Best 297 quotes in «sensuality quotes» category

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    I have beauty, intelligence, individuality, sensuality and sexuality.

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    Famously, Anne Boleyn was not a beauty: she was more about quirkiness and an innate sensuality, and there are a lot of references to her eyes. Which sends out a great message for women, because life is not about the aesthetic all the time.

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    I enjoy wording. Words for me are tangible bodies, visible sirens, incarnate sensualities.

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    I think sensuality is a part of me. It's not all of me, but it's a part of who I am.

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    I love feeling the crispness of fall and the sensuality of spring.

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    Intellectual passion drives out sensuality.

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    Intemperance is the plaque of sensuality, and temperance is not its bane but its seasoning.

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    Unchaste abandon and the self-surrender of the soul to the world of sensuality paralyzes the primordial powers of the moral person: the ability to perceive, in silence, the call of reality, and to make, in the retreat of this silence, the decision appropriate to the concrete situation of concrete action.

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    I think that women find their strength and power in their sexuality, in their sensuality within, [through] getting older and being secure within that.

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    Nothing is more repulsive than a furtively prurient spirituality; it is just as unsavoury as gross sensuality.

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    The subject matter is autobiographical, it's all to do with hope and memory and sensuality and involvement, really.

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    Ah, lust. It makes us forget anything we want to. The greatest relaxant, the greatest stimulant.

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    All have senses, but not all have sensuality because sensuality is predicated on one’s soul journey to self awareness.

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    Almost every woman inherently wants to have the 'desirability advantage,' but few are willing to admit not to mention work on it. The following advice is strictly meant for sensual ladies: Don't be afraid to be your most gorgeous self or to look sexy. Yes, it will give you an unfair advantage, but what's really important is that it will teach you the art of living a sensual lifestyle, an art without which life (and love) would be utterly boring if not depressing.

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    A man, ladies, is not only attracted and retained by your sensuality or charm, he is also guarded (from cheating) and motivated (to succeed) by it too.

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    A man is not for you when all he knows is to slam your back on the bed and ram into you like a wild fool. The interested ones are the ones so interested that they become very interested in only interesting things about you.

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    A sensual woman is the best escape and emotional cure for a man who's soul is distressed. If women could learn that, they wouldn't even have to spend one sleepless night worrying about the possibility of their men cheating.

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    A sensual lifestyle is an expression of your highest sense of self worth.

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    A ship in a harbour is a safe ship, but that's not what ships are built for. In the same way, a woman in a good relationship feels safe. But truth is, she innately knows she was not built for unnecessary safety, but rather for a sea of passion.

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    A Tennyson garden, heavy with scent, languid; the return of the word swoon.

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    A woman is like a universe; there are many things that even she still needs to discover about herself. Men on the other hand are miners, which means they are in a better position to uncover, perceive and appreciate things about women that they themselves have not yet come to the full realization of. Men know more about women than they can tell (it's for their own safety that they keep their mouths shut and pretend like they don't know anything, lest they get slammed for claming to know anything at all about women in the first place). Sadly, women are losing out on a wealth of knowledge and understanding about themselves by debunking men's ideas and notions about them especially when it comes to their femininity and sensuality. I think there is a need for women to start gently and safely asking men what they 'inherently' know about their femininity. I'm not a chauvinist nor a proponent for men's rights, but I strongly believe that men hold the keys to a lot of treasure chests that most women are daily striving to open up. Perhaps you should start inviting your man to get a little bit more involved in your feminine/sensual journey. It's only a suggestion...

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    A woman who has truly awakened to her sensuality recognizes that she requires a more sophisticated presence. She is not average, after all.

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    Beauty is to recognize how full of Love you are. Sensuality is to let some of that Love shine through your body.

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    Being constantly in touch with your own sensuality develops you into a more intuitive person who knows how to minister to the hidden needs of the one(s) you love.

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    Be your own brand of sensuality.

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    Blake inspires instant, tender Blakelust in everyone he meets. All of his beauties are meant to be touched, and he likes to be touched.

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    Cash leaned forward against her hand and Harper met him halfway. The kiss was powerful and demanding. Harper wrapped her arms around Cash, feeling his heartbeat against her chest. The kiss was more aggressive than either of them meant it to be, and, when they pulled apart, they were both breathing fast, like they had sprinted toward each other. “I’ve been waiting a long time to do that,” Cash said, out of breath. “Eight years,” Harper murmured. “My whole life,” Cash corrected, leaning in again.

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    Chances are, you won't find the right love until you find the lifestyle you love.

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    Charlotte stood, her gaze instantly connecting with Rothbury's. A zing of awareness tingled down her spine. Dripping with sensuality, the earl stood with his back to the wall, his stance, as always, exuding a lazy confidence. The damp spring air in the crowded room caused his dark-blond locks to curl slightly where wisps had escaped the velvet queue secured behind his neck. He wore no costume, no mask, which of course wasn't required, therefore catching the eye of every warm-blooded female within a two-hundred-foot radius. It wasn't an exaggeration. The sighs of feminine appreciation surrounded Charlotte. Though she found it slightly ridiculous, she could not find it in herself to blame them. He was simply that fetching. His expertly cut dark gray coat hugged his broad shoulders, and his stark white cravat, frothy with elegant folds, emphasized his chiseled chin, gold with faint bristles. And his mouth- oh, that glorious mouth- both haughty and wicked, curving with his ever-present sagacious grin. Lord, what it must feel like to have those lips touch one's own. Charlotte gave an appreciative sigh, drinking up the sight of him. For a masquerade, his plain evening clothes on any other man would have lent him to fade into the background. But not Rothbury. Dear heavens, no. It only added to his sinful, blush-inducing appeal.

