Best 30 quotes in «feeling alive quotes» category

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    And then, that feeling comes again when you seem invincible and totally awesome. You simply can't hold it in and you just smile to everyone you come across; infectiously, they have no choice but to smile back. You are more than convinced in your guts that something beautifully indescribable is coming your way. You just drown yourself in the feeling of awesomeness. Faith, probably . . . or the hands of providence?

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    Choosing the wrong way makes us feel different and ensured you to take right decision

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    Being alive is not a miracle, feeling alive is.

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    But this is human life: the war, the deeds, The disappointment, the anxiety, Imagination’s struggles, far and nigh, All human; bearing in themselves this good, That they are still the air, the subtle food, To make us feel existence. -Keats, Endymion This is the ‘goal’ of the soul path – to feel existence; not to overcome life’s struggles and anxieties, but to know life first hand, to exist fully in context. (Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul, p.260)

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    He was attracted to this edge of unknowing, of hope and fear, he instinctively knew that surfing it was precondition for growth and transformation. And for feeling alive. Waking up and going out into the world not knowing what each day would hold, taking life as it comes, relinquishing any illusion of control. That's fresh, that's a good morning!

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    All i know is this: when i am with you i feel completely alive. When i am with you i get a feeling which i can never get with anyone else. When i look into your eyes, i feel an unusual serenity. When i talk with you i feel a beautiful calmness that engulfs me. I feel i have reached my destination. And when i hug you, i feel home!

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    How beautiful it is when one lives completely and not with just a part of oneself. When one is full to the rim and calm because there is nothing more to get in.

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    I don't need a priest or a philosopher to tell me how to feel alive.

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    Express your aliveness by giving - of yourself, of your resources, of your heart.

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    I feel therefore I am.

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    In this journey of life, you will meet people who will make you feel alive!

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    Happiness: the feeling of being alive.

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    It takes a strong heart to feel deep!

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    I had no idea how free we were. That's how free I was.

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    I want to be Tragedy, I want to be Juliet, I want to be Romeo. Thus with a kiss I die.

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    Maybe that's what religion is, hurling yourself off a cliff and trusting that something bigger will take care of you and carry you to the right place. I don't know if it is possible to feel everything all at once, so much that you think you're going to burst.

    • feeling alive quotes
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    It felt so amazing to be alive I could never think of anything else.

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    In the dark, I seem to stretch. Without a body to witness, I grow and grow with my pleasure. I feel like a constellation, a concept hung on a scattering of stars.

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    My Life can be summed up under three 'C's Confusion Chaos Comedy

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    Pain was the only sign to her that she was alive and could feel emotion.

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    Nell walks what feels like the length of Paris. She walks through the numbered arrondissements, meandering through a food market, gazing at the glossy produce, both familiar and not at the same time, accepting a plum at a stallholder's urging and then buying a small bag in lieu of breakfast and lunch. She sits on a bench by the Seine, watching the tourist boats go by, and eats three of the plums, thinking of how it felt to hold the tiller, to gaze onto the moonlit waters. She tucks the bag under her arm as if she does this all the time and takes the Metro to a brocante recommended in one of her guidebooks, allowing herself an hour to float among the stalls, picking up little objects that someone once loved, mentally calculating the English prices, and putting them down again. And as she walks, in a city of strangers, her nostrils filled with the scent of street food, her ears filled with an unfamiliar language, she feels something unexpected wash through her. She feels connected, alive.

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    People, like us we feel... too deeply consumed, in shadow this game of chance. Together, surviving we unending dreamers. People... like us.

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    The next time someone tries to make you feel bad about feeling good, respond by continuing to live well.

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    No, it's the best time for jokes,' said Olivia. She forced a weak smile. 'Jokes remind us that we're alive. And that your sense of humor is terrible.

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    The grass whispered under his body. He put his arm down, feeling the sheath of fuzz on it, and, far away, below, his toes creaking in his shoes. The wind sighed over his shelled ears. The world slipped bright over the glassy round of his eyeballs like images sparked in a crystal sphere. Flowers were sun and fiery spots of sky strewn through the woodland. Birds flickered like skipped stones across the vast inverted pond of heaven. His breath raked over his teeth, going in ice, coming out fire. Insects shocked the air with electric clearness. Ten thousand individual hairs grew a millionth of an inch on his head. He heard the twin hearts beating in each ear, the third heart beating in his throat, the two hearts throbbing his wrists, the real heart pounding his chest. The million pores on his body opened. I'm really alive! he thought. I never knew it before, or if I did I don't remember!

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    The key to feeling absolutely alive in your own skin lies in your ability to transform or channel your hardships and dark shadows into sensual energy.

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    This was it. This was what I had never felt before--an emotional connection to another human being. I'd tried kindness, I'd tried love, I'd tried friendship. I'd tried talking and sharing and watching, and nothing had ever worked until now. Until fear. I felt her fear in every inch of my body like an electric hum, and I was alive for the first time. I needed more right then or the craving would eat me alive.

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    Two Words from Sanskrit, that are Strikingly similar. CHITA & CHINTA One Burns the Dead & the other Burns the Living. Have a STRESS free Life….—feelingalive.

    • feeling alive quotes
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    Well, you know, that was the worst of it - this suspicion of not being inhuman. It would come slowly to one. They howled and leaped, and spun, and made horrid faces; but what thrilled you was just the thought of their humanity - like yours - the thought of your remote kinship with this wild and passionate uproar.

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    You must always do what you feel is right As you will have to live with your decisions for the rest of your life