Best 86 quotes in «ruin quotes» category

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    —¿Arruinada? —Sí, una ruina, porque al ayudarme a derribar todos esos demonios, me construiste de nuevo. Y por eso, nunca voy a ser capaz de pagarte. •capítulo 44

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    Any system that values profit over human life is a very dangerous one indeed. Simply put, it lacks values, and such a system will eventually collapse once its true light is discovered by the masses. Though some say that capitalism is a modern system, corruption has been the source for the demise of every great civilization.

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    …and they limp and halt, they’re all wrinkled, drawn, they squint to the side, can’t look you in the eyes, and always bent on duty, trudging after Ruin, maddening, blinding Ruin. But Ruin is strong and swift—She outstrips them all by far, stealing a march, leaping over the whole wide earth to bring mankind to grief.

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    Any system that values profit over human life is a very dangerous one indeed.

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    Be Like Lightning Which Has The Power To Animate Or Destroy Life.... It's Up To You Which Side You Wanna Take....

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    Coś zawsze przyciąga nas do ruin, ponieważ ruiny przypominają nam o naszym zasadniczym problemie: problem nietrwałości!

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    Cielos. El cielo en la tierra. Amaba esa sonrisa. Me refiero a que, por el momento lo odiaba pero su risa era… algo diferente. Hacía que quisiera caer presa de sus encantos, pero lo sabía mejor. No lo hacía lindo. Sólo…se lo hacía a las chicas, lo que aparentemente funcionaba bien para él. •capítulo 22

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    Come to me. Why must you ruin this moment? You are burdened with thought. Burdened with the past and expectations of the future. You are burdened with your self. Cast these aside by laughing at yourself. And love, for what more is there than to love me? Take me now and let it be heaven for us.

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    Do not allow haters to ruin your happiness.

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    —Demostrando un punto. —Me desvestí hasta que estuve completamente desnudo—. No puedo ocultarme de ti. —Levanté los brazos en el aire—. Sería imposible ocultar la reacción de mi cuerpo... con sólo mirar... estoy así. Con sólo mirarte, cada músculo individual en mi cuerpo se tensa. Sólo viendo tu sonrisa, concentrándome en aquellos ojos azules, lo olvido todo menos a ti. Tu sabor, tus labios, tu boca. —Me moví hacia el piso—. Mi cuerpo no puede mentir... —La besé suavemente—. Y créeme cuando digo que no te miento con mis palabras. Aquí... —Toqué su pecho—, eres hermosa. Aquí... —acaricié su mejilla—, es imposible no mirarte. Para mí eres perfecta. •capítulo 42

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    Dar tu alma a alguien es como si a propósito te apuñales en el corazón y estás en espera de la persona que amas para que detenga el sangrado. —Wes M. •capítulo 32

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    Do not let your past insecurities ruin your future victories.

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    Ese hombre podría ser el mismo diablo —y probablemente lo era si su anterior comportamiento era una indicación— todo lo que necesitaría es una canción y yo estaría a su voluntad. Esa era la razón por la cual los músicos eran peligrosos, te hacían olvidar quién eras. El núcleo de lo que eres se puede perder tan fácilmente en la música. Eran las modernas sirenas, blandiendo el poder de la persuasión con su don. Y el resto de la población humana no tenía oportunidad de librarse de su trampa. •capítulo 9

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    Don’t let anybody to ruin your inner joy or to interfere in your marvellous rhythm!

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    Don’t ruin your own happiness by letting someone’s wickedness hurt you.

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    El toque más erótico que un hombre pueda experimentar es el de una mujer clavándole las uñas en el cuero cabelludo y dar un pequeño tirón. —Gabe H, Wes M, y todos los hombres… de cualquier lugar. •capítulo 19

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    El toque más erótico que un hombre pueda experimentar es el de una mujer clavándole las uñas en el cuero cabelludo y dar un pequeño tirón. —Gabe H, Wes M, y todos los hombres… de cualquier lugar. •capítulo 29

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    Era el camino más fácil. La estúpida manera de salir. Lo que significaba una sola cosa, necesitaba estar como el infierno lejos de Gabe, él sería tóxico. •capítulo 14

    • ruin quotes
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    Existe un yin y yang en la vida. Pero las personas no se dan cuenta hasta que es muy tarde. •capítulo 22

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    Every irrational and unscientific belief will ruin your life! Your own wrong belief will be your own tragic punishment!

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    How many different kinds of ruin do you have to see, before you resign yourself to calling it all 'ruin'?

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    For America, if eligible at all to downfall and ruin, is eligible within herself, not without;

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    Finalmente... encontré paz. En los brazos de alguien que me miraba como si fuera su aire. ~Lisa •capítulo 52

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    For all these stars, nothing is new. They’ve seen all kinds of wars and miracles, too. They know the messengers with their holy books will smile and wash their hands in blood. They know the politicians with their good looks will make the poor eat pies of mud. They’ve seen the Earth freeze and then burn with greed. They’ve seen the trees and the seas emptied. Yet, you won’t hear their sneers when a man arrives and, having experienced a number of years, proclaims: 'I have lived!' Because nothing is new under these stars: the lies, the love, the memories and scars, the ruin, the revolution, the fakes and true, the families, the friends, none of it is new. All of it—even the me and you.

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    Gain fame, and the paparazzi or media waits and watches for them to slip, just to shame their name.