    • sensuality quotes
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    Contrary to popular belief, YOUR SENSUALITY IS NOT YOUR SINFUL SIDE nor what validates your wretchedness. That's like saying money is evil or the root of all evil.

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    Corporeal reality is much more rich and precious than we realize. It feels good to have a body, to surge on currents of emotion, to have nerve endings, mitochondria in our cells, tangible focused energy, the embodiment of light — given a voice.

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    Could it be, as one writer puts it, that every knock at the door of a brothel is actually a knock at the heart of God?

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    Delight in your sensuality, in the dance of your desires. Don't be ashamed of it.

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    Does your relationship match your sensuality? If it doesn't, you've settled.

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    Don’t judge someone else’s sensuality because it is different from yours. You don’t know what part of their soul has been wounded, or needs to be soothed or liberated, or what deep yearning they’re trying to meet. We all want to achieve complete soul-freedom. So don’t judge, instead be discerning so you can be enlightened.

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    Don’t lose yourself in a man, that’ll make you lose your pizzazz indefinitely. Instead, lose yourself in your own sensuality and you’ll forever enchant him.

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    Even the strongest feelings expire, but a couple that has learned how to rely on their OWN sensuality never runs out of juice. As long as sensuality continues to burn within and between the two of us, we can weather any storm.

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    For, when the friendship is purely spiritual, the love of God grows with it; and the more the soul remembers it, the more it remembers the love of God, and the greater the desire it has for God; so that, as the one grows, the other grows also. For the spirit of God has this property, that it increases good by adding to it more good, inasmuch as there is likeness and conformity between them. But, when this love arises from the vice of sensuality aforementioned, it produces the contrary effects; for the more the one grows, the more the other decreases, and the remembrance of it likewise. If that sensual love grows, it will at once be observed that the soul's love of God is becoming colder, and that it is forgetting Him as it remembers that love; there comes to it, too, a certain remorse of conscience. And, on the other hand, if the love of God grows in the soul, that other love becomes cold and is forgotten; for, as the two are contrary to one another, not only does the one not aid the other, but the one which predominates quenches and confounds the other, and becomes strengthened in itself, as the philosophers say. Wherefore Our Saviour said in the Gospel: 'That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.' That is to say, the love which is born of sensuality ends in sensuality, and that which is of the spirit ends in the spirit of God and causes it to grow. This is the difference that exists between these two kinds of love, whereby we may know them.

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    Haunted by the longing to feel something real, deep and magical; I searched for shared ecstasy... that's when you came along.

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    He cupped his hand around her cheek, and she marveled at how perfectly his palm fit her cheek. His fingers in her hair, she waited, maybe for an eternity, for his lips to meet hers. When they did it was like being inside an exploding star. Time and space became irrelevant. She slipped her arms under his, clinging to him, his body the only thing stopping her from drifting away, untethered in space. His hand on her back slipped under layers of clothes, finding her skin. He pulled her close, and she leaned into him, feeling like she could never be close enough to him.

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    He handed the dust pan and brush over. I knew they wouldn’t be much use in cleaning the floor. I also knew the real reason he had given them to me: so he could look furtively at me, as I bent over. That idea turned me on. I welcomed it, and decided to give him a good look at what he wanted.

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    He knew that if Michelle entered into the walls of the Vatican, she’d corrupt every single clergyman within, causing them to forsake their vows in trade for a few moments with her. With one glance men would happily follow her to the bowels of hell and swim across the lake of fire to get to her.

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    He was the kind of man I wanted: wild, hot, horny, and losing control. And it all pointed back to me, about how much I felt in control of him, with the power of my body.

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    High heels evoke a sensuality in a woman.

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    his stubble was cut smooth. he smelled of aftershave, dry deodorant and sex-tarnished bedsheets. those eyes--grey, strong, inlaid beneath a firm brow that displayed such hate and SUCH love--they seduced her every time... but not tonight.

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    I believe in the flesh and the appetites; Seeing, hearing, feeling, are miracles, and each part and tag of me is a miracle. Divine am I inside and out, and I make holy whatever I touch or am touch’d from; The scent of these arm-pits, aroma finer than prayer; This head more than churches, bibles, and all the creeds.

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    I believe my divine assignment is to help unleash passion in you, ladies, that will give you so much to give that even after you've given the best you've got you still have so much left that it pisses you off that you didn't give MORE. Here is the thing, I don't want you to think that this is about men per se. Yes, men are a part of it, but not everything about your sensuality is about men. In essence, this is about you reaching your highest sensual potential as a woman... FOR YOU, first and foremost.

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    I convinced myself that, as a principle, cheating was off-limits, but it scared the shit out of me that it could be where I was heading.

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    I convinced myself that, as a principle, cheating was off-limits, but it scared the shit out of me that it could be where I was heading. Why? Not because I was consciously thinking of finding someone new, but because I had absolutely no game.

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    I’d love to be tried out,’ I said, with a suggestive smile. ‘One should always explore something, before one goes in deeper.’ I saw a little flicker of fun in his eyes.