Best 43 quotes in «elena quotes» category

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    Become. It was a verb that had always obsessed me...I wanted to become, even though I had never known what. And I had become, that was certain, but without an object, without a real passion, without a determined ambition.

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    Aquel era uno de esos trabajos que convertían a los cazadores en leyendas. Aunque, por supuesto, para convertirse en leyenda por lo general había que estar muerto.

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    Bana gül göndermiş." Hattın diğer ucundan, hayalkırıklığını belirten bir hırlama geldi. "Hayatım, nadiren radevuya gittiğini biliyorum ama o şeyleri sokak köşelerinde beş papele satıyorlar." "Kristalden yapılmış." Elena konuşurken, kristal gülün ışıltılarından gözünü alamıyordu. "Ay, olamaz." "Ne olamaz?" Elena ağzı açık bir halde en yakın çekmeyece uzanıp fazla hafif olduğu için nadiren kullandığı ince keskiyi aldı ve güün sapındaki bir bölgeyi hafifçe kzımaya çalıştı. Bıçak işlemiyordu. Sonra bıçağı tersine sirttü ama bu kez gül "çizilmelere dayanıklı"bıçaı çizdi. "Ay olamaz." "Ellie, neler olup bittiğini hemen anlatmazsan yemin edeirm seni eşşek sudan gelene kadar döverim. Ne oluyor? Kan emen mutant bir gülmüymüş.? Elena kahkahasını tutup elindeki tarif edilmez güzellikteki şeye baktı. "Kristal değilmiş." "Kübik zirkon mu? diye sordu Sara kuru kuru. "Ay, dur bir dakika, yoksa plastik mi?" "Elmas." Ölüm sessizliği.

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    Cupping his face in her hands, she looked into eyes that had seen thousands of sunrises before she was even a glimmer in the scheme of the universe. "But you have an advantage," she whispered. "You're a little bit human now.

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    Cosmo never speaks to my life. Its surveys always ask questions like How would you react if your lover announced he was taking a job in Alaska? and jumping for joy is never one of the options. Move to Alaska? Hell, my lover was thirty-seven and hadn't moved away from home yet. Where were the questions relevant to my life?

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    Closed door means knock," Elena said to Clay, shooing him out. You've been in here for two hours," he said. "She can't need that much work." He frowned as he examined my outfit. "What the hell is she? A tree?" "A dryad," Elena said, cuffing him in the arm. "Oh, my god," Jamie said, surveying my outfit. "We forgot the bag!" "Bag?" Clay said. "What does a dryad need with-" "An evening bag," Cassandra said. "A purse." "She's got a purse. It's right there on the bed." "That's a day purse," Cassandra snapped. "What, do they expire when the sun goes down?

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    Dmitri clearly gives good . . . blood.

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    —Era una emergencia. El tipo intentaba convertirme en su compañera de cama. Lo rechacé. Y empezó a perseguirme. Sara levantó una mano. —¿Cómo «rechazaste» su oferta exactamente? —Le rebané la garganta. Sara se limitó a mirarla. Y lo mismo hizo Ransom. Aunque luego, el imbécil empezó a reírse como un histérico. Rió con tanta fuerza que se cayó de la moto y aterrizó sobre el suelo de cemento del garaje. Y ni siquiera aquello lo detuvo. —Cierra la boca si no quieres que te haga lo mismo a ti. - Ransom intentó dejar de reírse. Sin éxito. —Maldita sea, Ellie... ¡Eres increíble! —Lo que eres —murmuró Sara— es un imán para los problemas. —Yo... —empezó a decir Elena para tratar de defenderse. Sara alzó la mano de nuevo y luego empezó a contar con los dedos. —Por tu culpa, tengo mensajes en el teléfono del gobernador y del puñetero presidente de los Estados Unidos de América. Por tu culpa la mitad de Nueva York cree que hay un vampiro salvaje suelto. Por tu culpa... ¡tengo tres canas más! Elena sonrió al oír aquello último. —Yo también te quiero.

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    — He oído que tu Campanilla está aquí. —Dijo Dmitri. Una pausa llena de significado. —¿Qué? —Ten cuidado con Illium , Elena. Es vulnerable a la humanidad de tu interior. —Dicho esto se marchó. No reaccionó hasta que percibió el susurro de unas alas angelicales. —Quédate ahí. —Permanecía de espaldas a Illium mientras hablaba—. Quiero inspeccionar el lugar primero. —Tus deseos son órdenes para mí. Lo miró por encima del hombro y vio que Illium pasaba una daga de plata repujada entre sus dedos con asombrosa velocidad. Su amigo, pensó. Era su amigo. Y no enturbiaría aquella amistad con falsas preocupaciones. —¿Por qué me miras así, Ellie? —preguntó Illium sin apartar la vista de la daga que bailoteaba entre sus dedos. Su respuesta fue instintiva. —Eres tan guapo que resulta difícil resistirse. Una sonrisa deslumbrante, un deje de aquel acento británico aristocrático en su respuesta. —Resulta muy duro ser yo mismo, eso es cierto.

