Best 41 quotes in «universal love quotes» category

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    Each petal in the universe whispers in our ears that an unknown power is at work. If we align ourselves with this divine energy, offer our work to Him and move on in life, we will never have any worries and anxieties in our life.

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    Fighting for truth is not a sentimental act based on emotion but an act of courage based on clarity.

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    Everywhere you turn is an element of sharing and sending love.

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    He or she who is deceived by power will not understand what love in the universe is all about.

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    God would prefer us all to be united than divided. The devil would prefer us all to be divided than united. God prefers the man who loves than the one who hates. The devil prefers the man who hates than the one who loves.

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    If the chanting in temple would help inner peace, if the preaching in a mosque would address humanity and the choirs in a church would sing songs of universal love, I am not against religions!

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    He remembered about [name], about his death, and involuntarily started comparing these two men, so different and at the same time so similar, because of the love he had for both of them, and because both had lived and both had died.

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    It is the very parts we perceive to be not-so-good that need our love the most. As it is only in love that what is hurting or what has been marginalized can be embraced, felt and transformed.

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    I have a different theory, which is even more harebrained. It goes like this: Maybe we should all just love one another, even if we don't completely understand the things that people bear in their dark, strange hearts, even if the stars that other men and women are following seem invisible to us. If we make ourselves open to the humanity of others first, maybe understanding will follow. An incomprehensible theory of the universe isn't necessary if your only ambition is to embrace another soul. What you need, maybe all you need, in fact, is the willingness to love.

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    I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth; I am a citizen of the world.

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    Even in these very confusing times, love still seems to come out on top, is still the desire of humans worldwide, and is still the wish from people everywhere out to everyone—to be happy and free.

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    It is our job to follow the impulse, or vision, placed in our hearts at birth and then to release that impulse into the unseen hand of the Beloved for manifestation.

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    Like Arjuna, we too are enough, as we have a unique part to play in the Divine plan. And, like Arjuna, we are nothing when—in those glorious moments—we take refuge in our God, crying out in sweet surrender, “Thy will be done!” And, in an instant, we are free. Welcome Home.

    • universal love quotes
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    Like flowers of the field, we are each unique, yet all brought forth by the same Source.

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    Love" is a brilliant defying logic that thrives on human weaknesses!

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    Miracle: to love more with an irreparable heartache

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    Love is the answer to everything.

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    Radical self-acceptance enables us to sit at the feet of our life to be taught. Being taught transforms our fears and struggles into a kind of compost from which we may grow a more joyful life. And, along the way, we become a little more free of self-imposed obstacles and become a little more our Self. And, we are glad.

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    Nature finds its peace in silence, forgiveness, and universal love.

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    My attitude towards food of planet earth took care of a belief beyond one universe.

    • universal love quotes
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    Notice people connecting with each other. Notice caring in action all around. Put your focus on love and change your life. I dare you.

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    Once we stop asking ourselves to be happy or perfect or anything else other than what is simply true for us in the moment, we can more easily stop asking the same of others as well.

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    ONE BUT MANY One God, many faces. One family, many races. One truth, many paths. One heart, many complexions. One light, many reflections. One world, many imperfections. ONE. We are all one, But many.

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    Selfish needs, wants, and desires needed to be obliterated. Greed, overindulgence, and gluttony had to be expunged from human behavior. The solution was in self-control, in minimalism, in sparse living conditions; one simple and a brand-new dictionary filled with words everyone would understand.

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    We blossom not in spite of but because of. I think of every experience as my teacher, most especially the difficult ones. I believe this is the role of suffering. Suffering cracks us open to allow for new light. Yet, we can choose to accept the light or hide under our bushel.

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    There are moments in the course of gender healing work when the veils obscuring its deeper mystery are suddenly parted and the underlying omniscient presence of the Beloved, or Spirit, or Love – the force and radiance at the core of the work – is subtly revealed. In such moments there is an inexplicable energetic shift that touches everyone present, and people are moved beyond their usual selfish attachments into a selfless, universal compassion.

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    To become a true global citizen, one must abandon all notions of otherness and instead embrace togetherness.

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    Today my heart is focused on the vibrational energy that my world is in harmony with the Universe.

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    Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right, nor do Two Rights Make a Left. Which ever side you think is Correct. Great. That is what resonates with your perception... Dive deep within yourself to discover why you think you need to judge or change the person in your perception.. when the real change is the reflection in the mirror..reflected by the person you are trying to change... out of fear. Fear is the negative energies keeping you from the light of truth. Be Yourself and Honor others for who they are. If we were all the same.. the world wouldn't have so many pretty colors and changes.

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    When I am in balance with the vibration of the sun, the moon, the stars and the planets I am ultimately connected to the Universe.

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    We have within ourselves as a species, to find the beauty in everything. And once we master it, we will then be some of the gentlest creatures that ever evolved.

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    We use our words and languages to describe the infinite Universe within and around. Yet this infinite Oneness is eternally prior to and beyond all words or description....

    • universal love quotes
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    What advise to you offer to those who are awakened? If you have awakened I offer no advise. For as the 'awakened' you see with Universal Mind and you feel with Universal Love. You exist entirely here within the Infinite Now. Namaste ~ L

    • universal love quotes
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    You matter. That smile you shared could be the sun on someone’s darkest day.

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    Within a raindrop there must be a heart- a heart that weeps the pain of longing. Look at her embracing her beloved and disappearing unto his yearning, but once again to set journey to the skies! O dear, so is our union, a short while in the beautiful home named earth; but we shall continue, until the last drop water drains into the earth and there are no more rays of sun kissing these tender leaves of green! And at last when the terrain shatters onto the Milky Way as tiny particles, O dear, remember, we will embrace once again to make a planet, a planet of love!

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    You are in love with your own reflection of the universe.

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    You ought not to love the individuals of your domestic circle less, but to love those who exist beyond it more. Once make the feelings of confidence and of affection universal, and the distinctions of property and power will vanish; nor are they to be abolished without substituting something equivalent in mischief to them, until all mankind shall acknowledge an entire community of rights.

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    Be universal in your love. You will see the universe to be the picture of your own being.

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    It is not up to us to particularize, but rather to deduce that the concepts of human rights originated from the divine influence because, as far as we are concerned, we are compelled to recognize our slow individual evolution from fierce selfishness toward a universal love, from the iniquity toward true justice.

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    Any idea of separation is bondage. True liberation of the mind is in non-differentiation.

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    A religious individual may most gloriously carry out his or her own rituals, as a part of his or her cultural identity, but the moment, that person starts to build a wall of separation between the self and the rest of humanity, coaxed by the textual commands of a scripture, the healthy religiousness turns into dangerous fundamentalism, which is a threat to both the self and the society.