Best 55 quotes in «sabbath quotes» category

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    Silence is the Sabbath of the soul. Therein we rest, and therein we hear everything.

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    I'm Reconstructionist; I don't serve the Sabbath, but I go to synagogue.

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    Sabbath rest is more than mere abstention from physical work; and, therefore, must include worship and Scripture-reading.

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    In the early days, you would get skinheads, the Eagles and Black Sabbath playing the same show.

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    Poetry is to philosophy what the Sabbath is to the rest of the week.

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    Sabbath's golden rule: Cease from what is necessary. Embrace that which gives life.

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    Sunday is the core of our civilization, dedicated to thought and reverence.

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    Sunday, that day so tedious to the triflers of earth, so full of beautiful reposes of calmness and strength for the earnest and heavenly minded.

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    The savings bank of human existence is the weekly Sabbath.

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    Then as I got older, I always gravitated towards the hard stuff, Born To Be Wild, then Black Sabbath

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    There is a Sunday conscience as well as a Sunday coat; and those who make religion a secondary concern put the coat and conscience carefully by to put on only once a week.

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    The streams of religion run deep or shallow, according as the banks of the Sabbath are kept up or neglected.

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    The work on weekdays and the rest on the seventh day are correlated. The Sabbath is the inspirer, the other days the inspired.

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    The Sabbath, as now recognized and enforced, is one of the main pillars of Priestcraft and Superstition, and the stronghold of a merely ceremonial Religion.

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    The Sabbath is not for the sake of the weekdays; the weekdays are for the sake of Sabbath. It is not an interlude but the climax of living.

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    Toward the later days of Sabbath, instead of going in and knocking out what songs we did in rehearsal, we would polish them to death.

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    Without a Sabbath, no worship; without worship, no religion; and without religion, no permanent freedom.

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    According to Tim Keller, nearly all Presbyterian Church in America presbyters subscribe to The Westminster Confession of Faith ‘with only the most minor exceptions (the only common one being with regard to the Sabbath).’ If, however, such an exception amounts to a wholesale rejection of the confessions’s approach to the Sabbath, its authors might have judged Keller a master of understatement. Were the Westminster Confession a garment, you would not want to pull this ‘minor’ thread, unless you wanted to be altogether defrocked. And perhaps the reason that some people pull at this thread is because they regard the confession as more of a straightjacket than a garment. Unbuckle the Sabbath, and you are well on your way to mastering theological escapology. If this seems overstatement to rival Keller’s understatement, let me say that biblical law, with its Sabbath, is no easily dispensable part of the Reformed doctrinal infrastructure. And what applies to the theology of the Reformed churches often applies to wider Protestant theology. Attempts at performing a precision strike on the Sabbath produce an embarrassing amount of unintended damage. Strike out the Sabbath and you also shatter the entire category of moral law and all that depends on it.

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    Believing this country to be a political and not a religious organisation ... the editor of the NATIONAL CITIZEN will use all her influence of voice and pen against 'Sabbath Laws', the uses of the 'Bible in School', and pre-eminently against an amendment which shall introduce 'God in the Constitution.

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    The Sabbath-day is the savings-bank of humanity.

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    A life built upon Sabbath is contented because in rhythms of rest we discover our time is full of the holiness of God.

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    As we wait, God reveals his purpose in the preparations he is doing within us, and our hopeful outlook is the result.

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    Divine worship means the same thing where time is concerned, as the temple where space is concerned. "Temple" means... that a particular piece of ground is specially reserved, and marked off from the remainder of the land which is used either for agriculture or habitation... Similarly in divine worship a certain definite space of time is set aside from working hours and days... and like the space allotted to the temple, is not used, is withdrawn from all merely utilitarian ends.

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    Cherishing Jesus as gain above all people, above all wealth, above all powers.

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    I find my thoughts drifting to the Sabbath, the day of rest, the seventh day of the week, and perhaps the seventh day of one’s life as well, when one can feel that one’s work is done, and one may, in good conscience, rest.

