Best 94 quotes in «money management quotes» category

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    A credit card allows you transcend time. For it allows you to put off until tomorrow what you bought today, while you are still paying off what you bought yesterday.

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    Your trading needs to boil down to rules, money management, and that is it.

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    Accepting our greatness means no longer playing small. It often starts with baby steps. But eventually it means making major changes - in our lives, jobs, relationships, and dreams. If I had believed in my own self-worth, I would never have been willing to make the financial moves I made in the past. If I'd known my value, I couldn't have spent so many years ignoring the whispering - and sometimes screaming - voice that told me to leave my marriage. For a long time, that truth was just too scary and painful for me to face. Talk about keeping my head in the sand! But how many years did I waste, postponing what has proven to be a much better life - simply because I went into hiding and didn't see that I was worthy of something better?

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    A credit card allows you transcend time. For it allows you to put off until tomorrow what you bought today, while you are still paying what you bought yesterday.

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    Although some popular religious texts such as the New Testament, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Tao Te Ching, or Tibetan Book of the Dead contain interesting insights and stories, it is the Jewish religious texts such as the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) that contain valuable information on acquiring wealth.

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    Although God allows the world to use His great wealth in order that their physical and material needs be met, it is not God's will for the devil's children to control all the money that is in the world.

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    As my father used to say: "There are two sure ways to lose a friend, one is to borrow, the other to lend.

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    And so I have grown up wanting to feel secure when it comes to money, but doing so by treating it as something to be enjoyed, shared, and not given power.

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    At the end of the day, taking 50% off a $250 dress still means walking out of the store $125 poorer.

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    As we understand it, everything is in the Bible for one reason – to teach us a lesson. Thus, in the beginning of the Bible, we see how God budgets His time for labor, and He saves the seventh day for rest, or retirement. The concept of budgeting was created by God to give us a life of prosperity in the world He created for us, so we should learn to budget as a way to emulate God in our financial life.

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    As soon as we become aware of money, we develop beliefs about it-- beliefs we cling to, sometimes for the rest of our lives, often at the cost of our souls.

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    Become a minimalist. Eliminate clutter from your life by living with the 100 things that you wear and use the most.

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    Budgeting has only one rule: Do not go over budget.

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    Business Owner Planning Business owners have additional and complex Retirement Planning needs. Counting only on the sale of your business requires tremendous luck and success. If business owners consider the business as simply one asset among many, then they should seriously consider additional assets such as: -Executive Bonus Arrangements -Nonqualified deferred compensation plans -Qualified retirement plans -General investment portfolio Motto for Business Owner Planning As I look back on thirteen years of entrepreneurship, I can see that the best and smartest thing to do is to have a plan with the end in mind and you in mind. The time still goes by and time is expensive. That sentence is really a whole book and you should or will understand sooner than later, hopefully. That would have looked like business succession planning. Proper business succession planning requires sound preparation in order to have a smooth and equitable transition. Financial, tax and legal planning are all necessary for a success.

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    Consider the situation: Money that was provided because of social networks rather than need; a project designed for prestige rather than to be used; a lack of monitoring and accountability; and an architect appointed for show by somebody with little interest in the quality of the work. The outcome is hardly surprising: a project that should never have been built was built, and built badly.

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    Collateral Capacity or Net Worth? If young Bill Gates had knocked on your door asking you to invest $10,000 in his new company, Microsoft, could you get your hands on the money? Collateral capacity is access to capital. Your net worth is irrelevant if you can’t access any of the money. Collateral capacity is my favorite wealth concept. It’s almost like having a Golden Goose! Collateral can help a borrower secure loans. It gives the lender the assurance that if the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender can repossess the collateral. For example, car loans are secured by cars, and mortgages are secured by homes. Your collateral capacity helps you to avoid or minimize unnecessary wealth transfers where possible, and accumulate an increasing pool of capital providing accessibility, control and uninterrupted compounding. It is the amount of money that you can access through collateralizing a loan against your money, allowing your money to continue earning interest and working for you. It’s very important to understand that accessibility, control and uninterrupted compounding are the key components of collateral capacity. It’s one thing to look good on paper, but when times get tough, assets that you can’t touch or can’t convert easily to cash, will do you little good. Three things affect your collateral capacity: ① The first is contributions into savings and investment accounts that you can access. It would be wise to keep feeding your Golden Goose. Often the lure of higher return potential also brings with it lack of liquidity. Make sure you maintain a good balance between long-term accounts and accounts that provide immediate liquidity and access. ② Second is the growth on the money from interest earned on the money you have in your account. Some assets earn compound interest and grow every year. Others either appreciate or depreciate. Some accounts could be worth a great deal but you have to sell or close them to access the money. That would be like killing your Golden Goose. Having access to money to make it through downtimes is an important factor in sustaining long-term growth. ③ Third is the reduction of any liens you may have against these accounts. As you pay off liens against your collateral positions, your collateral capacity will increase allowing you to access more capital in the future. The goose never quit laying golden eggs – uninterrupted compounding. Years ago, shortly after starting my first business, I laughed at a banker that told me I needed at least $25,000 in my business account in order to borrow $10,000. My business owner friends thought that was ridiculously funny too. We didn’t understand collateral capacity and quite a few other things about money.

