Best 13 quotes in «think for yourself quotes» category

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    But some things are more important than being happy. Like being free to think for yourself.

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    The most contrarian thing of all is not to oppose the crowd but to think for yourself.

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    I had to learn that I knew nothing. I also had to learn that it was okay to think for myself and that my happiness, my true salvation, was not dependent on the approval of others. --Gregory Michael Brewer

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    Immer Säuber dänke, einisch i de 1960er Johr

    • think for yourself quotes
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    Let your eyes see what they see, not what others want you to see. Let your ears hear what they naturally hear, not what others want you to hear. Let your mouth speak your mind freely and not be constrained by other people's approval or disapproval. Let your mind think what it wants to think and not let other people's demands dictate your thoughts. If your senses and your mind are not allowed to do what they want to do naturally, you are denying them their rights. When you cannot think, sense, feel, or act freely, then your body and mind are injured. Break these oppressions, and you will cultivate life.

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    Perhaps then one reason why we have no great poet, novelist or critic writing today is that we refuse to allow words their liberty. We pin them down to one meaning, their useful meaning: the meaning which makes us catch the train, the meaning which makes us pass the examination.

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    If we had to earn our age by thinking for ourselves at least once a year, only a handful of people would reach adulthood.

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    I think one of the problems [with raising intelligent children in modern society] is compulsory schooling...and that children are sitting there, and they are taught and told what to believe; they are passive from the very beginning – and one must be very, very aggressive intellectually to have a high IQ [...] the child is taught. Right from the beginning, it's a passive process. He or she sits there, and they simply try to believe everything they're told?

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    One who thinks for himself is a threat to his enemies, a refuge to his acquaintances, a prize to his friends, and a gift to the world.

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    Learn to think for yourself, unless of course you can identify someone else with better judgement, and a flashlight.

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    A person who is truly cool is a work of art. And remember, original works of art cost exponentially higher than imitations. Just take a look at the the coolest people in history. They will always be a part of history for being extremely original individuals, not imitations.

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    Think for yourself. Know what you're doing. Question authority.

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    An truly independent thinker is not afraid of agreeing with the whole world, but also not afraid of disagreeing with the entire universe.