Best 16 quotes in «insensitive quotes» category

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    I am not the Jeff Sessions my detractors have tried to create. I am not a racist. I am not insensitive to blacks.

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    I'M OFFENDED, because of the insulting comments I've seen that are not only insensitive but dismissive to the painful experiences of others.

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    I'm not insensitive to the jobs. I'm desperately concerned about those jobs. But you don't fix them by pandering to people and telling them you're going to shut the door. You have to grow jobs.

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    If I vibrate with vibrations other than yours, must you conclude that my flesh is insensitive?

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    I'm sensitive, you know, about some things, and as some of my partners could attest to, incredibly insensitive.

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    Professional comedians, surprisingly, have a lack of humor. They're insensitive to the insanity of our times.

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    Yeah, I'm insensitive. So is life. DEAL with it.

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    There is no history of Donald Trump associating with the Ku Klux Klan. None whatsoever. But beyond that, people are saying that Trump is insensitive and he's boorish and he's a pig, and now he's sympathetic to all of these extreme right-wing groups 'cause that's who elected him. Okay, how many members of the Klan are there? The number is 200,000 tops. Tops! How many white supremacists are there? Where do they live? How do you campaign for them? Where do you get their votes? Where are they registered and how do you reach them in a campaign?

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    To kill [children in the womb] makes us all the poorer, insensitive, calloused and jaded.

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    perhaps it only applies in the States, where emotional optimism is a constitutional duty

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    Most insensible, corrupt, cheap, disrespectful young girls run after bad, rude, cocky, nonsensical boys, but a mature, educated, thoughtful, virtuos lady opts for a wise, well breed, experienced, humble, modest gentleman.

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    She is not burdened with a sensitive heart. Hers just beats.

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    Guys, I hate to sound insensitive, especially considering what just happened, but we really have to leave here, now. We are extremely pressed for time, if we plan on escaping Manhattan and the Bronx, before nightfall. And make no mistake that is the plan.

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    Selfishness leads to loneliness.

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    Speaking a painful truth should be done only in love - like wielding a sword with no hilt - it should pain oneself in direct proportion to the amount of force exerted.

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    The rich eat life, the poor eat death; so what is the problem they ask?