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    Chase after money and the stuggering race will never end; but reach out for successful ideas and the sources of money will chase after you to fill your pockets.

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    Easy payments, easy lease, easy approval. Debt is very EASY to get into, but makes it HARD to live victoriously.

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    don't ever allocate necessary time for unnecessary things. Understand what time it is to do what it is

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    Don't take on more student loans than your future-self can handle.

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    Dozens of days, experiences, and encounters have set me on a path I never dreamed possible.

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    Finding Money Maturity means resolving your inner conflicts around money. It really comes down to discovering a sense of ease around money.

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    Ever see something in a store that you gotta have? How about those rainbow suspenders you wore only once? Prevent the "wish-I-hadn't"s by asking yourself these questions: *Will I use it or wear it often? *Will I use it or wear it a couple months from now? *If I get it, will I have enough money for what I'm saving for? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you might want to think twice. If you still aren't sure, try waiting a week to see if it has the same appeal.

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    Every month when the bills came in, there was trouble. Mother seemed to have no great extravagances. But she loved pretty things. She had a passion for china, for instance. She saw hundreds of beautiful cups and saucers that it was hard to walk away from and leave. She knew she couldn't buy them, and mustn't, but every so often she did. No one purchase seemed large by itself, but they kept mounting up, and Father declared that she bought more china than the Windsor Hotel.

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    Every money message we hold on to contains a fatal flaw; it impressions us in an incomplete world.

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    Every time you borrow money, you're robbing your future self.

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    In the modern city life, if you don't have money , you simply don't have life.

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    God is not against money, He is against the money being used outside His purposes.

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    I am not going to retire rich; I'm going to be rich by the time I retire.

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    If you need it, don’t lend it. It’s in most people’s nature to want to help, but if you genuinely need the money back, and you can’t afford to lose it, it’ll be in your best interest to NOT set yourself up.

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    Give yourself a set period of time to grieve and heal before focusing on financial matters.

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    If money management isn't something you enjoy, consider my perspective. I look at managing my money as if it were a part-time job. The time you spend monitoring your finances will pay off. You can make real money by cutting expenses and earning more interest on savings and investments. I'd challenge you to find a part-time job where you could potentially earn as much money for just an hour or two of your time.

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    If you’ve driven new cars all of your life, the term “used vehicle” may conjure up images of a dusty old beater with missing hubcaps and no A/C, dragging a clattering muffler down the boulevard. Yes, such cars exist, but I am not advocating that you buy one. Besides the embarrassment, there are also safety concerns and additional maintenance costs associated with clunkers.

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    It's not about judging you, it's about changing your point of view.

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    I was always taught that when you’re lucky enough to learn something or have some advantage you should share it.

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    I used to say why save money if I'll die tomorrow, I haven’t died yet and I have nothing to survive on

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    Money does not dictate your lifestyle, it's what you do to get it and how you manage your finances that determines your lifestyle.

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    Just make as much money as you can, but try your best not to rob or get robbed, it will sweep all that you have and leave your hands empty.

