Best 222 quotes in «comforting quotes» category

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    God's love has a width, length, height, and depth, but we will never reach the end of it. Our capacity to experience God's love will be exhausted long before God's capacity to give it is strained. The picture of having Christ dwell inside us by faith presents us with compelling and comforting possibilities. What Christ does in us and through us will always be 'exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think.'

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    Halt shook his head. "You warriors don't do much geography in Battleschool, do you?" Horace shrugged. "We're not big on that sort of thing. We wait for our leader to point to an enemy and say, 'Go whack him.' We leave geography and such to Rangers. We like you to feel superior." "Go whack him, indeed," Halt said. "It must be comforting to lead such an uncomplicated life.

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    He had hard, steady eyes, and all the comforting, reassuring charm of a dental drill. - Harry Dresden describing Morgan

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    Houdini, the magician who debunked magic, could not bear to see the great rationalist [Arthur Conan] Doyle enchanted by ghosts and frauds. And so he did what any friend would: He set out to prove spiritualism false and rob his friend Doyle of the only comforting fiction that was keeping him sane. It was the least he could do.

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    Herman Melville is not comforting. Emily Dickinson isn’t either. Maybe their work is too hungry for comfort, or just too vivid for comfort. But Henry James is – profoundly so. Because he is tender. The tenderness is there in the structure of the sentence. He knows the way the poor and the dead are forgotten by the living, and he cannot allow that to happen. So he keeps on writing for them, for the dead, as if they were children to be sheltered and loved, never abandoned.

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    How had this happened? Everyone in the world knew more than us, about everything, and this I hated then found hugely comforting.

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    I find anger so comforting. It's like a blanket made of unresolved issues, but it's a blanket none the less.

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    I can look at the future with anticipation. And it's comforting to know that someday, as Christians, we'll be able to look back and have a little more clarity on why certain things in life happened.

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    I can say that even in the midst of my most cynical comic stripping: Opus shone through with a bit of heart, anchoring the ugly proceedings with a comforting pull of emotion.

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    I despair of persuading people to drop the familiar and comforting tactic of dichotomy. Perhaps, instead, we might expand the framework of debates by seeking other dichotomies more appropriate than, or simply different from, the conventional divisions. All dichotomies are simplifications, but the rendition of a conflict along differing axes of several orthogonal dichotomies might provide an amplitude of proper intellectual space without forcing us to forgo our most comforting tool of thought.

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    I find it almost comforting to count calories, because it makes me conscious of what I'm eating. But on Super Bowl Sunday, I thought, 'Surrender to it. It's nacho time.' Then I ate nothing but Doritos all day.

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    If you want to live within the definition of your own truth, you have to choose to go through the initially painful and ultimately comforting process of finding it.

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    If only Sam could have stayed just like the Dog, she thought. A comforting friend without the complication of romantic interest.There had to be something she could do to completely discourage him, short of throwing up, or making herself totally unattractive. "I'm thirty-five," she said at last.

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    I found it very comforting to see that there is no such thing as a completely normal family. People find their way through whatever the differences may be.

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    If there is something comforting - religious, if you want - about paranoia, there is still also anti-paranoia, where nothing is connected to anything, a condition not many of us can bear for long.

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    If youre a sugar addict like most people, you need to read Beyond Sugar Shock. This compassionate, comforting, uplifting book will change your life.

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    I had this wild thought that he was the only one in all this chaos who was just like me, and that was comforting and profound all at once.

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    I have deep feelings for the welfare and comfort of others.

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    I just think that things get easier as you get older and wiser and more experienced. You get more confident about who you are as you get older. I find that really comforting.

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    I have often been asked to be fair and view a matter from all sides. I did so, hoping that something might improve if I viewed allsides of it. But the result was the same. So I went back to viewing things only from one side, which saves me a lot of work and disappointment. For it is comforting to regard something as bad and to be able to use one's prejudice as an excuse.

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    I like singer-songwriters, and I find sad songs comforting rather than depressing. It makes you realise you're not alone in the world.

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    I love to take things that are everyday and comforting and make them into the most luxurious things in the world.

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    I love New York. I'm a guy for whom a New York accent is a comforting thing.

