Best 14 quotes in «true believer quotes» category

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    We can be absolutely certain only about things we do not understand.

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    You rarely find a nonconformist who goes it alone.

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    I see someone who's really good at saying the right things, but when push comes to shove, doesn't mean a thing he says.

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    A little holiday spirit lives forever in everyone. Test your own holiday spirit. Give away all of it you can. You'll see, it comes right back to you.

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    Either it falls on your head like a roof tile or it attaches itself to your insides like a tapeworm. Afterward, you no longer see the world in the same way. You’ve got only one thing on your mind: the thing that has taken you over, body and soul. You want to lift it so you can see what’s under it. And from that point on, you can never turn back. Besides, you’re no longer giving the orders. You think you’re in control, doing what you want to do, but it’s not true. You’re nothing but the instrument of your own frustrations. For you, life and death come down to the same thing, Somewhere, you must have renounced everything that could have given you a chance of returning to earth, to the real world. You’re an extraterrestrial. You live in a kind of limbo, stalking houris and unicorns. As for this world, you don’t even want to hear about it anymore. You’re just waiting for the right moment to cross the threshold. The only way to get back what you’ve lost or to fix what you’ve screwed up -- in other words, the only way to make something of your life -- is to end it with a flourish. … The way you see it, the day of your funeral procession will be the day when you’re exalted in other people’s eyes.

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    I sure would like to get kissed. How would that feel on my mouth, How different would I be after, a changed climate down in my insides?

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    Shun the non-believers. Seek the true believers.

    • true believer quotes
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    The facts on which the true believer bases his conclusions must not be derived from his experience or observation but from holy writ.

    • true believer quotes
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    To a true believer, death is but going to church: from the church below to the church above.

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    There are some people who through hurts do not feel they are good enough and this is a destroyer of their self-images. As a true believer of your dream, you need to see yourself as God sees you. God sees you as his own handiwork and that is pretty great to carry you through!

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    there are the non-believers, make believers and true believers!

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    They who clamor loudest for freedom are often the ones least likely to be happy in a free society.

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    Coincidence is the science of the true believer.

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    Death is robbed of much of its terror for the true believer.