dissolves or evolves to become one with our true self, we remain slaves of our own egos.

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    We all dream of being exactly what we are – powerful, beautiful, and worthy.

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    We are the oneness in love, joy and happy. We share this moment in time to experience the fullest and expansion of all our existence to collapse and be redefine into the truth of who and what we are and always will be. ~jh

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    When an individual trusts another sufficiently to expose the true self--the deepest fears, the hidden desires--a powerful intimacy is born.

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    What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.' A. W. Tozer wrote that, talking about how people project their opinions about God onto the world. He was asking those of us who believe in God- which is most of us - what God it is we believe in. Good question. ...we project onto God our worst attitudes and feelings about ourselves. As someone famously remarked, 'God made us in his own image and we have more than returned the compliment.' If we feel hatred for ourselves, it only makes sense that God hates us. Right? No, not so much. It's no good assuming God feels about us the way we feel about ourselves intensely and freely with complete wisdom and never-ending compassion. If the Christian story is true, the God who shows his love for us everywhere, in everything, expresses that love completely and finally in what Jesus did for us. Deal done -- can't add to, can't subtract from it. Any questions?"(pp. 20-21)

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    What is this Self, and how did the Shaiva philosophers of Kashmir experience It? They assert that the Self alone has absolute existence. This Self is within every human being, and in recognizing and experiencing It within ourselves, we are actually at one with the divine. What is more, the Self exists within us at all times, whether or not we recognize and experience It. As living beings we are always aware of our own existence, and the experience of existing is always present in us. Further, we never require the help of any aids in feeling our own existence. Even when we are in a state of deep dreamless sleep in which the senses and the knowing mind and intellect are no longer functioning, the Self continues to experience Itself as a witness to this state. Had the Self not existed as a witness during this time, how could we, upon awaking, recollect the void experienced in deep sleep? Thus the Self is always self-existent, self-evident, and self-conscious, and is Itself Its own proof. Shaiva philosophers, relying on their experiences of deep revelation (turya) during meditation, assert that the Self is Consciousness, and that Consciousness is actually a kind of stirring. It is not physical or psychic in nature, but it is described as a spiritual stir or urge. All living beings feel in themselves this urge in the form of a will to know and to do, and so we are always inclined toward knowing and doing. We can recognize this urge in all forms of life, even in a healthy newborn baby, or in a chick just hatched out of an egg. Knowing, the first urge, is itself an action, or something we do. The act of doing, the second urge, cannot occur without knowing. Yet neither of them is possible without willing. Willing is a sort of extroverted stirring of the above mentioned natural and subtle urge of Consciousness (Sivadrsti, I.9, 10, 24, 25). This stirring appears as a vibrative volition known in Kashmir Shaivism as spanda. It is neither a physical vibration like sound or light, nor mental movement like desire, disgust, or passion. Rather, it is the spiritual stirring of Consciousness whose essential nature is a simultaneous inward and outward vibration. The inward and outward movements of spanda shine as subjective and objective awareness of I-ness and this-ness respectively. The inward stirring shines as the subject, the Self, the transcendental experience of the pure “I”, while the outward stirring illuminates the object, the other, the immanent “that-ness” and “this-ness” of phenomena. Because of this double-edged nature of spanda, the pure Self is experienced in both its transcendental and immanent aspects by yogins immersed in the state of Self-revelation (turya). Beyond turya, one can experience the state of Paramasiva, known as pure Consciousness (turiyatita). Paramasiva, the Ultimate, is that Self illuminated within us by the glowing awareness of Its own pure Consciousness. There It shines as “I”, which transcends the concepts of both transcendence and immanence. It is “I” and “I” alone. It is the infinite and absolutely perfect monistic “I”, without any sense of “this-ness” at all. Shaivism uses the term samvit to describe this pure “I”. Samvit consists of that superior luminosity of pure Consciousness, which is known as prakasa and as its Self-awareness, known as vimarsa. The “I”, existing as samvit and samvit alone, is absolutely pure ptentiality, and is the real Self of every living being. Samvit is not the egoistic “I”. The egoistic “I” revolves around four aspects of our being: (1) deha, the gross physical body, (2) buddhi, the fine mental body, (3) prana, the subtler life force, and (4) sunya (the void of dreamless sleep), the most subtle form of finite, individual consciousness.

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    When I get honest I admit that I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and I doubt, I hope and I get discouraged. I love and I hate; I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am trusting and suspicious. I am honest, and I still play games. Aristotle said I am a rational animal. I say I am an angel with an incredible capacity for beer.

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    When we come in contact with our true self, we stop trying to be someone else. We fall in love with it and embrace it with all its flaws :-)

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    Why are we here? To remember, and re-create, Who You Are. [...] You use life to create your Self as Who You Are, and Who You've Always Wanted to Be.

