Best 27 quotes in «perfumes quotes» category

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    Dans la cour attenant au triclinium, des musiciens assemblés accordaient des lyres et des flûtes pour accompagner en sourdine les conversations. Des parfums intenses, nés de la nuit chaude, arrivaient par bouffées. Brigitte, assise au pied du lit de l’impératrice Eutropie, s’étonna : — Quel est cet arôme étrange, à la fois si lourd et si doux ? Les narines de Niké palpitèrent pour mieux humer l’air parvenant du jardin : — Je sais ! Il provient d’une fleur en forme d’étoile et que l’on dirait sculptée dans la cire. C’est la fleur d’un arbre fruitier. Elle fleurit sans cesse, d’une lune à l’autre. Sévérien aime beaucoup cet arbre, qu’il a rapporté d’Afrique. Il l’appelle oranger. — La nuit est tout embaumée de son parfum. Il est…, il est inoubliable !

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    A great perfume will weave an emotional thread in the fabric of our lives." Marian Bendeth Global Fragrance Expert Sixth Scents

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    A perfume is a perfume because of the fragrance it produces

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    Fragosmic Ltd. is a personalized perfume manufacturing company based in the United Kingdom that can help you in creating fragrances under your private label. It will also affix your brand logo. For more information please visit our website.

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    Fragrance should never be worn like a thick scented choker, where the scent emanates from the neck in strong blasts like a foghorn! Rather, it should sparkle like twinkling stars, where small bursts disperse here and there, they elude us, pique our curiosity and make us want more.

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    Humiecki and Graef asked Laudamiel to create a perfume that captures the state of ‘how men cry’—eruptive and sensual. Pictures from Slavic culture, as well as how they deal with melancholia and happiness served as inspiration [sic]. The result is a perfume that combines raw eruption, sensual strength, melancholic warmth and deep mysticism.

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    I have always been obsessed with fragrances. The burgundy tenderness of fragrances gives me a high. The Intoxication of fragrances casts a magic spell on me.

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    I bet it’s your mouldy socks,” said Jimmy. “All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten these little socks.

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    Niké, après quelques minutes d’escalade, abandonna la compétition pour admirer les fleurs sauvages qui diapraient la montagne comme une mosaïque. …Si elle tressait une guirlande ? Elle leva vers Nicias, qui continuait l’ascension, son visage lisse comme une olive, ou brillait un regard malicieux : — Quand tu seras en haut, ne t’envole pas ! Le garçon s’arrêta : — Tu ne joues plus ? — Je préfère cueillir des fleurs pour Artémis. — La statue de la déesse ? — Oui. Sur le mont Mangone, giroflées, asphodèles, mauves, géraniums, œillets, marjolaines, absinthes, croissaient à plaisir. L’air surchauffé entêtait comme une cassolette. Niké, les bras surchargés, pensa : « Ce n’est pas étonnant que les chiens perdent la trace du gibier quand ils sont en montagne… » Elle hésita à cueillir les ombelles du sélinon en pensant que la plante sécrétait un suc qui était un poison pour les oiseaux. Or, Artémis trônait dans un bois où chardonnerets, pinsons et serins étaient nombreux. S’ils allaient picorer la guirlande ? La fillette renonça au léger nuage des ombelles pour lui préférer une touffe de silènes d’un rose d’aurore. La guirlande devenait ravissante.

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    Inhaling fragrance is to snatch time and memory and hold it tight if only for a fleeting moment.

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    Intoxicating perfumes, musky body scents mingle... blindfolding you, I orchestrate my symphony.

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    I passionatly love the sky, the grass, the stars, pensive evenings and soft autumn mornings... in a word all that perfumes the sadly gay land of our motley life.

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    Man's pursuit of fragrance is, in reality, merely humanity coveting and cloaking itself in the very best of nature. Marian Bendeth Global Fragrance Expert, Sixth Scents

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    Moving from one room to the next I inhaled in passing that incense of an old library which is worth all the perfumes of the world.

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    Oh, is that what I smell?” Mrs. McHenry said with a shudder. (For the record, our school smells just fine, unless of course your smelling ability has been irreparably damaged by a lifetime of sniffing perfume samples.)

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    Perfume can instigate an instant intimacy with a complete stranger.

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    The world is defined by smells – not words or shapes or sounds.

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    The intoxication of fragrances casts its magic spell on me.

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    The roses bloomed, thousands of them in a floral amphitheater, blossoms shading from gold and coral at the top of the garden to scarlet and deep pink on tiers below. At the bottom, in the center of the rosy congregation, the palest apricots and ivories perfumed the air.

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    She reached first for one labeled The Glory of Gardenia and quickly set it down after a brief sniff. The flowery scent was fiercely overwhelming. She continued down the row, trying several more: one scented with orange blossoms and juniper, one laced with lavender, one that contained an interesting blend of rose and mint, and one that was crisp with the scent of lemon and some exotic spice.

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    Taking in the scents of very high-end colognes and perfumes, a whiff of Joy, a trace of Shalini, equally exquisite whiskeys and wines, a mossy Islay, Lagavulin perhaps, first-growth Bordeaux, Latour definitely, a distant hint of Cohiba, Grace headed towards the bar. A melange of fascinating and captivating foods, spiced Kobe beef bao buns and Georgia shrimp and grits souffle and warm Coca-Cola chocolate cake, wafted from a variety of restaurants and open spaces to where Grace stood at the entrance, a cozy intimate living room-like space populated by a very well-dressed, well-heeled, and decidedly young crowd, to which Grace looked as though she belonged.

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    The beauty of the face and the body attracts only the eyes, but the beauty of the character and the talk perfumes, heart, mind, and soul. That's the essential point of one's life.

    • perfumes quotes
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    Through perfume, I smell your soul" Marian Bendeth Global Fragrance Expert Sixth Scents

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    Too many "think" perfume from the head instead of "feeling" from the heart." Marian Bendeth Global Fragrance Expert Sixth Scents

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    True artistry in perfumery is the marriage of notes that may juxtapose each other but become harmonious in a blend. Born of pure creativity and an astounding knowledge of literally thousands of synthetics and hundreds of Essential oils, they must possess the ability to marry disparate and conjugal notes into a harmonious blend.

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    You see, nothing is more immediate, more complete than the sense of smell. In an instant, it has the power to transport you. Your olfactory sense connects not to the memory itself, but to the emotion you felt when that memory was made. To recreate a scent memory is one of the most challenging, eloquent pursuits possible. It’s poetry, in its most immediate form.

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    You're going to stink, but you can choose your stink.