Best 166 quotes in «vacation quotes» category

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    Longing surged up within me. I wanted it. Oh God, I wanted it. I didn't want to hear Jerome chastise me for my "all lowlifes, all the time" seduction policy. I wanted to come home and tell someone about my day. I wanted to go out dancing on the weekends. I wanted to take vacations together. I wanted someone to hold me when I was upset, when the ups and downs of the world pushed me too far. I wanted someone to love.

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    Love is hard work. It is the hardest work I know of, work from which you are never entitled to take a vacation.

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    Make your Vocation into Vacation and you will not have to work a single day.

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    Make your vacation your vocation.

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    My father couldn't speak English when he went to the first grade and I had to work in a factory over Christmas and summer vacations. And I think that's the American way and one of the things that excites me about this race is that pretty much everything I've done I've started at the bottom and been able to finish at the top.

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    Music is my life. The things that people do don't seem interesting to me at all - going out to bars, carrying on, going to parties. What the hell do people do? Shop? Play golf? Have vacations? That doesn't seem interesting to me. To me, my job as a musician is to be a good receptor. A lot of music comes through me.

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    My Vocation is my Vacation. I love what I do.

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    My best vacation is your worst nightmare.

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    My first company was MicroSolutions. I worked 20 hours a day. I didn't take a vacation for 7 years. I didn't even take the time to read a fiction book. It was all about work. When I sold it, I promised myself I would never wear a watch and only wear a suit to weddings, funerals and to meet the President.

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    My first film I made, "Permanent Vacation," we shot in 1979 for like $12,000, part of which I got a fake car loan for that Amos Poe told me you could do that. And, yeah, I had no idea what I was doing. It was just like, well, we're going to try and do this. Partly because I had been following Amos Poe and Eric Mitchell around for about a year, and I worked on some of Eric's films as a sound recordist and stuff.

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    Nobody knows what the future holds, but right now, I'm cool and comfortable and having no second thoughts at all about retirement. I had a good career, I won every world title, but boxing is wear and tear on the body. It's time to hang 'em up. I'm looking forward to working with some up-and-coming kids, going on walks, and taking vacations.

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    My work is like my vacation, so in a way every day is like Saturday.

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    Once a year go someplace you've never been.

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    Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends.

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    One of the best things about being [joyfully] retired is the freedom to travel when I want. When my son and daughter-in-law asked me to stay at their house for a week to house-sit while they were away on vacation, I had the freedom to do it.

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    People always think women meet us in the hotel lobby, but it's the opposite. The majority of the time, you go out to eat with your teammates, then rest for the next day's game. It's not a vacation - most guys view the road as a business trip.

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    Sarah Palin should not be on vacation. She should be in summer school.

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    Relaxing, going on vacation, sleeping, having fun when I want, golfing when I want, do whatever I want - I am going to enjoy it.

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    Sometimes people ask me to do stuff in New York, like "Can you read at this thing?" And I say, "Nooo, I can't just get on a plane with these two screaming children - I can't just get rid of them on such short notice and take vacation and fly over to New York.

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    Temporary release from work, through vacations, becomes more welcome, more pleasurable, even more necessary, as we grow older.

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    Retirement is like a long vacation in Las Vegas. The goal is to enjoy it to the fullest, but not so fully that you run out of money.

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    Statistically, it would seem improbable that any mathematician or scientist, at the age of 66, would be able through continued research efforts, to add much to his or her previous achievements. However I am still making the effort and it is conceivable that with the gap period of about 25 years of partially deluded thinking providing a sort of vacation my situation may be atypical. Thus I have hopes of being able to achieve something of value through my current studies or with any new ideas that come in the future.

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    The easy way out is to approve an early retirement plan one year but not pay out sick and vacation time to deserving employees until three years later. Unfortunately, later is now.

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    The problem with the law is that it's always there. There wasn't a vacation I took over the nine years I practiced - this was back in the dark ages - when I wasn't having faxes and FedExs literally sent to me on the beach in the Caribbean. I used to go on cruises not because I liked cruises, but because it was the one spot they couldn't get you.

