Best 94 quotes in «money management quotes» category

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    I used to say why save money if I'll die tomorrow, I haven’t died yet and I have nothing to survive on

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    I was always taught that when you’re lucky enough to learn something or have some advantage you should share it.

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    Just make as much money as you can, but try your best not to rob or get robbed, it will sweep all that you have and leave your hands empty.

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    Kandydatów na dzierżawców było wielu, ale mało odpowiednich. Najczęsciej zgłaszali się różni awanturnicy, życiowi bankruci, jakies egzotyczne postacie, spadłe nie wiadomo skad. Tych bał się pan Władysław jak ognia. "To nie jest człowiek poważny" - zwykł był mawiac w takich wypadkach, a zarzut ten był najcieższy, jaki w ogóle dorosłemu mężczyznie mógł postawic. Tymczasem właśnie owi najbardziej egzotyczni kandydaci ofiarowywali z reguły najlepsze warunki. Niekiedy nawet pani Emilia była nimi olśniona i namawiała męża, by się zgodził. Ale pan Władysław był zawsze przeciwnego zdania. Twierdził, że w interesach należy zawsze ufać człowiekowi, który się targuje, niewiele obiecuje i w ogóle "jest twardy". Taki, który ofiarowuje dużo i chętnie się zgadza na wszystko, jest tym samym podejrzany, widocznie bowiem - tłumaczył pan Władysław żonie, którą ta argumentacja czasami irytowała - nie bardzo zna swoje możliwosci ani na serio nie bierze zobowiazan. A ten kto czuje się w obowiazku warunkow dotrzymać, nielekko się na przyjmowanie zobowiązan godzi.

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    Man is smart - If money would have grown on trees, we would have used green leaves as money.

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    Many people lack discipline when it comes to saving money. What good is having a bunch of stuff if you’re struggling, in debt, or broke most of the time? So many people put up a front like they’ve got it going on, but they know the truth. They spend all of their money trying to look important, and/or keep up an image. Knowledge is everything! Educate yourself about money, investing, and saving. I encourage you to start investing in yourself instead of things! Set yourself up for a better future and start making better choices. Building wealth takes time! Have discipline. Save. Stay consistent. Be brave enough to change your spending habits. Be wise! Don’t allow money to control you. Strive to have a healthy relationship with money!

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    Money is a very dangerous thing, you have to get know how to look after it or else you will loose it with ease and remember how you would've it in hard times.

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    Money, like emotions, is something you must control to keep your life on the right track.

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    Money does not dictate your lifestyle, it's what you do to get it and how you manage your finances that determines your lifestyle.

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    Money per se does not make you happy - it's what it enables you to do with your life.

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    Money is a tool. Used properly it makes something beautiful- used wrong, it makes a mess!

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    Money is the result of trust. Trust yourself and money will trust you.

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    Recognize those times when it's best to do nothing. The weeks and months following a significant loss, including death, divorce, or the incapacitation of a loved one, are fraught with emotions. We typically do not make our best decisions under circumstances such as these. **Avoid the inclination to immediately put your house on the market** cash in all your savings, and move to the south of France, or trust the first person who comes along who says he or she can give you all the help you need.

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    No other ethnic group has even come close to matching the abilities and accomplishments of Jews.

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    Oh, my dear, love isn't always the coup de foudre--the lightning strike. Sometimes it happens quietly, so quietly you may not even notice.

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    Our culture has at its core the idea that more is better. Many of us design our lives around this belief. And yet the underlying qualities that truly affect happiness are not advanced one whit by having more material things. More peace of mind is gained by allowing ourselves to be satisfied with what we already have. More joy is not bought; it is found in our hearts.

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    Our primary objective in every mortgage transaction should be to borrow in a way that reduces debt, improves financial stability, and helps us get debt free in as short a time as possible!

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    People who can manage their time can also manage their money. After all, managing minutes and managing money is the same exact principle.

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    Remember, buying something is not the problem. The problem comes when we believe, for that moment, that the object we’re buying is going to make us happy.

