Best 29 quotes in «false prophets quotes» category

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    Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all.

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    A spirit ushered by false teachings is like a body nourished by sweets. The adult, as opposed to the child, will come to understand reasons one cannot live a healthy existence on nothing but candy; so likewise, the Christian must come to understand that one cannot know and love the will of God under false doctrine.

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    A preacher shouldn't preach just to make you feel good. Then it's about the money not about the teach. He should preach the truth because the truth shall set you free.

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    Atheists are not the enemy; the real enemy knows Jesus Christ. Satan and all false prophets know very well that Jesus came from heaven, but still reject him. Matthew 10:36

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    In this perilous times, we have more preachers of the Word than doers of thw Word. In other words, Not all preachers are doers. May God may you and I doers of the Word

    • false prophets quotes
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    False prophet: A prophet whose god is not yet known

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    Every age has its pseudoproblems created by its fake prophets and pseudo-philosophers.

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    It seems to me that those who claim to be 'true' and 'bible believing' Christians and yet spend all their time and energy spreading unhappiness and hatred for others - and are themselves consumed by it - are by the very definition of the term - false prophets.

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    Manabii wa uongo, na wafuasi wao, hawautaki ukweli. Kazi yao ni kutulazimisha tumwabudu Mpinga Kristo, badala ya Yesu Kristo, bila sisi wenyewe kujua. Wana mamlaka yote ya Mpinga Kristo kwa sababu, kama Mpinga Kristo, wanaongozwa na Shetani. Walimu hawa wa uongo wanaopenda kuvalia misurupwenye ya kisawasawa, na wanaoongea utafikiri wamemeza Biblia na kuitapika kwenye mikrofoni, lengo lao ni kutupeleka kwenye ufalme wa Shetani. Hatuna budi kuitangaza injili ya kweli ya Yesu Kristo, kwa imani ya kweli, kupata urithi usiohongeka wa ufalme wa Mungu.

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    Manabii wa uongo wana dhambi kuu tatu: tamaa ya ngono, uasi dhidi ya mamlaka ya Kristo, na dharau kwa Shetani.

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    Kuonyesa hila za manabii wa ghalati ni jukumu la kila Mkristo wa kweli ili kuokoa roho za watu wengi kabla Taabu ya Yakobo haijaanza.

    • false prophets quotes
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    Seek comfort in the warmth of the morality of your choosing. Not in the depravity and fear of lost causes, in which you should turn away, before it sees you, as well. - Plight, 2015

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    Modern infatuation with angels is based on imagery that is far removed from Psalm 103’s depiction of angels as 'mighty ones who do his bidding.' With the loss of knowledge and respect for scriptures has come a greatly demeaned understanding of spiritual realities, especially those concerned with supernatural occurrences.

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    Never, ever, trust a man who is willing to die in glory but is unable to live with pride.

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    One must pay meticulous attention to the private confessions of the wolf. - On Unsolicited Confidences

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    Pantheists creep into the ministry, but they are generally cunning enough to concede the bredath of their minds beneath Christian phraseology.

    • false prophets quotes
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    Prophecy is True and Sacred and should never be mishandled by people who have no business speaking about Sacred Things in GOD'S Name.

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    Self proclamation of authoritative titles is a common phenomenon among religious and/or occult sect leaders. A cursory survey of this primarily 20th century phenomenon will instantly reveal a multitude of self-declared Masters, High Priests, gurus, Ipsissimi, Bhaghwani, etc.. I am pleased that I cannot count myself among such types. Legitimate religious teachers and scholars know that a genuine spiritual leader is one whose calling to lead is first noticed by those outside of him or herself based on certain qualities, abilities, and actions and then must subsequently be accepted by the individual in question as his or her destiny. This contrasts with those whose will to lead is born simply out of the mundane wish to be a leader. In such cases the goal being to reap the rewards a title brings without the hard work and the innate, manifest qualities which validate the position; in short what might be considered a 'false prophet'." --“From the Eye of the Storm” (Zeena's column for the SLM) Volume II – Winter Issue (2003): “One Year Later...

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    The greatest false prophet you’ll meet in life is fear.

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    The greatest danger to the church today is not humanism, paganism, atheism or agnosticism. The greatest danger is not increasing hostility against our faith from the culture. Our greatest danger is apostasy on the inside, arising from false teachers- theological liberals who deny and distort biblical doctrine and lead others down the same path.

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    The predictions of false prophets always come true.

    • false prophets quotes
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    So many people concentrate on knowing who a good preacher or a bad preacher is and so many people concentrate on knowing what the word of God is! The former is good but the latter is noble. The latter is the best answer to the former. The real duty of man is never to know man but to know God through Christ Jesus! Knowing the word of God is the true way to knowing God!

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    The support came from all sides. We had to give in.

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    The Word of GOD is Superior to the inferior words of men and the words of every false prophet and the teachings of every false religion.

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    Utii kwa Mungu unapokosekana injili ambayo Mungu anataka ihubiriwe haitahubiriwa. Itahubiriwa na manabii wa uongo.

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    There are so many signs in the Book of Revelations, and we know from our research that they happened. They will happen, I should say. The false prophet, the Serpent, acquires followers. He brings fire upon the Earth, he takes away religious freedom to force everyone to worship him. He promises prosperity, but just brings plague instead.", FADE by Kailin Gow

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    When a man feels that he has a divine mission, say to lift up, to save or to liberate mankind‐‐when a man feels the divine spark in his heart and believes that he is the mouthpiece of supernatural imperatives‐‐ when such a mission in. flames him, it is only natural that he should stand beyond all merely reasonable standards of judgment. He feels that he is himself sanctified by this mission, that he is himself a type of a higher order! . . . What has a priest to do with philosophy! He stands far above it!‐‐And hitherto the priest has ruled!‐‐He has determined the meaning of "true" and "not true"!

    • false prophets quotes
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    What is a 'false prophet'? Those who lie by attributing personal biases to divine source.

    • false prophets quotes
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    What we fail to realize is we often become like Pharisees in our ruthless attempts to identify Pharisees (and impostors). While indeed some people use the old laws of religious pride to tear down men of God, others use the new laws of anti-religious anger to tear down men of God.