Best 19 quotes in «physiology quotes» category

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    All the repressed emotions and subconscious desires in time lead to some kind of psychological or physiological breakdown, if kept unchecked.

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    The human cardiovascular system evolved as part of the physiology of [prehistoric] hunters, who ran for their lives.

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    All men are born firstly with the instinct to protect themselves. But few grow to really love themselves, and even fewer learn to love their neighbor as themselves.

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    A cube or sphere has the characteristics of its form or shape, that is why one calls it a sphere or cube. Just as a cat is what we call a cat by its body type and physiology and its form delineates its interaction with its environment.

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    Ahistorical commentators who too readily dismiss Nietzsche's interest in physiological questions (e.g., DeMan 1979: 119; Nehamas 1985: 120) miss the centrality of such ways of thinking to Nietzsche's naturalism and to the whole intellectual climate of the period. 'The naturalization of the image of man under the influence of natural science was the work of the materialist movement of the middle of the century' (Schnädelbach 1983: 229). In this regard, Nietzsche was very much a thinker of his times.

    • physiology quotes
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    A recognized fact which goes back to the earliest times is that every living organism is not the sum of a multitude of unitary processes, but is, by virtue of interrelationships and of higher and lower levels of control, an unbroken unity. When research, in the efforts of bringing understanding, as a rule examines isolated processes and studies them, these must of necessity be removed from their context. In general, viewed biologically, this experimental separation involves a sacrifice. In fact, quantitative findings of any material and energy changes preserve their full context only through their being seen and understood as parts of a natural order.

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    Freedom on the inside comes when validation from the outside doesn’t matter.

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    Being loved is not a biological need.

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    Every day, hundreds of observations and experiments pour into the hopper of the scientific literature. Many of them don't have much to do with evolution - they're observations about the details of physiology, biochemistry, development, and so on - but many of them do. And every fact that has something to do with evolution confirms its truth. Every fossil that we find, every DNA molecule that we sequence, every organ system that we dissect, supports the idea that species evolved from common ancestors. Despite innumerable possible observations that could prove evolution untrue, we don't have a single one. We don't find mammals in Precambrian rocks, humans in the same layers as dinosaurs, or any other fossils out of evolutionary order. DNA sequencing supports the evolutionary relationships of species originally deduced from the fossil record. And, as natural selection predicts, we find no species with adaptations that only benefit a different species. We do find dead genes and vestigial organs, incomprehensible under the idea of special creation. Despite a million chances to be wrong, evolution always comes up right. That is as close as we can get to a scientific truth.

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    A true anecdote which illustrates his unworldly nature is of the instruction he received in 1922 to appear at Buckingham Palace to receive the accolade of the Order of Knighthood; Bayliss replied that as the date coincided with that of a meeting of the Physiological Society, he would be unable to attend.

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    Energy drinks like Red Bull may give you wings for the moment, but in time it takes away your basic physical and mental wellness and leads to disastrous psychiatric and physiological conditions.

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    One of my friends compared me to Bruce Banner, due to my work with radiation and human health. So I looked up Bruce Banner and this is what I found: Banner, a physicist, is sarcastic and seemingly very self-assured when he first appears in Incredible Hulk #1, but is also emotionally withdrawn in most fashions...Banner is considered one of the greatest scientific minds on Earth, possessing "a mind so brilliant it cannot be measured on any known intelligence test." He holds expertise in biology, chemistry, engineering, physiology, and nuclear physics.

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    If you keep running after possessions – after the so-called pleasures of life, you'll end up as a psychological as well as physiological wreck.

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    In a world of seven billion people, where every inch of land has been mapped, much of it developed, and too much of it destroyed, the sea remains the final unseen, untouched, and undiscovered wilderness, the planet’s last great frontier. There are no mobile phones down there, no e-mails, no tweeting, no twerking, no car keys to lose, no terrorist threats, no birthdays to forget, no penalties for late credit card payments, and no dog shit to step in before a job interview. All the stress, noise, and distractions of life are left at the surface. The ocean is the last truly quiet place on Earth.

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    Nous nous tûmes l'un et l'autre ; pendant que nous attendions, je l'examinai. Un homme petit et râblé, brun comme un grain de café, ayant peut-être une tendance à engraisser, mais pour le moment excessivement mince. Les rides profondes de son visage et de son cou n'étaient pas seulement dues aux années et aux intempéries : elles indiquaient à ne pas s'y tromper les endroits où la chair ou la graisse avait fondu et où la peau s'était détendue. Le cou était simplement une surface où s'entrecroisaient les sillons et les rides et portait les traces laissées par le soleil brûlant du désert. L'Extrême-Orient, les Tropiques, le désert, chaque région laissait sa marque colorée. Mais toutes les trois étaient différentes ; et un œil qui avait su une fois pouvait ainsi les distinguer aisément. La pâleur bistrée pour le premier ; le brun rouge et violent pour la seconde ; et pour le troisième, le hâle sombre et profond qui avait pris, semblait-il, le caractère d'une coloration permanente. Mr. Corbeck avait une grosse tête pleine et massive ; avec des cheveux en désordre, d'un brun-rouge foncé, dégarnis sur les tempes. Son front était beau, haut et large ; et pour employer les termes de la physiognomonie, le sinus frontal était hardiment marqué. Sa forme carrée traduisait l'esprit raisonneur ; et la plénitude sous les yeux le don des langues. Il avait le nez court et large qui dénote l'énergie ; le menton carré - qu'on discernait malgré la barbe épaisse et non soignée - et la mâchoire massive qui montrent l'esprit de décision. « Un homme pas mal pour le désert ! » me disais-je en le regardant.

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    The capital ... shall form a fund, the interest of which shall be distributed annually as prizes to those persons who shall have rendered humanity the best services during the past year. ... One-fifth to the person having made the most important discovery or invention in the science of physics, one-fifth to the person who has made the most eminent discovery or improvement in chemistry, one-fifth to the one having made the most important discovery with regard to physiology or medicine, one-fifth to the person who has produced the most distinguished idealistic work of literature, and one-fifth to the person who has worked the most or best for advancing the fraternization of all nations and for abolishing or diminishing the standing armies as well as for the forming or propagation of committees of peace.

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    Physiology and Psychology are not at all separate from each other. Rather they are deeply intertwined.

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    Yet, at the quantum level, NO part of the body lives apart from the rest. There are no wires holding together the molecules of your arteries, just as there are no visible connections binding together the stars in a galaxy. Yet arteries and galaxies are both securely held together, in a seamless, perfect design. The invisible bonds that you cannot examine under a microscope are quantum in nature; without this "hidden physiology," your visible physiology could not exist. It would never have been more than a random collection of molecules.

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    ...Why is it, that from the moment you enter medical school to the moment you retire, that the only disorder you will ever diagnosis with a physics book - is obesity? This is biology folks, it's endocrinology, it's physiology - physics has nothing to do with it. The law of thermodynamics is always true, [but] the energy balance equation is irrelevant...