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    Extravagant wastefulness in time might prove the most productive thing you choose for yourself.

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    God's creation is a life-giving inhale for all of us, and Sabbath is the exhale.

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    Oliver Cromwell banned kissing on Sundays---even for married couples---on pain of a prison sentence.

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    In editing a volume of Washington's private letters for the Long Island Historical Society, I have been much impressed by indications that this great historic personality represented the Liberal religious tendency of his time. That tendency was to respect religious organizations as part of the social order, which required some minister to visit the sick, bury the dead, and perform marriages. It was considered in nowise inconsistent with disbelief of the clergyman's doctrines to contribute to his support, or even to be a vestryman in his church. In his many letters to his adopted nephew and younger relatives, he admonishes them about their manners and morals, but in no case have I been able to discover any suggestion that they should read the Bible, keep the Sabbath, go to church, or any warning against Infidelity. Washington had in his library the writings of Paine, Priestley, Voltaire, Frederick the Great, and other heretical works. [The Religion of Washington]

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    Mafundisho mengine ambayo si ya kweli ya Ukristo ambayo hutokana na utambuzi wao wa matukio haya ni ‘Siku ya Bwana’. Makanisa ya Kikatoliki na Kiprotestanti kote duniani yanaonekana kuwa na nia njema lakini huwadanganya watu kuamini kuwa Kristo alibadili siku ya kupumzika kutoka Sabato kwenda Jumapili. Angewezaje kufanya hivyo? Angeweza kufanya hivyo kwa ufufuo wake!

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    Nini kingetokea kama Adamu na Hawa wasingekula tunda la Mti wa Maarifa ya Mema na Mabaya mpaka siku ya Sabato? Mungu angewaruhusu kula na lengo la uumbaji wa Mungu lingekamilika. Wanadamu wakifuata Amri Kumi za Mungu katika maisha yao watakuwa na uwezo maalumu ambao baadaye utawawezesha, kupitia Roho Mtakatifu, kuwa na maarifa ya siri ya uumbaji wa Mungu.

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    Most are inclined to recline into a reclining position, in order to enjoy the decline.

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    Pausing for prayerful listening, even for a few minutes, brings everything that is important back into focus.

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    Sabbath still matters and we need the challenge it offers against impatience and idolatry. We need the practiced dependence it requires. And we need rest! We need God! And most of the time we are moving too fast to answer his call to be with him. This is the silver lining of the Sabbath cloud...the profound security of his presence...stopping long enough to remember how much he loves us. These help us to wait in larger ways.

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    Rest provides fine-tuning for hearing God's messages amidst the static of life.

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    Sabato ilianzishwa na Mungu siku ya saba ya uumbaji wake. Siku ya Sabato ni siku takatifu, iliyoko katika Amri Kumi za Mungu, ambayo hatuna budi kuitunza na kuiheshimu. Sheria ya Siku ya Sabato haikufa baada ya kifo cha Yesu Kristo msalabani kama Wakolosai wanavyodai. Wakolosai walifuata falsafa za kipagani, na walizileta falsafa hizo ndani ya mwili wa Kristo ambalo ni kanisa. ‘Usiiamini’ Wakolosai 2:17. Iamini Wakolosai 2:20-23, ambapo Paulo anafundisha Mataifa jinsi ya kuitunza Sabato, na 1 Wakorintho 12:27 ambayo inatoa maana halisi ya Wakolosai 2:17. ‘Mwili wako ni wa Kristo’ ni tofauti na ‘mwili wa Kristo’ na ni tofauti na kanisa. Ukiamini kama mwili wako ni wa Kristo na ni kanisa, utaitunza Sabato.