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    There really is no vacation from the world in which we live.

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    The most successful people are those who do all year long what they would otherwise do on their summer vacation.

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    There's nothing like a mission to save the world to liven up a vacation.

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    The scheduling thing is really weird with TV shows. Certain projects haven't been able to work out because of the schedule, so some of it is out of your control. You don't have very many opportunities. There isn't much time, so you want to make sure you're going to be doing something that you really feel good about or that you're going to have a good creative experience doing. You're taking up vacation time from your job, so you want it to be meaningful.

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    Thirteen states with a population less than that of New York State alone can prevent repeal [of prohibition] until Halley's comet returns. One might as well talk about a summer vacation on Mars.

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    We can say without exaggeration that the present national ambition of the United States is unemployment. People live for quitting time, for weekends, for vacations, and for retirement; moreover, this ambition seems to be classless, as true in the executive suites as on the assembly lines. One works not because the work is necessary, valuable, useful to a desirable end, or because one loves to do it, but only to be able to quit - a condition that a saner time would regard as infernal, a condemnation.

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    We live in a capitalist system; anyone who believes they are above this system or purer than this system, even while shopping at the cute organic market across the street or taking a hiking vacation to Guatemala, is certifiable.

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    Things have slowed down considerably since the new series has started airing and I am currently looking for work. It has been a nice year-long vacation nonetheless.

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    We should also build the attitude that there is nothing of a vacation, nothing of a holiday in this great missionary service. It is hard, and at times discouraging, work. Last year our missionaries averaged sixty-seven hours a week in actual proselyting effort. Let those who contemplate missions realize that they will work as they have never worked before, and that they may expect such joy as they have not previously known.

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    What if you believed that everything in life was like a prize? What if you thought of the world as a big random drawing, and you were always winning things, the world offering them up with a big grin, like an emcee's: Here you go, Hollis. Here is a motorcycle. Here is a little boy who loves you. Here is a weird experience, here is something bad that you should mull over because it will make you a better person. What if you could think that life was this free vacation you'd won, and you won just because you happened to be alive?

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    Year by year we are learning that in this restless, strenuous American life of ours vacations are essential.

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    When you see yourself on video, you and your friends spending time on vacation, and they take a video, and then you see it, it's really disturbing.

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    You want to move into worlds you've never been in before. It would be like going to the same restaurant all the time or going to the same place for vacation all the time. Where is the adventure in that?

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    A little piece of everywhere I go becomes a big part of everything I do.

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    Americans no longer experience vacations. They simply Sony them so they can ignore them for the rest of the year.

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    They hadn't even gotten their first paychecks yet, ... My biggest thing was giving them a sense of reality and what costs would be. We outlined costs and a budget, and by the time we finished they said they could take maybe one vacation a year. They started to understand reality versus their dreams.

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    You have two choices, [Plouffe] told Obama. You can stay in the Senate, enjoy your weekends at home, take regular vacations, and have a lovely time with your family. Or you can run for president, have your whole life poked at and pried into, almost never see your family, travel incessantly, bang your tin cup for donations like some street-corner beggar, lead a lonely, miserable life.

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    After a while, just staying alive becomes a full-time job. No wonder we need a vacation.

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    Altogether, I had derived little benefit from being in Balbec, for which reason I was all the more determined to come back one day. I felt I had spent too short a time there.

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    A vacation is three times more work without the payment.

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    Approach a trip as a chance to collect unique experiences, not passport stamps, postcards and snapshots in front of famous monuments.

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    Entitlement is a foreign concept to me.

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    Even killers need holiday.

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    Every voyage is a new glorious experience.

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    Don’t wait for a vacation to enjoy life. Start to enjoy it now, today, wherever you are.

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    Don’t feel guilty about vacationing. What are you truly living and working for anyways? Death is all too real.