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    Happy is the heart of the king when gifts come to him. And when every foreign land [comes], that is our success, that is our fortune. What shall we do about it ? All is ruin!

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    How could I let a love go — one I’d been holding onto for so long — one that felt like home? It’s not easy to let go of the pieces, even though they’re the reason for my pain. I gripped them so hard that my blood fell like rain. But nothing, nothing could have prepared me for a new life with you — one I didn’t deserve, one I want to pursue.

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    If life was perfect,how in the hell would v evr learn to depend on someone other dn ourselves?If anything,dt’s wat life’s taught me.D need to b perfect is stemmed in d very belief dt it’s actually something v cn achieve.Self-actualization —doesn’t exist.” “Does dt mean v don’t try then?” “No.” “It just means wen u reach end of ur rope,u shdn’t regret a damn thing,bt applaud urself for trying impossible

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    If a negative viewer looks at you with an ugly fiendish eye, find a way and pluck off his eyes, or better still, protect your good image.

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    I know who you are,” he says. Something about his tone causes my heart of smoke to flicker in response, and I throw my guard up. “Oh? And who, O boy of Parthenia, am I?” He nods to himself, his eyes alight. “You’re her. You’re that jinni. Oh, gods. Oh, great bleeding gods! You’re the one who started the war!” “Excuse me?” “You’re the jinni who betrayed that famous queen—what was her name? Roshana? She was trying to bring peace between the jinn and the humans, but you turned on her and started the Five Hundred Wars.” I turn cold. I want him to stop, but he doesn’t. “I’ve heard the stories,” he says. “I’ve heard the songs. They call you the Fair Betrayer, who enchanted humans with your . . .” He pauses to swallow. “Your beauty. You promised them everything, and then you ruined them.

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    If you always want to have whatever you want any time you want it with no delays, and denial of self, you would end up ruining your life.

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    If you do not love something, then it does not belong to you. For it wont be long, before you destroy that something, exactly because, you do not love it.-

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    I love you. If you remember nothing else for the rest of your life, if you fall and hit your head and can’t remember my name, if you get so sick you’re unrecognizable, if you hate me, if you’re on your deathbed and can’t manage to even lift a finger — remember this. I. Love. You. Always. Forever. Eternally. Is that kind of love something you can handle, Saylor?

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    It sounded like the usual—seduce and ruin, my area of expertise, also my area of boredom.

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    In Ruin City, in the rain, the sound of melancholy is a buzzing maelstrom of quiet desperation. The shatter has been so great, there is no sound left to despair.

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    Is a self help or personal development book ruining your life?

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    I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood.

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    —Mágico —murmuró reverentemente—. La niebla. No hay manera que salga y decirte eso después de sólo conocerte en una simple hora... ¿no crees? Después de todo, soy honesto, pero no quiero parecer demasiado intenso diciéndote que pareces un ángel bajo las estrellas… un oscuro ángel. •capítulo 9

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    Love has ruined me in such beautiful ways.

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    No naces con miedo... naces con amor. El miedo se desarrolla mientras te das cuenta de que el mundo no es tan perfecto como habías pensado. El miedo es un hábito aprendido, y yo era su alumna. ~Lisa •capítulo 47

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    Me sentí como si él estuviera utilizando el doble sentido. El Gabe filosófico era un poco aterrador porque me hacía sentir más insegura que el Gabe idiota. Pero, ¿el chico sentado en este momento junto a mí? Estaba empezando a entender, él no era una sola persona. Era cada persona, todo, lo que sea que necesitabas que sea, lo era. Como un camaleón.

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    My new favorite title is How Jane Austen Ruined My Life. I don't have the courage to read it, though. I'm afraid to discover she's ruined mine as well.

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    Never ruin before it begins, Coin it with Patience

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    Niggas/Bitches will try to come back into your life after they tried to ruin it. Like nothing ever happened. Like they didn’t just emotionally, Financially and physically drain you for years.

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    No,” moaned Tom in despair. “School. School straight on ahead! Why, why do dime stores show things like that in windows before summer’s even over! Ruin half the vacation!

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    —No quiero que seas el caballero. —Sí, pero, Lisa, creo que eso es exactamente lo que realmente anhelas. No es la adrenalina rápida del alma que late con fuerza frente a la chimenea, sino el tipo de amor que dura por horas... días. El tipo que experimentas solamente una vez en la vida, sólo cuando te entregas a ti mismo realmente por alguien más. Es lo que yo quiero contigo. •capítulo 42

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    Routine ruins the life, variety vitalise the life.

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    People are perfectly capable of ruining their own lives by very themselves without taking any wrong guidance from outside!

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    [Pope] Clement waved his hands in irritation as if to dismiss the very idea. "The world is crumbling into ruin. Armies are marching. Men and women are dying everywhere, in huge numbers. Fields are abandoned and towns deserted. The wrath of the Lord is upon us and He may be intending to destroy the whole of creation. People are without leaders and direction. They want to be given a reason for this, so they can be reassured, so they will return to their prayers and their obiediences. All this is going on, and you are concerned about the safety of two Jews?

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    Of Ruin and Renewal We are souls Of ruin and renewal Sorting through the rubble Of our painful past. We are souls Of ruin and renewal Waiting for the dust To settle at last We are souls Of ruin and renewal Searching for eyes that see us And walk through the debris We are souls Of ruin and renewal, We rebuild, we revive, We repurpose our own story.