Best 6 quotes in «dated quotes» category

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    On Books - Books are the ultimate accessory; they go with everything. Carpets wear down, drapery fades, statuary chips, wallpaper tears and appliances become obsolete and out of date. Movie posters simply scream “Poor high school grad”. But no one ever looks at books and scoffs, “Books? Really? What are you, a college professor?

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    So time continued on slowly and painfully. Perhaps the old analogy of being a record stuck on repeat had become too dated; I felt like I’d just gotten an IPod and only could afford one song so that one song played over and over again until I felt as if it was just part of the constant monotony.

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    We were always eating expired things. Milk, bread, biscuits, cake. We forgot about them as they sat around the house and just as they had gone bad, we put them in our mouths. Chocolates I brought back with me from Australia, cheeses in last year's Christmas hamper, juice from the last time someone decided to go grocery shopping. We didn't always realize they tasted funny – not everything curdles and a two-month-old orange can be just as sweet. When we did, it was usually too late. Sometimes it wasn't. We finished what we had started anyway.

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    At its core, the collection is built around a very wise line from a Beatles song: I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand with no further expectations. I want to hold your hand instead of telling you I understand when I don’t. I want to hold your hand although we don’t always get along. I want to hold your hand despite the calluses, scratches, and scars that get in the way. I want to hold your hand knowing I’ll have to let it go one day.

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    I've never seen one cook before," he admitted. "It's not very interesting to look at," Janine said, stooping to peer through the glass-fronted door with him. "But it's fun to use." (Talking about a microwave oven)

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    That awkward moment when you're trying to get over someone you have never dated.