Best 86 quotes in «ruin quotes» category

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    [Pope] Clement waved his hands in irritation as if to dismiss the very idea. "The world is crumbling into ruin. Armies are marching. Men and women are dying everywhere, in huge numbers. Fields are abandoned and towns deserted. The wrath of the Lord is upon us and He may be intending to destroy the whole of creation. People are without leaders and direction. They want to be given a reason for this, so they can be reassured, so they will return to their prayers and their obiediences. All this is going on, and you are concerned about the safety of two Jews?

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    Rebellion leads to ruin.

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    Routine ruins the life, variety vitalise the life.

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    There are 7 billion people on earth. And you're going to let one person ruin your day? Don't.

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    Rushing into action, you fail. Trying to grasp things, you lose them. Forcing a project to completion, you ruin what was almost ripe. Therefore the Master takes action by letting things take their course. He remains as calm at the end as at the beginning. He has nothing, thus has nothing to lose. What he desires is non-desire; what he learns is to unlearn. He simply reminds people of who they have always been. He cares about nothing but the Tao. Thus he can care for all things.

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    Sentirse cómodo con alguien como Gabe era arriesgado, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta nuestro mal comienzo. Pero era imposible de resistir, sobre todo cuando era él mismo, algo que me di cuenta que no había sido mucho últimamente. —Saylor. •capítulo 24

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    She said "I want you to ruin me" And my pen made her into poetry!

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    She was supposed to be my salvation, and though she wouldn’t be my ruin, the loss was going to thrust my life right back to what started my downward spiral in the first place.

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    The affairs of the people have gone to ruin. See, all the craftsmen, they do not work, The land’s foes have despoiled its craftsmen.

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    The city defeated him. It refused to be bent into shape; it stayed a willful, sprawling, sinful place. It even told him as much. When he walked through the gutted wreck of old Saint Paul's, he tripped and fell over a piece of rubble -- a tombstone. When he got to his feet and dusted himself down he saw that it read, in Latin, 'Resurgam' -- 'I Will Rise Again.

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    The corporate controlled military does a great job of ruining peoples lives.

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    The ‘eye for eye’ policy satisfies the logical mind but this policy is also equally impracticable. you may follow this policy against a person who is weaker than you. However, if the person is more powerful than you- like your boss, parents, government, the police-it would be disastrous to follow this policy as it may lead to your total ruin.

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    The fleeting systems lapse like foam,'" he mumbled what was evidently a quotation. "That's it—foam, and fleeting. All man's toil upon the planet was just so much foam. He domesticated the serviceable animals, destroyed the hostile ones, and cleared the land of its wild vegetation. And then he passed, and the flood of primordial life rolled back again, sweeping his handiwork away—the weeds and the forest inundated his fields, the beasts of prey swept over his flocks, and now there are wolves on the Cliff House beach." He was appalled by the thought. "Where four million people disported themselves, the wild wolves roam to-day, and the savage progeny of our loins, with prehistoric weapons, defend themselves against the fanged despoilers. Think of it! And all because of the Scarlet Death—

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    The pursuit of goodness leads to greatness, but the pursuit of greatness, whether by a man or a nation, leads to ruin…. [G]ood men build; great men destroy. They destroy because they try to control something other than themselves and that always leads to destruction.

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    There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.

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    Some friends are like sunny days, with false flames, oozing from afar, coming near without a dime.

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    Sometimes you like to keep things bottled up, but that is not the best policy.

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    Sus ojos fueron mi ruina. —Weston. —Él me tendió la mano—. ¿Y tú eres? Estoy arruinada. —Kiersten. –capítulo 2

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    The truth really does set you free — but what they don’t tell you is the process hurts like hell.

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    There is no more deadly peril than disobedience; States are devoured by it, homes laid in ruins, Armies defeated, victory turned to rout. White simple obedience saves the lives of hundreds Of honest folk." - Creon

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    The ultimate end of sadism is ruin and murder. The one in control is always the masochist.

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    When a fine old carpet is eaten by mice, the colors and patterns of what's left behind do not change,' wrote my neighbor and friend, the poet Jane Hirschfield, after she visited an old friend suffering from Alzheimer's disease in a nursing home. And so it was with my father. His mind did not melt evenly into undistinguishable lumps, like a dissolving sand castle. It was ravaged selectively, like Tintern Abbey, the Cistercian monastery in northern Wales suppressed in 1531 by King Henry VIII in his split with the Church of Rome. Tintern was turned over to a nobleman, its stained-glass windows smashed, its roof tiles taken up and relaid in village houses. Holy artifacts were sold to passing tourists. Religious statues turned up in nearby gardens. At least one interior wall was dismantled to build a pigsty. I've seen photographs of the remains that inspired Wordsworth: a Gothic skeleton, soaring and roofless, in a green hilly landscape. Grass grows in the transept. The vanished roof lets in light. The delicate stone tracery of its slim, arched quatrefoil windows opens onto green pastures where black-and-white cows graze. Its shape is beautiful, formal, and mysterious. After he developed dementia, my father was no longer useful to anybody. But in the shelter of his broken walls, my mother learned to balance her checkbook, and my heart melted and opened. Never would I wish upon my father the misery of his final years. But he was sacred in his ruin, and I took from it the shards that still sustain me.

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    What if he's right? We've seen great countries fall into ruin virtually overnight. What if we're next in line? That thought fills me with a kind of epochal sadness. If this little back street is anything to go by, perhaps the unraveling has already begun. Everything has suddenly fallen quiet. All the construction has stopped. The laborers have disappeared. Where are the whores and the homosexuals and the dogs with fancy coats? I miss them. How could it all disappear so quickly? I mustn't keep standing here, like some nostalgic old fool. Things will get better. They must.

