Best 4 quotes in «misogynistic quotes» category

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    Indeed, I propose the idea that confusing strength with masculinity is in truth not a feminist ideal, but a misogynistic idea. He is no friend of woman who says women must act masculine to be equal to men, because that merely makes the word ‘feminine’ equal ‘inferior’.

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    Exactly what it sounded like, Munchkin. You want to live here in a Sentinel compound then you’re going to act like a Sentinel. You’re going to train and do your duties without bitching. Since you’re mated that also means that you’ll keep house for me, cook, doctor my wounds and spread your legs when I have excess energy.

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    Ah fuckin hate the way some American cunts call lassies cunts. Fuckin offensive, that shite.

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    No, you're not, Marissa says. You were just the victim of the blatant misogynistic and ridiculous hierarchy that is high school in contemporary society. You have to take the power back.

    • misogynistic quotes