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    Muslim scholars have clarified that two basic conditions must be fulfilled for the acceptance of righteous deeds. Firstly, the intention must be to perform those deeds for Allah’s sake alone, without any showing off or desire to gain praise or fame. Secondly, such deeds must be performed in accordance with the Sunnah of Allah’s Messenger (sa)

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    My Future Self My future self and I become closer and closer as time goes by. I must admit that I neglected and ignored her until she punched me in the gut, grabbed me by the hair and turned my butt around to introduce herself. Well, at least that’s what it felt like every time I left the convalescent hospital after doing skills training for a certification I needed to help me start my residential care business. I was going to be providing specialized, 24/7 residential care and supervising direct care staff for non-verbal, non-ambulatory adult men in diapers! I ran to the Red Cross and took the certified nurse assistant class so I would at least know something about the job I would soon be hiring people to do and to make sure my clients received the best care. The training facility was a Medicaid hospital. I would drive home in tears after seeing what happens when people are not able to afford long-term medical care and the government has to provide that care. But it was seeing all the “young” patients that brought me to tears. And I had thought that only the elderly lived like this in convalescent hospitals…. I am fortunate to have good health but this experience showed me that there is the unexpected. So I drove home each day in tears, promising God out loud, over and over again, that I would take care of my health and take care of my finances. That is how I met my future self. She was like, don’t let this be us girlfriend and stop crying! But, according to studies, we humans have a hard time empathizing with our future selves. Could you even imagine your 30 or 40 year old self when you were in elementary or even high school? It’s like picturing a stranger. This difficulty explains why some people tend to favor short-term or immediate gratification over long-term planning and savings. Take time to picture the life you want to live in 5 years, 10 years, and 40 years, and create an emotional connection to your future self. Visualize the things you enjoy doing now, and think of retirement saving and planning as a way to continue doing those things and even more. However, research shows that people who interacted with their future selves were more willing to improve savings. Just hit me over the head, why don’t you! I do understand that some people can’t even pay attention or aren’t even interested in putting money away for their financial future because they have so much going on and so little to work with that they feel like they can’t even listen to or have a conversation about money. But there are things you’re doing that are not helping your financial position and could be trouble. You could be moving in the wrong direction. The goal is to get out of debt, increase your collateral capacity, use your own money in the most efficient manner and make financial decisions that will move you forward instead of backwards. Also make sure you are getting answers specific to your financial situation instead of blindly guessing! Contact us. We will be happy to help!

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    Oh, my dear, love isn't always the coup de foudre--the lightning strike. Sometimes it happens quietly, so quitely you may not even notice.

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    People who are distracted by door money, neglect the production and the audience. Money becomes their god. They sacrifice their reputation in favor of building revenue. Believe me; the former is more difficult to recover if lost.

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    Salary is not what you earn,Salary is what you save.

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    she wondered how she could have spent all that money and have nothing but clothes and accessories and a long list of men she never wanted to see again to show for it

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    Success is fueled by being persistent and consistent.

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    Tax-Deferred does not mean Tax-Free It never ceases to amaze me when I meet with people who do not know that tax-deferred does not mean tax-free. You mean I have to pay taxes when I take this money!? This is not all mine!? These are common remarks I hear as we are looking at their most recent retirement account statement. Somehow this consideration was missed when they enrolled in the savings plan and each year when they postponed the tax when filing their tax return. I am not a tax professional but I can understand how an accountant or tax preparer wouldn’t think to make sure the client understands that they are postponing taxes and the tax calculation during their working years. I met an accountant that expressed how difficult it is when he gets the client that believed they were ready to leave work only to find out that because of taxes they are coming up a little or a lot short. This happened to one of my relatives that worked at least 30 years as an x-ray technician and then supervisor at a very large hospital. While working, they always had the nice houses, the nice cars, and a nice upper-middle class lifestyle, nothing fancy. After he retired and even though his wife still worked as a school principal, he had to take a sales clerk job at a nearby liquor store so that his family could maintain their lifestyle. I will never forget other relatives joking and laughing about him miscalculating his retirement. I’m certain that his unsuccessful retirement and that of other relatives influenced my interest in retirement planning if for no one else but me. With a limited amount of retirement income, most retirees would prefer to keep their dollars rather than give them to Uncle Sam. Even those with an unlimited source of funds don’t want to pay more taxes than necessary. Fortunately, there are some ways to decrease your tax burden once you’ve done the obvious work of ensuring you’ve taken all the deductions and credits to which you’re entitled when you file your taxes.

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    The present presses automatically on you. The future does not. To attend to the future requires bandwidth, which scarcity taxes. When scarcity taxes our bandwidth, we become even more focused on the here and now. We need cognitive resources to gauge future needs, and we need executive control to resist present temptations. As it taxes our bandwidth, scarcity focuses on the present, and leads us to borrow.

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    The strength of your personal financial resources is equivalent to the quality of your financial decision making.

