Best 5 quotes in «leia quotes» category

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    The room fell silent. I frankly didn't know what I was going to do to help Eduardo, but I had the sense that he was right- no one else could help him, and without help, all that he'd done would crumble. Plus, I like being called his only hope. I felt like Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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    Leia follows me like a vague smell.

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    What good will convincing the princess do?" Bria asked. "I know she's supposed to be well-loved, but she's still just a young girl." "The viceroy is considering appointing her Alderaan's representative to the Imperial Senate next year," Winter said. "Don't underestimate Leia's strength of purpose or influence.

    • leia quotes
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    Obviously a fake Kyp. You distract him. I'll shoot him under the table." Han (to Leia)

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    ...and then I said, "I love you" and all he said back was, "I know". "I know"... what does that mean?!