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    Within and around the earth, within and around the hills, within and around the mountains your authority returns to you.

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    You are beholden To the truth It is the way It is the path It is your destiny To be true Is to be

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    You're not going anywhere.

    • true self quotes
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    Your journey through life and self-discovery is much like the start of a new day. As you grow, develop, and reinvent yourself, the tendrils of light tear through the darkness of your untapped potential and uncharted territory. As you learn more, discover your life’s purpose, and establish a vision for your future, the light shines through on your true self.

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    What goes on in your innermost being is worth all your love, this is what you must work on however you can and not waste too much time and too much energy on clarifying your attitude to other people.

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    What you do when no one is guiding you determines who you are.

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    When people tell you that you aren't something or you can't accomplish your dreams, you can either cry about it or prove them wrong.

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    When you start doing things that are truly in alignment with what your true self wants, what your soul wants, you flourish and life becomes a lot easier.

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    Words to intrigue, inspire, examine, question, praise; Words to help us appreciate our world, our selves, our games; Words to dance our true soul fires gracefully free.

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    You are eternal, beautiful, and real.

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    You cannot be who you are not. Simply rest, sit still and unknot. You may even try to emulate and inspire, But it's the inner self that you'll transpire.

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    You're great. You don't need to be sorry for being who you're. You're a miracle. You're a wonder in this generation. Unchain your true self!

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    Your true self is a boundless spiritual being. You are spirit in body.

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    Your true character in life is your destiny.

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    Your true life is the one that would be the greatest gift you could give to others.

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    You want me to talk about love, to give you a hold, something to feel, to admire or obtain. I will not give you a straw to grasp, and in this emptiness you will be taken by yourself. You are love so don’t try to be a lover.

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    One can only walk so far from one's true self before the bond either snaps, or pulls one back.

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    Attitude ... is the vanguard of your true self.

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    I'm so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self.

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    You will never really think hard about your life until your oxygen mask is taken away from you when you are at the bed of the ocean. At that exact moment, your true self will be revealed. You will really know if you are a believer or an atheist, whether you really love life or hate it as you usually say. All your claims will be tested

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    Addiction is only a hopeless attempt to deal with the pain of living cutoff from who we really are.

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    Abandoning your true self amounts to suicide except that it is less dramatic. Don't commit suicide so that you may appease some folks...

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    A body can't prosper if a person don't know who they are. That makes you poor as a pea, not knowing who you are inside. That's worse than being anything in the world on the outside.

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    As you recover, you will find yourself letting go of many of your negative beliefs. You will discover that many of the so-called truths you were raised with and forced to believe are not truths at all. With this perspective, you will come to see, for example, that the names you were called as a child are simply not true. You are not ‘stupid,’ ‘lazy,’ ‘ugly,’ or a ‘liar’. You can discover just who you really are. You can let go of your pretenses and masks and discover who the real person is underneath.

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    Are we all in fact two people, not one? Are we all One and Another? What I know is that I have an "everyday self," the one who does things, says things, deals with the ins and outs, ups and downs of daily life, and another, an "inner self," the one I think of as my real self, the self who observes everything my everyday self does, comments and judges, praises and dispraises, considers what would be best to do and not to do, and assesses the results.

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    And he began to see the truth, that [he] had neither lost nor won but, naming the shadow of his death with his own name, had made himself whole: a man: who, knowing his whole true self, cannot be used or possessed by any power other than himself, and whose life therefore is lived for life's sake and never in the service of ruin, or pain, or hatred, or the dark.

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    And so I would ask you if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife?" As he spoke, she saw him glance over her shoulder, looking at the clock that stood in the corner. As though he had another appointment after this one. The one where he decided her fate. Unless she decided it for herself. The emotion she'd felt on recognizing Lord Alexander in that ballroom rushed over her, the unfamiliar feelings of want and dissatisfaction and wishing she could just be herself, just do something that wasn't related to who she was- she wanted to stand up and demand that Lord Carson, that anyone see her as Eleanor, the pun-loving, adventurous woman who adored Italian. Not a female to be bartered from one family to another.

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    Ask our heart what it yearns to be and feel, and begin to live that. When this is asked, our heart will unfailingly guide us home to our true authentic self.

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    Beauty is what you make of it. It is undefined and limitless.

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    At the nights our real self - the most true and deepest emotions wake up. That’s why we have the best ideas and vivid dreams at that time

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    Beauty isn't skin-deep. It's bone-deep. Heart-deep. Soul-deep. Only put to sleep. When we prick our finger on fear. Beauty can't be bought or made. It can only be awoken through laughter, and living, and love. Through being you and being true.

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    Birds feed; then they nest. Paint them any color you want, send them halfway around the world, but they’ll always find a way back. And eventually they’ll show their true colors again.

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    Be who you truly are and make everything merge into your one true self.