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    In the end it all comes down to this: you have a choice (or more accurately a rolling tangle of choices) between giving your work your best shot and risking that it will not make you happy, or not giving it your best shot - and thereby guaranteeing that it will not make you happy. It becomes a choice between certainty and uncertainty. And curiously, uncertainty is the comforting choice.

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    In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge. The young they keep out of mischief; to the old they are a comfort and aid in their weakness, and those in the prime of life they incite to noble deeds.

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    In terms of morality, we can be very narrowly focused. So convinced of our point of view and righteousness, and it just doesn't allow for circumstance or other people's points of view. It's very comforting because you don't have to self-reflect, you just are. There's a strain of that in American culture.

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    I'm interested in the kind of religion that makes life harder. I'm not so interested in the comforting kind of religion.

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    In a world gone bad, a bear - even a bear standing on its head - is a comforting, uncomplicated, dependable hunk of sanity.

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    Inertia is comforting, and Americans will be extremely reluctant to make any change that might affect their high standard of living.

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    In the States, I think, the syllogism goes like this: 'free markets solve all problems. Free markets aren't solving global warming, QED global warming is not a problem'. It's not a very good syllogism but it's emotionally comforting if you're in that world.

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    In this deeply nuanced portrait of an American family, Bret Anthony Johnston fearlessly explores the truth behind a mythic happy ending. In Remember Me Like This, Johnston presents an incisive dismantling of an all-too-comforting fallacy: that in being found we are no longer lost.

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    I once talked about wanting to kill myself, but I don't think I was ever really planning on doing it. It was just comforting to know that I could.

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    I realize, for the first time, how very lonely I've been in the arena. How comforting the presence of another human being can be.

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    Isaac Asimov's remark about the infantilism of pseudoscience is just as applicable to religion: 'Inspect every piece of pseudoscience and you will find a security blanket, a thumb to suck, a skirt to hold.' It is astonishing, moreover, how many people are unable to understand that 'X is comforting' does not imply 'X is true'.

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    Is solace anywhere more comforting than that in the arms of a sister.

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    I sighed; as comforting as it may be to some of us, sarcasm, like youth, is wasted on the young.

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    I spend half my time comforting the afflicated, and the other half afflicting the comfortable.

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    It gives me a deep comforting sense that Things seen are temporal and things unseen are eternal.

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    I start really missing London when I go away. I have a little flat, but very central. I live above a pub and you'd think it'd be a nightmare, but I like hearing the music and it's quite comforting.

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    I think we simply all like to project ourselves into somebody else - somebody who is better-looking, richer, smarter. It's comforting. It's escapism, and that, of course, is what the movies are supposed to be all about. Ultimately, I think it's just part of human nature to pretend.

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    I think as humans we're nostalgic creatures and that's what we do. We go back to things that have a semblance of something comforting, or enough time passes that it seems cool again, or maybe it's something that some people didn't even experience.

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    I think it's more comforting to look in the past because you can understand it better, and there are labels for it often.

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    It makes me feel good to have some comforting effect on someone that needs comfort.

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    I thought tamarinds were made to eat, but that was probably not the idea. I ate several, and it seemed to me that they were rather sour that year. They pursed up my lips, till they resembled the stem-end of a tomato, and I had to take my sustenance through a quill for twenty-four hours. They sharpened my teeth till I could have shaved with them, and gave them a 'wire edge' that I was afraid would stay; but a citizen said 'no, it will come off when the enamel does' - which was comforting, at any rate. I found, afterward, that only strangers eat tamarinds - but they only eat them once.

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    It isn't enough to just be on the journey; we must be awake to our duty and continue with faith as we draw upon the comforting, strengthening, enabling, and healing power of the Atonement.

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    It is far more comforting to think God listened and said no, than to think that nobody’s out there.

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    It must be, I thought, one of the race's most persistent and comforting hallucinations to trust that "it can't happen here" -- that one's own time and place is beyond cataclysm.

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    It's always more comforting to know that in any given corner of any room or any location you're on, you can make a photograph that you'll appreciate.

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    It's a folk singer's job to comfort disturbed people and to disturb comfortable people

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    I try to see the dark and light in everything. This is my way of comforting myself when I am dealing with those emotions.