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    Fuck fear. I won’t allow it to steal my life from me—and you shouldn’t either.

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    Even as she spoke, silver blue flashed on her other side and then Illium was standing beside her, his wing touching Elena's in an intimacy that made Raphael raise an eyebrow. Illium's lips curved in a wicked smile that did little to hide the intensity of his emotions. I would not watch you die again, Sire. His veins stood out against his skin as he gripped the wrist of one hand with the other. Raphael met those eyes of gold that had stood beside him for centuries. If I had done so, I would have gone knowing you would keep my heart safe. Illium's gaze went to Elena. Always.

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    If you dare go before me, I will haunt you in the afterlife.To be haunted by my heart is no threat.

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    How long have you been with Raphael?” “You ask a lot of questions for a dead woman.” “What can I say? I prefer to die well-informed.

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    However," he continued when she remained silent, her throat a knot of emotion, "it seems Montgomery could not help himself when it came to this vase. I'm afraid he has a weakness for beautiful things and has been known to relocate an item if he feels it is not being accorded the proper appreciation. Once he 'relocated' an ancient sculpture from the home of another archangel.

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    I have every confidence that you’ll find a way to end my life before I stain the world with evil.” Rebellion in those eyes. “We die,” she said, “we die together. That’s the deal.” He thought about his final thoughts as he’d fallen with her in New York, her body broken in his arms, her voice less than a whisper in his mind. He hadn’t considered holding onto his eternity for a second, had chosen to die with her, with his hunter. That she would choose to do the same . . . His hands clenched. “We die,” he repeated, “we die together.” A moment of utter silence, the sense of something being locked into place.

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    I have a warrior as a consort, scholar,” Raphael said at her frozen response. “I recognize one when I see her, even if she chooses to wield the pen more often than the sword.

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    Of course you may go first. When I am dead.

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    I'm hoping you end up happily married to the man of your dreams and have a hoard of beautiful kids that'll keep you on your toes by turning your neighbours into various types of pond-life." He then shot her his signature grin. "But if it happens to be me, then I wouldn't say no." (Karl to Elena in The Witching Pen)

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    I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you." "Then why were you carrying a gun?

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    He has a fascination with mortals. Raphael had said that to her before she'd woken with wings of midnight and dawn. "Why are you starting at me, Ellie?" Illium said without taking his eyes from the blade dancing around his fingers. The words were instinctive, something she might as easily have said to rib Ransom. "You're so pretty, it's difficult to resist." A flashing grin, a hint of that aristocratic English accent in his response. "It's hard to be me, it's true.

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    I'll enter first." "I'm the hunter", Elena reminded him. "I should go first" "Of course you may go first. When I'm dead

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    —¿Los vampiros sufren el jet-lag? Veneno se quitó las gafas para mostrarle sus impactantes ojos, con pupilas verticales como las de las serpientes. Aunque ya los había visto antes, Elena sintió un vuelco en el corazón, una respuesta visceral a la extraña inteligencia de esa mirada. Una parte de ella se preguntaba si sus ojos eran lo único en él que había cambiado con la Conversión. ¿Veneno pensaba como los humanos, o su intelecto era más bien de sangre fría? —¿Te estás ofreciendo a aliviar mis dolores, cazadora? —inquirió el vampiro. Se pasó la lengua por uno de sus largos incisivos y sacó una gota dorada de veneno—. Me siento conmovido. —Solo pretendía ser amable —dijo ella. Las pupilas de Veneno se contrajeron en el instante en que volvió a ponerse las gafas. Elena no pudo evitarlo. —¿Por qué no tienes la lengua bífida? —¿Por qué no puedes volar? —Una sonrisa desdeñosa—. Esas cosas que tienes en la espalda no están de adorno, ¿lo sabías? Elena le mostró el dedo corazón a modo de respuesta.

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    The Cascade happens and Neha calls fire and ice, Elena said into his mind at the same instant. Titus moves the earth, Astaad the sea, while creepy Lijuan brings the dead back to life. Meanwhile, my gorgeous archangel, not satisfied with, I don't know, shooting lightning bolts or something, actually taps into the energy of the planet and calls an army of bogeymen from the bottom of the ocean. Of course you do. The dry commentary made him wonder how he'd ever walked through life without the wit and laughter of his hunter by his side. He could no longer imagine such a cold, remote existence, the idea of it spawning an immediate repudiation in his bloodstream.