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    The Words 2012, one world is ruin and one new world is build. One twisted pictures, one couple which loved each other... just their relationship dies... And another person just steal somebody's life and then he finds the truth...

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    They cannot hurt you; their active participation, the enthusiasm in their willingness to try, proves their natural affinity and disposition to ruin, chaos, and sabotage. Some do not learn you to earn you, they learn you to burn you.

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    Time was the most precious thing in the world to me, and I’d just given her all of it. Because I was falling for her. Because I cared for her. Because I wanted to give her something to remember me by, even if it would eventually fade like its namesake. Time… what an absolute horror-inducing word

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    We don't build the ruins. Our soul is in hate. (On ne construit des ruines. - Notre âme est dans la haine.)

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    Y de repente, el final de la historia tenía sentido. Diez notas diferentes, todas clamando a la vez. Caos. Gabe era Caos. •capítulo 26

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    Worry is a progressive disease that ruins one’s life

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    Y cómo deseo que me bese otra vez. No estaba segura si así es como siempre estaría con Gabe. O bien estábamos discutiendo o besándonos. En cualquier caso me di cuenta de algo. Estar con Gabe era como ir a un zoológico y ver los leones acechando en frente de las ventanas de su jaula. Dales la libertad y te devoran, pero mientras se aguantan ellos mismos contenidos manteniendo todo bajo control, están a salvo. •capítulo 28

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    Y ese era el problema. Odiaba que yo quisiera algo que no podía tener, y ¿Saylor? La quería mucho, muchísimo. •capítulo 19

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    You can't stop a soldier from being frightened but you can give him motivation to help him overcome that fear. I have no such motivation. I can't have. I'm a witcher: an artificially created mutant. I kill monsters for money. I defend children when their parents pay me to. If Nilfgaardian parents pay me, I'll defend Nilfgaardian children. And even if the world lies in ruin - which does not seem likely to me - I'll carry on killing monsters in the ruins of this world until some monster kills me. That is my fate, my reason, my life and my attitude to the world. And it is not what I chose. It was chosen for me.

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    You are ruin and chaos to them, but you are lovely to my eye.' 'You're brave or daft, then,' she said, quite rightly. 'Chaos and ruin. Where does that leave me, then?

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    You can't lie in a magical forest! It will ruin all the magic!

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    Your Majesty,” he whispers, breathless. A note of amusement creeps into his voice. “You’ll ruin me.

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    You're the ache and the ruin, the mess I fell into without hesitation.

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    Any system that values profit over human life is a very dangerous one indeed.

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    You ruin is your rebellion against God.

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    You want to know what love is? Its the thing that ruins you.

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    Any system that values profit over human life is a very dangerous one indeed. Simply put, it lacks values, and such a system will eventually collapse once its true light is discovered by the masses. Though some say that capitalism is a modern system, corruption has been the source for the demise of every great civilization.

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    …and they limp and halt, they’re all wrinkled, drawn, they squint to the side, can’t look you in the eyes, and always bent on duty, trudging after Ruin, maddening, blinding Ruin. But Ruin is strong and swift—She outstrips them all by far, stealing a march, leaping over the whole wide earth to bring mankind to grief.

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    —¿Arruinada? —Sí, una ruina, porque al ayudarme a derribar todos esos demonios, me construiste de nuevo. Y por eso, nunca voy a ser capaz de pagarte. •capítulo 44

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    Be Like Lightning Which Has The Power To Animate Or Destroy Life.... It's Up To You Which Side You Wanna Take....

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    Coś zawsze przyciąga nas do ruin, ponieważ ruiny przypominają nam o naszym zasadniczym problemie: problem nietrwałości!

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    Cielos. El cielo en la tierra. Amaba esa sonrisa. Me refiero a que, por el momento lo odiaba pero su risa era… algo diferente. Hacía que quisiera caer presa de sus encantos, pero lo sabía mejor. No lo hacía lindo. Sólo…se lo hacía a las chicas, lo que aparentemente funcionaba bien para él. •capítulo 22

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    Come to me. Why must you ruin this moment? You are burdened with thought. Burdened with the past and expectations of the future. You are burdened with your self. Cast these aside by laughing at yourself. And love, for what more is there than to love me? Take me now and let it be heaven for us.

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    Dar tu alma a alguien es como si a propósito te apuñales en el corazón y estás en espera de la persona que amas para que detenga el sangrado. —Wes M. •capítulo 32

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    —Demostrando un punto. —Me desvestí hasta que estuve completamente desnudo—. No puedo ocultarme de ti. —Levanté los brazos en el aire—. Sería imposible ocultar la reacción de mi cuerpo... con sólo mirar... estoy así. Con sólo mirarte, cada músculo individual en mi cuerpo se tensa. Sólo viendo tu sonrisa, concentrándome en aquellos ojos azules, lo olvido todo menos a ti. Tu sabor, tus labios, tu boca. —Me moví hacia el piso—. Mi cuerpo no puede mentir... —La besé suavemente—. Y créeme cuando digo que no te miento con mis palabras. Aquí... —Toqué su pecho—, eres hermosa. Aquí... —acaricié su mejilla—, es imposible no mirarte. Para mí eres perfecta. •capítulo 42

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    Do not allow haters to ruin your happiness.

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    Don’t ruin your own happiness by letting someone’s wickedness hurt you.