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    Kandydatów na dzierżawców było wielu, ale mało odpowiednich. Najczęsciej zgłaszali się różni awanturnicy, życiowi bankruci, jakies egzotyczne postacie, spadłe nie wiadomo skad. Tych bał się pan Władysław jak ognia. "To nie jest człowiek poważny" - zwykł był mawiac w takich wypadkach, a zarzut ten był najcieższy, jaki w ogóle dorosłemu mężczyznie mógł postawic. Tymczasem właśnie owi najbardziej egzotyczni kandydaci ofiarowywali z reguły najlepsze warunki. Niekiedy nawet pani Emilia była nimi olśniona i namawiała męża, by się zgodził. Ale pan Władysław był zawsze przeciwnego zdania. Twierdził, że w interesach należy zawsze ufać człowiekowi, który się targuje, niewiele obiecuje i w ogóle "jest twardy". Taki, który ofiarowuje dużo i chętnie się zgadza na wszystko, jest tym samym podejrzany, widocznie bowiem - tłumaczył pan Władysław żonie, którą ta argumentacja czasami irytowała - nie bardzo zna swoje możliwosci ani na serio nie bierze zobowiazan. A ten kto czuje się w obowiazku warunkow dotrzymać, nielekko się na przyjmowanie zobowiązan godzi.

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    Many people lack discipline when it comes to saving money. What good is having a bunch of stuff if you’re struggling, in debt, or broke most of the time? So many people put up a front like they’ve got it going on, but they know the truth. They spend all of their money trying to look important, and/or keep up an image. Knowledge is everything! Educate yourself about money, investing, and saving. I encourage you to start investing in yourself instead of things! Set yourself up for a better future and start making better choices. Building wealth takes time! Have discipline. Save. Stay consistent. Be brave enough to change your spending habits. Be wise! Don’t allow money to control you. Strive to have a healthy relationship with money!

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    Money is a very dangerous thing, you have to get know how to look after it or else you will loose it with ease and remember how you would've it in hard times.

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    Money per se does not make you happy - it's what it enables you to do with your life.

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    Money, like emotions, is something you must control to keep your life on the right track.

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    Man is smart - If money would have grown on trees, we would have used green leaves as money.

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    Money is a tool. Used properly it makes something beautiful- used wrong, it makes a mess!

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    Money is the result of trust. Trust yourself and money will trust you.

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    My Future Self My future self and I become closer and closer as time goes by. I must admit that I neglected and ignored her until she punched me in the gut, grabbed me by the hair and turned my butt around to introduce herself. Well, at least that’s what it felt like every time I left the convalescent hospital after doing skills training for a certification I needed to help me start my residential care business. I was going to be providing specialized, 24/7 residential care and supervising direct care staff for non-verbal, non-ambulatory adult men in diapers! I ran to the Red Cross and took the certified nurse assistant class so I would at least know something about the job I would soon be hiring people to do and to make sure my clients received the best care. The training facility was a Medicaid hospital. I would drive home in tears after seeing what happens when people are not able to afford long-term medical care and the government has to provide that care. But it was seeing all the “young” patients that brought me to tears. And I had thought that only the elderly lived like this in convalescent hospitals…. I am fortunate to have good health but this experience showed me that there is the unexpected. So I drove home each day in tears, promising God out loud, over and over again, that I would take care of my health and take care of my finances. That is how I met my future self. She was like, don’t let this be us girlfriend and stop crying! But, according to studies, we humans have a hard time empathizing with our future selves. Could you even imagine your 30 or 40 year old self when you were in elementary or even high school? It’s like picturing a stranger. This difficulty explains why some people tend to favor short-term or immediate gratification over long-term planning and savings. Take time to picture the life you want to live in 5 years, 10 years, and 40 years, and create an emotional connection to your future self. Visualize the things you enjoy doing now, and think of retirement saving and planning as a way to continue doing those things and even more. However, research shows that people who interacted with their future selves were more willing to improve savings. Just hit me over the head, why don’t you! I do understand that some people can’t even pay attention or aren’t even interested in putting money away for their financial future because they have so much going on and so little to work with that they feel like they can’t even listen to or have a conversation about money. But there are things you’re doing that are not helping your financial position and could be trouble. You could be moving in the wrong direction. The goal is to get out of debt, increase your collateral capacity, use your own money in the most efficient manner and make financial decisions that will move you forward instead of backwards. Also make sure you are getting answers specific to your financial situation instead of blindly guessing! Contact us. We will be happy to help!

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    Muslim scholars have clarified that two basic conditions must be fulfilled for the acceptance of righteous deeds. Firstly, the intention must be to perform those deeds for Allah’s sake alone, without any showing off or desire to gain praise or fame. Secondly, such deeds must be performed in accordance with the Sunnah of Allah’s Messenger (sa)

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    No other ethnic group has even come close to matching the abilities and accomplishments of Jews.

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    Oh, my dear, love isn't always the coup de foudre--the lightning strike. Sometimes it happens quietly, so quitely you may not even notice.