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    It was awful. It was, like, walk out to the woods, Change, stand there until enough time passed, Change back. It was about as much fun as taking a shit." "Nice analogy.

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    It doesn't matter if you can't say it right now. I'll say it for both of us. And someday you'll learn.

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    Los ojos de Lijuan se clavaron en Elena. —Michaela no entiende qué es lo que ves en tu cazadora, Rafael. —Se situó más cerca.—. Pero yo sí. Elena permaneció donde estaba. En su opinión, Lijuan estaba como una puta cabra. —Si le soy sincera, ni siquiera yo misma lo tengo claro —dijo con voz firme, "Elena… " "Calla. Déjame hablar con la dama chiflada." Una de las alas de Rafael se sacudió un poco, y Elena se preguntó si habría logrado sorprender tanto a su arcángel como para arrancarle una sonrisa. —Vida… —susurró Lijuan.

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    Next Clay gave the house rules for living with theSorrentinos , which sounded a lot like the Ten Commandments. Thou shall not lie, steal anything, kill anyone, disrespect your hosts or covet any of Nick's girlfriends. And if you break the rules, you'll get your ass kicked and handed to you in pieces—a part I suspect God left out.

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    One part of my brain, soaring on adrenaline, insisted I could take Cain, whatever the size difference. Another part wondered where the hell Nick and Clay were. The loudest part just shouted: Run, you idiot, run!

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    One, he used to be Pack so he knows how dangerous this kind of killing on our territory is, that we can’tand won’tleave town. Two, he hates Clay. Three, he hates Jeremy. Four, he hates all of uswith the exception of our dear Elena, who, conveniently, wasn’t at Stonehaven to be affected by the mess, which I’m sure Daniel knew. Five, he really hates Clay. Sixoh, wait, other handsix, he’s a murderous cannibalizing bastard. Seven, did I mention he chose to strike when Elena wasn’t around? Eight, if he caused enough havoc, Elena might be in the market for a new partner. Nine, he really, really, REALLY hates Clay. Ten, he’s sworn undying revenge against the entire Pack, particularly those two members who happen to be currently living at Stonehaven. I’m out of fingers here, buddy. How many more reasons do you need?

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    Paco is walking out of the bathroom and I rush past him. "You might want to wait before you--" Paco's voice fades as I close the door, locking myself in. Wiping my eyes, I gaze into the mirror. I'm a complete mess. My mascara is dripping and . . . oh, it's no use. I slide down and sit on the cold tile floor. Now I realize what Paco was about to tell me. The place stinks; it really reeks . . . almost to the point where I want to throw up. I put my hand over my nose, trying to ignore the offending smell. *** After locking the door behind him, he crouches beside me and takes me in his arms, pulling me close. Then he sniffs a few times. "Holy shit. Was Paco in here?" I nod. He smoothes my hair and mutters something in Spanish. *** She, too, sniffs a bunch of times. "Was Paco in here?" Alex and I nod. "What the fuck does that guy eat that it comes out his other end smelling so rotten? Dammit," she says, wadding up tissue and putting it over her nose.

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    Posso chiederle una cosa?". "Dica". "Che studi ha fatto?". [...] "Nessuno". "A sentirla parlare - e gridare - non sembra". "Ѐcosì, ho smesso dopo la quinta elementare". "Perché?". "Non avevo le capacità". "Come l'ha capito?". "Ce le aveva Greco, io no". La Galiani scosse la testa in segno di dissenso, disse: "Se lei avesse studiato, sarebbe riuscita bene quanto Greco". "Come fa a dirlo?". "Ѐ il mio mestiere". "Voi professori insistete tanto sullo studio perché con quello vi guadagnate il pane, ma studiare non serve a niente, e nemmeno migliora, anzi rende ancora più malvagi". "Elena è diventata più malvagia?". "No, lei no". "Come mai?". Lila ficcò in testa al figlio il cappellino di lana: "Abbiamo fatto un patto da piccole: quella malvagia sono io".

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    Thought you were--' '--Raphael said--' 'I said, no way in hell--' 'Damn straight--' '--and Ransom was ready to come--' '--woke up and I had wings!

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    Soon you’ll be hosting angelic balls with regularity.” “Hey, watch the insults.

