Best 41 quotes in «past life quotes» category

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    A déjà vu is your future self doing a past life regression.

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    It's unlikely that you were a frog in a past life.

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    Food shouldn’t be that shade of green, lass.” – Faolán MacIntyre

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    At the moment, when one feels, 'I can't do it', then today's knowledge shows that, 'I should do this', whereas the past [life] knowledge says, 'There is no need to do this.' What happens when one feels, 'I can't do it, I can't do it?' The intents of the one who says this, change. Once the faith is established in today's knowledge, that, 'I should do this, I should do this', then in the next life that will manifest as an effect!

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    Blood that was warm has now run cold bled every day have hearts become old Telling I am the story of my past and of the ghosts at which it is aghast Life as a child was a wonderful rhapsody Free from the fetters of rational prosody Naively making brute reality a parody Revelling in a soul filled with life's melody Poverty struck and child became destitute wailing and whimpering like a wretched prostitute Of pleasure and pain does a society constitute for Man is not for God to substitute Life is a parody of paradoxical Irony Fate rules not without a touch of Tyranny While the rich belch on their goblets of honey the wretched etch on the tablets of agony

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    Good parents use the mistakes they did in the past when they were young to advice the children God gave to them to prevent them from repeating those mistakes again. However, bad parents always want to be seen as right and appear "angelic and saintly" as if they never had horrible youth days.

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    Her heart is smashed glass. Peer into her jagged edges to see what refracts from the light of her past. Kaleidoscopic beauty.

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    If you say a word against a ‘sensitive’ person, it will have an immediate effect. In reality, words are simply a ‘record’ playing.

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    His deep voice drifted to her through the crowd of women. “…my lady when she returns. Och, there ye are, Blossom,” Faolán grinned, standing up and taking her hand so she could ease back into the restaurant booth. “These lasses were just asking if I was a stripper. I told them I doona think so,” he said, his face clouded with uncertainty. “I’m not, am I?” The inquisitive lasses in question flushed scarlet and scattered to the four corners of the room at the murderous look on Colleen’s face. “No, you’re not, but I guess I can see how they’d think that,” she muttered darkly. “What you are is a freaking estrogen magnet.

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    I am thankful once again to strip off an old life, as I so often have during these years. I look back upon a soldier, a murderer, a man almost murdered, a man resurrected, a prisoner, a wanderer.

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    Approaching the state of Delaware, the dreamer is a small dog, dreaming impatiently of a past life, long forgotten, when he sailed tall ships across uncharted. The salt spray of the ocean stings my face.

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    If you do not believe in reincarnation then the word “prarabdh” (karma effect) should not be present in your vocabulary. Christian, Muslim, and other religion’s language is complete, but the belief is incomplete. Fortune, contrivance, lucky, unlucky – where did they get all that from? This is all a connection from the past life.

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    Illusion (maya) makes one take birth, illusion makes one get married and illusion also makes one die. But here the condition is that it is not the reign of illusion. It is your own reign. It cannot happen unless you wish for it. Illusion gives the result (effect) of what you had consented to in your past life.

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    I loved you before all of this. When there was nothing. When there was only a single atom in the night sky.

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    In the evening, the tarantella dancers will come to the hotel; perhaps they'll dance and sing in the courtyard that is dripping with wistaria blooms and pungent with citrus perfumes. They wear gay costumes, these who sing and dance for us to keep alive the romance of other days; and they are full of that joy in living which seems the gift of these siren shores.

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    Och, lass. Yer going to have to not do that.” Faolán exhaled. “Creeping up on a man is a dangerous thing, and I confess I’m jumpier than most. Yer feet are soft as a cat’s.” “I wasn’t creeping anywhere, I was going to make coffee and this is my house, I’ll creep anywhere I like,” Colleen muttered with a petulant scowl. “But I wasn’t creeping.

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    My unpleasant past has given me wisdom to build a pleasant Future.

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    I see, they do not understand my messages; not in a hundred years.

    • past life quotes
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    One comes back [reborn] as a son because of harmony with us [from the past life] and one comes back as a son also because of enmity [vengeance from the past life], [but] needlessly arises the illusion [wrong belief] that ‘they are mine...they are mine’.

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    Refusing to lean back against him, Colleen sat ramrod straight until they reached the road. “I guess I should say thank you for saving my life,” she muttered then turned and slapped Faolán hard across the face. “And that’s for you having to save it in the first place. And I’m not your woman, you big, arrogant, lying, betraying…faery loving…” She searched for the perfect insult and couldn’t find one, “…Scot.” She gave a very unladylike snort. “Happy now? That fiery enough for you?