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    Retirement Lifestyle Planning There are four (4) major financial questions that you must be able to answer in order to know if your current or future plan will work for you. What rate of return do you have to earn on your savings and investment dollars to be able to retire at your current standard of living and have your money last through your life expectancy? How much do you need to save on a monthly or annual basis to be able to retire at your current standard of living and your money last your life expectancy? Doing what you are currently doing, how long will you have to work to be able to retire and live your current lifestyle till life expectancy? If you don’t do anything different than you are doing today, how much will you have to reduce your standard of livingat retirement for your money to last your life expectancy? Motto for Retirement Lifestyle Planning A solid financial plan is a powerful possession that offers a sense of peace and freedom. Our process allows us to determine appropriate strategies and help you understand how to achieve your goals and live your dreams. Our process stresses informed financial decision making. We encourage you to review all decisions with your team of tax and legal professionals. For the record, we are not tax or legal professionals and this information is not intended as tax or legal advice. Now we’d like to remind you that a well-executed financial plan requires diverse knowledge and utilizes some or all of the following strategies and services: -Retirement Lifestyle Planning Making the most of your employer-sponsored retirement plans and IRAs. Determining how much you need to retire comfortably. Managing assets before and during retirement including Social Security analysis. -Estate Planning Referring you to qualified Estate Attorneys to review your wills and trusts to help preserve your estate for your intended heirs by helping with beneficiary designations. Reducing exposure to estate taxes and probate costs. Coordinating with your tax and legal advisors. -Tax Management Helping to reduce your current and future tax burden by considering multiple strategies for review by your tax professional.Also, referring you to qualified tax specialists if needed. -Legacy Planning/Charitable Planning Creating a solid future for generations to come by ensuring that your legacy will live on through those you love or causes you care deeply about. -Risk Management Reviewing existing insurance policies. Recommending policy changes when appropriate. Finding the best policy for your individual wants and needs. -Investment Planning Determining your asset allocation needs. Helping you understand your risk tolerance. Recommending the appropriate investment vehicles to help you reach and exceed your goals.

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    Rich people don't elicit much sympathy. It is not about how to save, invest, spend, hide and give away money, but unmasking the true nature of money, how it works. Be the one to create the system that supports the kind of society we desire for ourselves and the future generation.

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    Saving money won't get us rich. You have to spend it to get it.

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    See money – currency - as the flow of energy and giving that cycles between you, others and me. Now let it flow kindly, fairly and mindfully.

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    Sharpen and trust your judgement: learn when spending is a shrewd investment and when it is merely an indulgence

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    Sometimes Satan isn't busy- we're just being lazy.

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    Status symbols mean nothing to me, I am neither impressed by nor scared of money.

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    Tell me the four people with whom you spend the most time and I will tell you who you are.

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    The more connections you make, the more engagement you elicit, the more value you bring. The more likely it is that your brand will be rewarded.

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    There is only one way to make money: sell something. You're either selling your time or a product. The secret? Productize your time. That's freedom.

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    The Talmud says that “blessed is He who has created all these to serve me.” German politician Julius Streicher said, “It is an open secret that Jews do not work, but rather let others work for them.

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    The Tanakh teaches that, “The diligent will rule, while the lazy will be put to forced labor”. Most Jews work for themselves and hire employees instead of being employees.

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    They taught us to manage money and how to et a good price for our eggs, chickens or pigs. We used to know how to do that -- we weren't dumb; but since we never had any surplus, we had no money to manage. The only money we ever saw went right past us; no sooner had we earned a few cents than they were spent on aspirin . . . those kinds of things.

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    Time is a currency you can only spend once, so be careful how you spend it.

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    Wealth is a planned result that requires productive work and dedication. The Tanakh says, “The plans of the diligent lead only to abundance; but all who rush in arrive only at want” (CJB, Proverbs 21:5).

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    Unforgettable experiences are generally worth splurging on; unlike stuff, memories don’t wear out (or take up space, get dusty, break, or get stolen). If you really want to go and work at an orangutan orphanage in Borneo, it will be worth the cash.

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    Time is much more valuable than money.

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    When a man has learned to live without money, he thought, a few rubles can go a long way.

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    We’re creatures of habit when it comes to mobile contracts and the wires piping high-speed data into our homes. It’s a pain to deal with transfers, installations, and customer service interactions, so we shrug and keep paying a premium.

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    What is MONEY? a piece of PAPER, a chunk of METAL or just some bits and bytes. It’s been called the ROOT OF ALL EVIL, but it can also help UPROOT ALL EVIL. It can’t buy you HAPPINESS or LOVE, but some fall in LOVE WITH IT anyway. It can CHANGE who you are, help find out WHO YOU really are. It can ENSLAVE you, and FREE you. It can open DOORS, buy you DOORS, But it won’t tell you what to do once you are INSIDE, CONTROL you and give you CONTROL. It can give you the power to say YES and the freedom to say NO. It’s EVERYTHING ……………. and NOTHING. Because MONEY is just money

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    What would you choose if you knew you couldn't fail?