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    —Soy la mejor —murmuró Elena a la mañana siguiente, cuando salió del taxi frente al magnífico edificio de la Torre del Arcángel—. Soy la mejor. —Oiga, señorita, ¿piensa pagarme o se va a quedar ahí hablando entre dientes todo el día? —¿Qué? ¡Ah! —Sacó un billete de veinte dólares, se inclinó hacia delante y lo aplastó contra la mano del taxista—. Quédese el cambio. El ceño fruncido del tipo se transformó en una sonrisa. —¡Gracias! ¿Qué, hoy tiene una buena caza por delante? Elena no le preguntó cómo había sabido que era una cazadora. —No, pero tengo altas probabilidades de enfrentarme a una muerte horrible en las próximas horas. Tengo que hacer algo bueno para intentar acabar en el paraíso.

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    The bastard kissed her. She was so mad, she bit him hard enough to draw blood. Raphael pulled back, lip already beginning to swell. “We are no longer even, Elena. You’re now in debt.” “You can deduct it from my slow and painful death.

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    To be haunted by my heart is no threat.

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    Tu stai bene?" "Io sì". "Ѐ vero che non mi ami più?" "Sì". "Perché? Perché ti ho mentito? Perché ti ho lasciata? Perché ti ho offesa?". "No. Proprio quando mi sono sentita ingannata, abbandonata, umiliata, ti ho amato moltissimo, ti ho desiderato più che in qualsiasi altro momento della nostra vita insieme". "E allora?". "Non ti amo più perché, per giustificarti, hai detto che eri caduto nel vuoto, nel vuoto di senso, e non era vero". "Lo era". "No. Ora so cos'è un vuoto di senso e cosa succede se riesci a tornare in superficie. Tu no, non lo sai. Tu al massimo hai lanciato uno sguardo di sotto, ti sei spaventato e hai turato la falla col corpo di Carla".

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    Torn clothing littered the ground, more hung from bushes. Nick held up half a pair of white panties and grinned at me. "Wild dogs? Or just Clayton?" "Oh God," I muttered under my breath. I walked over to snatch the underwear from him, but he held it over his head, grinning like a schoolboy. "I see Paris, I see France, I see Elena's underpants," he chanted. "Everyone's already seen much more than that," Jeremy said. "I think we can safely resume the search." Peter plucked Clay's shirt from a low-hanging branch and held it up, peering through a hole in the middle. "You guys can really do some damage. Where's the hidden video when you need it?" "So this--uh--wasn't done by wild dogs?" one of the searchers said. Peter grinned and tossed the shirt to the ground. "Nope. Just wild hormones.

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    What would you like to call me?" That made her pause. "Husband" was too human, "partner" factually wrong for a being as powerful as an archangel, "mate"...perhaps. But none of it was quite right. "Mine," she said at last. He blinked and when he raised his lashes again, the blue was liquid fire. Yes, that will do. "But for public consumption, you are my consort." "Consort," she murmured, tasting the word, feeling it's shape. "Yes, that fits.

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    When you've lived as long as I have," he said, eyes heavy-lidded but definitely on her, "you learn to appreciate new sensations. They are rare in an immortal's life." She found she'd moved toward him. He hooked her arm around her waist, pulling her closer until she straddled him as he sat on a ledge below the waterline, her legs wrapped around his waist. He settled her firmly against him. Sucking in a breath, she said, "Sex isn't new to you," and rocked her heat over the exquisite hardness of him. Good didn't begin to describe how it felt. How he felt. "No. But you are." "Never had a hunter before?" She grinned, nibbling on his lower lip. But he didn't smile. "I've never had Elena before." The words were husky, his eyes so intent she felt owned.

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    Yes, she was the girl playing basketball with all the boys in the park, collecting cans by the side of the road, keeping secret pet kittens in an empty boxcar in the woods, walking alone at night through the rail yards, teaching her little sister how to kiss, reading out loud to herself, so absorbed by the story, singing sadly in the tub, building a fort from the junked cars out in the meadow, by herself in the front row at the black-and-white movies or in the alley, gazing at an eddy of cigarette stubs and trash and fall leaves, smoking her first cigarette at dusk by a pile of dead brush in the desert, then wishing at the stars--she was all of them, and she was so much more that just just her that I still didn't know.

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    You ever had a hickey? I want to give you a hickey." "Karl, we're not fourteen!" "Don't bloody care. I was in love with you when I was fourteen -- your neck owes me a hickey." (Karl & Elena)

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    You're calling Illium a pretty boy?" Elena snorted, glad to focus on something other than the heavy cloud of death that hung over the city. "Have you looked in a mirror lately?" "I have scars, like any respectable male.

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