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    Submitted for your approval--the curious case of Colleen O’Brien and the gorgeous time traveling Scot who landed in her living room.” – Rod Serling

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    The circumstances of those things which you come across, that is prarabdh (effect of past life karma) while the bhaav-abhaav (like-dislike) that arises from them, that is purusharth (effort that charges karma).

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    The conduct [of today] is ignorance of the past [life] whereas understanding (samjhan) is the stock carried forward from many past lives!

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    Some pasts exist as a fog that rolls in and out of the present, formed not by air that condenses into mist but memories that condense into tiny doors that open to forgotten moments. Maybe you glance at a stranger on a crowded street who reminds you of a childhood friend or hear a song that was popular the first summer you fell in love, and in the space of that single beat of time you are flung backward to a who or when long past. And yet it is only for that one beat. Those tiny doors never remain open for long for most of us. They ensure our former times are kept as relics, and the dust upon them is wiped clean only occasionally

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    The One who knows the exact line of demarcation between prarabdh (effect of past life karma) and purusharth (effort that charges karma) is the Gnani (the enlightened One).

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    One's own yesterday is a ghost that will not be laid down.

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    The mysteries of universe are revealed to those who seek to know the truth of their own existence first.

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    The past and fool are the most dangerous weapons that poison our mind and heart

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    The past can leave us in an indelible bitterness. The past can erode our present joy. The past can chain our present in the cage of the past. The past can make our future look blurry. Not until we learn the real lessons of the past and dare to go for growth, we shall always live in the past though we may have today to think for a change, and we shall never forgo the past.

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    The past is unclear. It's as if there is a film over those early years. I can't even be sure that the things I remember happening really happened to me.

    • past life quotes
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    There are only two things to understand in this world. First is, one’s own True Self, and the other is, our faults from the past [life]. Won’t these faults have to be broken?

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    There are two types of purusharth (effort): one is the purusharth that arises from prarabdh (effect of past life karma), relative effort. The seeds that are sown from prarabdh give rise to relative effort. The second purusharth is the effort that arises after one attains Purush (the Self), real effort. With whatever intent one suffers the effect of past life karma, that intent is bhrant purusharth (illusory effort)!

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    The strangers we see in our dreams are not so strange after all, as they have existed in our past lives and only momentarily forgotten.

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    You are a song I could listen to over and over again although I'm convinced it had played in my head a many times before

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    We always think that we are right and we are best, but look at back and if you can see your past the you will be best in future.

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    What a man has made himself, he will be; his state is the result of his past life, and his heaven or hell is in himself. At death we enter upon a new course of life, and what that life shall be depends upon ourselves.

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    Whether you need to remember the past or not, It changes nothing but gives the best choice for the future that makes You always to remember your past.

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    You listen to people, you listen so deeply that you can hear their past lives, The crackle of their funeral pyres,

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    Your actions bind you, because you think that you are the actions. Actions bind you, because you think that you are the doer. The "I", the ego, behind the actions goes on binding you to those actions. Through countless past lives this feeling of being the doer has become strengthened. You think that you are a great doer, while in reality there is no other doer than existence. How can you drop this attachments and karma? If someone becomes conscious that he is not the doer of the actions - all actions are the will of the whole and he is only a flute in existence hands. In that moment he is free of karma. If the bondage of karma is not destroyed, there is no freedom. A meditator says: Now I am not doing anything, everything is done by existence. If someone receives this insight both the bondage of present karma and the bondage of all past karma will vanish. Karma can be dissolved only when cut from the root - and the root is the ego, the sense of that "I" am doing. So the doer, the "I", has to dissolve. It is not necessary to focus on the actions, only the "I", the ego, has to be dissolved. Whenever there is a feeling that "I am doing this", remember that your are only the seer, the witness. Be a watcher. Whenever the feeling of "I" is there shift it to the watcher.

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    Your past success is a foundation into future success.

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    You turn the lights on and off here and if you can’t sleep and want something to read there are books in the living room…” her voice broke off. “Wait. Can you read?” His chin took a slight tilt upward. “Aye,” Faolán replied, his voice cool, “in English, Gaelic, Latin, or French. My Welsh is a bit rusty, and I doona remember any of the Greek I was taught except for words not fit for a lady’s ears. I can also count all the way up to…” He looked down and wiggled his large bare toes, “…twenty.” – Faolán MacIntyre