Best 220 quotes of Ozzy Osbourne on MyQuotes

Ozzy Osbourne

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    A child of broken mind, the fear that I hide behind.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    A Christian man is a man who is within himself, who puts out good vibes.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    A foolish picture I live in disgust, degradation being eaten by lust.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    All I ever wanted to do was to do something good so that my parents could be proud of me.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    All rehab can do is tell you what’s wrong with you and then suggest ways for you to get better.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    All that stuff about heavy metal and hard rock, I don't subscribe to any of that. It's all just music. I mean, the heavy metal from the Seventies sounds nothing like the stuff from the Eighties, and that sounds nothing like the stuff from the Nineties. Who's to say what is and isn't a certain type of music?

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    And I never missed one concert. In 89 shows, I think I did one a bit suspect show. In the old days, I'd pull gigs left, right and center because I was too f - - up.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    As I'm getting older a lot of my friends I used to go out and party with, they're all dead. The fact that I've been through that, I'm not proud of the fact that I've been through all that, but it's part of my journey. I'm lucky to be alive. I'm lucky to be playing music.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    As long as there are kids who are pissed off and have no real way in venting out that anger, heavy metal will live on.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    At 18, if someone had said to me, "I think you should go to rehab and get cleaned up," I would have thought, "You're fucking mad.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Be good and honest to your fellow man and try to do something good for somebody.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Being in Birmingham, I thought I was going to be a gangster or a bag-runner or a thief. I heard music and I was determined to get out of there.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Being sober on a bus is, like, totally different than being drunk on a bus.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Black illusion is all I ever see.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Black Sabbath wasn't like the Bon Jovis of the time. We were just a bunch of guys that were against the grain of society. And we sung about things that people thought back then.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    But the thing with us was, we didn’t really need anyone to make us world famous – we were already halfway there.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Children of the future, watching empires fall. Madness the cup they drink from, self destruction the toll.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Chocolate thickens the saliva, which isn't good news if you've gotta recite Shakespeare or sing Iron Man. Having said that, you're not supposed to drink tea either but I still do before gigs. It's not very rock and roll, but it's like a magic potion to me.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Conceived in anger, addicted to hate, the mutant child of a twisted state.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Did you know that the percentage of young people in the crucial 'youthquake' age bracket of 15 to 24 was higher in 1973 than in 1967 ? Therefore it was glam rock that ended the war in Vietnam.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Dogs smoke in France.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Do you know what causes low voter turnout in America? It's the result of having the fate of our nation at stake. This began with the bitter presidential election of 1828, which pitted the education, cultivation, and puritan constraint of John Quincy Adams against the yahoo populism of Andrew Jackson, thereby deciding permanently whether America would become a shining city upon a hill or an overlighted strip mall along a highway.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Do you want me crucified for my profanity?

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Drugs and alcohol were ruling my life. I made a lot of bad decisions while I was drinking alcohol. The first thing I stopped was cigarettes and tobacco.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Everybody's having fun, except me I'm the lonely one I live in shame.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Evil thoughts and evil doing, cold, alone, you hang in ruins.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Execution halts your breath, helter skelter spiral death.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    For years I've had neurological problems. I used to shake a lot and I was on medication - I paid about $700,000 for one year of pills. I was taking 40-odd different ones a day.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    Freddie is great. At a time when everybody around was doing God knows what, Queen was making music.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    He protected his feelings in walls he imagined, but castles crumble exposing the frightened child.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    How can you go on stage and shout 'Yeah! Rock'n'roll forever!' and then go to bed at 10 o'clock with a nightcap on, a candle in your hand and a Bible under your arm?

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I advise that pregnant women do not come to my concerts.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I always feel like I am on the dark side of the tracks. I feel I'm no good. I can't read.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I am a raging alcoholic and a raging addict and I didnt want to see my kids do the same thing

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I am a raging alcoholic, but I don't want my kids to do the same.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I believe in what I do. I mean, I don't go out - I don't have the clothes or drink anymore, I don't do drugs or any of that. I used to. But I got very ready to get me out of the house.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol. I mean, I would never urinate at the Alamo at nine o'clock in the morning dressed in a woman's evening dress sober.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I cannot turn down this incredible honor twice.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I can see thru mountains watch me disappear, I can even touch the sky. Swallowing the colors of the sounds I hear, am I just a crazy guy? You bet.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I can't change the past, but I can try to make a better future for me.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I couldn't be a royal. It's like living in a supersonic goldfish bowl.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I didn’t have a clue what love was about until I met Sharon.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I didn't really like the taste of booze. I liked the effect it did on me. But I can't say I savored a glass full of Chablis Chablis 1932. I drank whatever s - - was in front of me and got me buzzed.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I didn't think anything we did was spectacular. I remember we thought, 'Let's just write some scary music.'

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I discovered rock'n'roll. You could go round Europe in a van with your best mates, drinking beer, smoking dope and screwing chicks.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I do miss the social aspect of sitting in a pub with a pint but you know what when I get down to it I never went for a pint. I went to a pub to get f**ked up. If it was just going for a pint that would be ok but once I start I just can't stop.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I don't know if I'm a medium for some outside source. Whatever it is, frankly, I hope it's not what I think … Satan.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow and I can't relive yesterday but I live in the moment if I can.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I don't know who Ozzy is. I wake up a new person every day.

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    Ozzy Osbourne

    I don’t know whose brilliant idea that was, but it wasn’t mine, that’s for sure.