Best 18 quotes in «puerto rico quotes» category

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    This is your heritage,' he said, as if from this dance we could know about his own childhood, about the flavor and grit of tenement buildings in Spanish Harlem, and projects in Red Hook, and dance halls, and city parks, and about his own Paps, how he beat him, how he taught him to dance, as if we could hear Spanish in his movements, as if Puerto Rico was a man in a bathrobe, grabbing another beer from the fridge and raising it to drink, his head back, still dancing, still steeping and snapping perfectly in time.

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    Puerto Rico lacks resources, but that's not the fault of the U.S.

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    Puerto Rico is not a full part of the United States. We're a territory or a colonial territory.

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    Una ilusióm vale la vida. Un sueño vale la muerte.

    • puerto rico quotes
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    I had such a great upbringing in Puerto Rico, and it was just a very normal life.

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    Dear Sirs," Flick began before loudly inhaling, "On account of there being no heat down here in account of the being nö electricity on account of the brand-new energy rations so thoughtfully and nobly and honorably imposed on the steerage decks by Sovereign Nicolaeus on account of the blackouts - Aster fell prey to a brief fit of hypothermia-induced delirium de spoke against you in her maddery. She's healed up now so you don't have to worry about it happening again.

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    As always, the language of trade in business is important but not familiar to my child.

    • puerto rico quotes
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    There's one last thing we need to point out. And it is a fact that Puerto Rico is a colonial territory of the United States. This puts us in a very significant disadvantage to all of the other states and to all of the other American citizens. As a matter of comparative, the U.S. citizens, the Puerto Ricans that live in the United States have much better incomes, more than twice as much, participate in the labor force of greater scales, have better results in the education system and so forth.

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    They (the people of Puerto Rico) are truly the sweetest people on earth.

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    Decía que detrás de cada evento revolucionario, hay traición, muerte y desengaño, pero que aún así vale la pena morir por un sueño , por cualquier utopía de justicia y paz.

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    La imaginación, lo que tú llamas la mentira, no es menos real porque no pueda verse. Nuestras pasiones ocultas, nuestras emociones ambiguas, nuestras preferencias inexplicables; de eso trata la verdadera verdad.

    • puerto rico quotes
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    If the USA doesn't start learning how to put personal egos aside for the sustainability of a nation, then these "mighty" United States will be no better than the politically divided commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Where progress is slowed because each party thinks any idea from the other party must be stupid or without validity and Independence has become a distant dream squashed by corruption. I suggest politicians go back to kindergarten to learn the basics in decent humanity. The notions of sharing and respect obviously didn't stick the first time.

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    Kwa vile hatasamehewa, Shetani hatawasamehe wanadamu. Atahakikisha anauwa kila mtu duniani na kumpeleka kuzimu; ambako anaishi yeye, majini, malaika waovu, wana wa Mungu waliotumwa na Mungu kuja duniani kufundisha watu utukufu lakini wakaasi na Mungu akawalaani (au Wanefili) pamoja na nguva. Nguva ni uzao wa Wanefili na samaki wa baharini na malaika wauvu na wanapatikana zaidi katika Bahari ya Atlantiki, ambako mkuu wake ni Malkia wa Pwani, na katika Bahari ya Hindi ambako mkuu wake ni Malkia wa Bahari ya Hindi. Chini ya Bahari ya Hindi ndipo yalipo makao makuu ya ufalme wa giza hapa duniani.

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    Puerto Rico was the Republic of Texas on jet-fuel testosterone and psychedelic estrogen.

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    Nothing is better for your soul than to visit Puerto Rico.

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    ¿Será que nuestra historia es tan peligrosa que puede llegar a ser revolucionaria?

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    The sunsets here were always deep, passionate, and rich - always colors Camila thought she could take a shovel to and dig at for days.

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    Los puertorriqueños estaban acostumbrados a transitar de isla en isla y de continente en continente como aves cuya condición natural era tránsito.

    • puerto rico quotes