Best 39 quotes in «mia quotes» category

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    In books and movies, the stories always end when the two people finally have their romantic kiss. The happily-ever-after part is just assumed

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    I remember watching it all and getting the tickling in my chest and thinking to myself: This is what happiness feels like.

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    Oh, my, god, we are in a killing room. This is just like an episode of Dexter! They are going to murder us!” Mia exclaimed as she started to cry.

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    Pain of the past never goes away, you just find a way to deal with it. And in the future....... all the promise it holds.... that's what keeps you moving forward, and out of the darkness.

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    Perhaps in body I am not quite as real as you,” he said, then looked alive, making him once again seem real, even though she knew that if she tried to touch him, she could not. “But my thoughts and emotions are as real as yours. My soul, Mia Randall, is as real as yours.

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    It’s true I shouldn’t worry what people will say. There is always someone judging you, no matter how good a person you are. Hell you could be a saint, and still there would be that one person who’ll despise you. -

    • mia quotes
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    Pero yo sabía que con Adam sí había motivos para armar revuelo. Lo sabía por el calor que recorrió mi cuerpo aquella noche, cuando me dejó en casa después del concierto y me besó una vez más en la puerta. Lo sabía porque me quedé despierta hasta el amanecer abrazada a la almohada. Porque no puede comer al día siguiente, ni borrarme la sonrisa de la cara.

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    There was no point getting all worked up about a kiss. One kiss does not a relationship make. I'd kissed boys before, and usually by the next day the kiss had evaporated like a dewdrop in the sun.

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    Sometimes I did feel like I came from a different tribe. I was not like my outgoing, ironic dad or my tough-chick mom. And as if to seal the deal, instead of learning to play electric guitar, I'd gone and chosen the cello.

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    ...sometimes we can’t enjoy the bloom of a rose because we’re too busy crying over being pricked by the thorn.

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    We all have our pasts and baggage, Mimi. It’s our decision whether they fuck with our future.

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    The only pleasing thing in life is pain. Pain creates pleasure, but not in the literal way.

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    You are my light in the darkness.

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    What do we got on the chopping block? And by the way, I'm smarter than you. My IQ is off the charts, man." If the chart only reached fifty, then yeah. No need to tax his poor brain with numbers, though.

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    What’s wrong with my clothing?' she asked, glancing down the length of her body, clothed in a tank top and shorts. He helped her up, unable to stifle a grin. 'Let’s just say women do not dress like that in 1863.

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    We all have scars, Mia; they are supposed to make you stronger, not paralyze you.” ~Cole

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    I don't hate you. I don't think I ever really did. It was just anger. And once I faced it head-on, once understood it, it dissipated. -Mia

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    Experiencing those moments of being alone... is a very, very weird flooring and exposing position to be in when you're just not used to it. But I've never been lonely. And with my kids Mia and Joe that remains the case.

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    I never was a hippie! I went to India because so many friends like Mia Farrow and The Beatles were going there to discover truth. And so I went and trekked through India by myself, but instead of discovering truth, I wanted to join the Peace Corps.

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    In that twisted incestuous way of fate, Mia's a part of our history, and we're among the shards of her legacy.

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    Mia, I'm not sorry. And I'll wait. Love, Michael.

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    She's in love, and that makes her strong. She'll need to be." "What makes you strong, Mia?" "Purpose. Love never worked for me.

    • mia quotes
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    Superficial parallels were drawn between the Church and the Nazi Party, with its emphasis on active involvement by every member. The women's auxiliary of the Party and the Hitler Youth were regarded by some as secular equivalents to the Church's Relief Society, MIA, and the Scouting programs.

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    I'm a big fan of 'Woody Allen' movies, so I like all the actresses in his movies like 'Diane Keaton' and Mia Farrow.

    • mia quotes
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    Life's tough," Mia said with a shrug. "You play the cards you're dealt or you fold.

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    Mia Farrow was the person I was really excited about getting to know, because Woody Allen is one of my heroes and, just by proxy, I was a huge fan of hers.

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    My role models are Bettie Page and Mia Kirshner. Every day when Mia comes to work she raises the bar for us all.

    • mia quotes
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    She mailed me a Merry Christmas-I'm-Breaking-Up-with-You card. I'll read it to you," he said. He cleared his throat. "Dear Marcus. Merry Christmas. I'm breaking up with you. Mia.

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    All I know is, being away from you......makes it hard to breathe. I miss you so much

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    We'll tell our secrets to the dark"-Adam "Okay"-Mia "So let's hear another of your irrational fears"-Adam "I'm scared of losing you"-Mia "I said 'irrational' fears. Because that's not gonna happen"-Adam "It still scares me"- Mia

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    You're a Daniels and a Walker. That means you're 99% fine stubbornness, tenacity and resilience combined", Tara said. "And the other 1%?" Mia asked as they sat at the tiny galley table. Ford wrapped an arm around her neck and pulled her in close. "Perfection.

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    Adam's lips are set in a grime line. I can't tell if he's about to cry or about to punch the guard. For his sake, I hope it's the former. For you own, I hope the latter.

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    Because I fuckin' love you Mia... That didn't come out exactly as I'd planned, but it is the truth. I'm in love with you...

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    We can take her. Besides, he deserves someone who doesn't shop at Gap Kids. -Rose to Lissa on Mia and Aaron

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    Fuck it,' I hear him mutter, and the next thing I know he's taking hold of my hand.

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    I agree. To me, it [galloping on horseback] is the essence of freedom—the power of the beast beneath you, the wind in your face, the thundering of the hooves. It is a great elixir for the soul.” “And does your soul need healing, Benjamin?” she asked quietly, gently running her fingertips across his bicep and down his forearm. He turned away from the view of the pond and looked at her with clear, blue eyes, his expression serious. He captured her fingers in the palm of his hand. “My healing started the day I met you. You are my elixir.” “Then perhaps you need another dose,” she whispered, her face upturned as she leaned closer to him.

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    Hear me Niah, hear me Mother. This flesh your feast. This blood your wine. This life, this end, my gift to you. Hold him close.

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    You can have your wishes, your plans, but at the end of the day, it's out of your control -Mia

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    I don’t know what circumstances occurred in your life for you to build such a strong brick wall around your heart, but I do intend to tear it down." ~Cole