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    Sabbaths, 1982—IV   (“A gardener rises out of the ground”) Thrush song, stream song, holy love That flows through earthly forms and folds, The song of Heaven’s Sabbath fleshed In throat and ear, in stream and stone, A grace living here as we live, Move my mind now to that which holds Things as they change. The warmth has come. The doors have opened. Flower and song Embroider ground and air, lead me Beside the healing field that waits; Growth, death, and a restoring form Of human use will make it well. But I go on, beyond, higher In the hill’s fold, forget the time I come from and go to, recall This grove left out of all account, A place enclosed in song. Design Now falls from thought. I go amazed Into the maze of a design That mind can follow but not know, Apparent, plain, and yet unknown, The outline lost in earth and sky. What form wakens and rumples this? Be still. A man who seems to be A gardener rises out of the ground, Stands like a tree, shakes off the dark, The bluebells opening at his feet, The light a figured cloth of song.

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    Sabbath is a period of 'trying on' God's promised completion, trying on God's future. Sabbath is not rest for a privileged few while all others serve them – that's tourism. Sabbath is the inviting of all creation to be still and imagine the coming of God.

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    Saturday, May 22d.---It is now Saturday night, and I must prepare for the holy Sabbath. My Bible and Confession of Faith are my traveling companions, and precious friends have they been to me. I bless God for that glorious summary of Christian doctrine contained in our noble standards. It has cheered my soul in many a dark hour, and sustained me in many a desponding moment. I love to read it, and ponder carefully each proof text as I pass along.

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    Sabbath isn't about resting perfectly; it's about resting in the One who is perfect.

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    The central ceremony of Ritual Witchcraft was the so-called "Sabbath" - a word of unknown origin having no relation to its Hebrew homonym. Sabbaths were celebrated four times a year - on Candlemass Day, February 2nd, on Rood Mass Day, May 1st, on Lammas Day, August 1st, and on the eve of All Hallows, October 31st. These were great festivals, often attended by hundreds of devotees, who came from considerable distances. Between Sabbaths there were weekly "Esbats" from small congregations in the village where the ancient religion was still practiced. At all high Sabbaths the devil himself was invariably present, in the person of some man who had inherited, or otherwise acquired, the honor of being the incarnation of the two-faced god of the Dianic cult. The worshipers paid homage to the god by kissing his reverse face - a mask worn, beneath an animal's tail, on the devil's backside. There was then, for some at least of the female devotees, a ritual copulation with the god, who was equipped for this purpose with an artificial phallus of horn or metal. This ceremony was followed by a picnic (for the Sabbaths were celebrated out of doors, near sacred trees or stones), by dancing and finally by a promiscuous sexual orgy that had, no doubt, originally been a magical operation for increasing the fertility of the animals on which primitive hunters and herdsmen depend for their livelihood. The prevailing atmosphere at the Sabbaths was one of good fellowship and mindless, animal joy. When captured and brought to trial, many of the who had taken part in the Sabbath resolutely refused, even under torture, even at the stake, to abjure the religion which had brought them so much happiness.

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    Some people sell the tension, some people shun 1/10th's perfection.

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    Stop for one whole day every week, and you will remember what it means to be created in the image of God, who rested on the seventh day not from weariness but from complete freedom. The clear promise is that those who rest like God find themselves free like God, no longer slaves to the thousand compulsions that send others rushing toward their graves.

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    When you abide with God in Sabbath, an unshakable confidence shines from the inside out, enticing others toward the gift of rest as well.

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    The gift of the Sabbath must be treasured. Blessed are you who honour this day.

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    When we abide in Jesus, all our questions about how we Sabbath are answered in who we worship.

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    There are no guarantees that if we keep the Sabbath we will be successful. But honouring the Sabbath (and not overworking the other six days) will give us an opportunity to grow in our trust of God and experience his faithfulness. If we take time to honour the Sabbath we may actually find that we are less productive than we were before...God's provision for us as we honour his rhythms may be the grace to accept being passed over for a promotion, while gaining a greater sense of fulfillment as we do our work more aware of God, ourselves, and the people around us.

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    When we trust God by taking our hands off our work, what we give up through Sabbath ultimately benefits those around us.

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    You will find rest on Sabbath day for your soul.

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    Black Sabbath was written on bass: I just walked into the studio and went, bah, bah, bah, and everybody joined in and we just did it.