Best 21 quotes in «suicide prevention quotes» category

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    Despair will destroy you...If you allow it too. Please... don't let it destroy you!

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    At those times when I thought it'd be safer for everyone if I was ... gone... all I had do was feel the ink thrumming under my skin. Feel the reminder of what had been taken from me. And I knew I couldn't do that to someone else, couldn't put anyone I cared about through that kind of pain.

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    Change a mindset change a life it really is that simple.

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    At the base of whatever form of mood swing are individual experiences, the gradual or complete focus on issues that we have no control over. These are issues or circumstances that naturally trigger worry.

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    Having difficult times and grief and brokenness, does not mean that life is over. These are just bumps in the road, obstacles to be overcome and made stepping stones into a long successful life.

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    Ich habe zu viel vom Leben erwartet, ich dachte, es wäre mir Glück und Heiterkeit schuldig. In Wirklichkeit bietet das Leben weder das Gute noch das Böse. Das Glück ist eine Frucht, die man in einer Seele anbaut und erntet. Man kann sie nicht von außen erlangen. Warum sollte ich verdrossen sein wie ein Kind, das kein Geschenk bekommen hat? Ich habe Jahre vor mir, um glücklich zu sein!

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    I can't stop you from killing yourself. If that's what you truly want, no one can stop you. I can't be around twenty-four hours a day, looking after you. But if that's what you want, don't you think you owe it to your mother to talk to her first?

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    If your heart is still beating, God is not done with you yet.

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    I loved my brother and I understand why he thought he couldn't live the future laid before him, but I also hate him a little for leaving me like that. And also for the message he left behind - one that he himself didn't listen to. He let them brake him. And in turn, his death nearly broke me.

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    Look for every opportunity to encourage someone. You don’t know who is wrestling with demons that could end his or her life that day. A kind word comes from God. Be brave enough to act on it.

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    It is safe to assume that, no matter how it appears, the attempt probably did not come out of the blue. Look for clues. Some possibilities include a family history of mental illness, a history of abuse, unusual or stressful family dynamics, prior diagnosis or evidence of a psychiatric disorder and/or bizarre behavior long before or in the days or weeks immediately preceding the crisis. Part of your job is to be a detective, assembling the pieces in the puzzle that is depression.

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    One HELLO? can change a life. One HELLO? can save a life.

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    Never underestimate the power of discouragement and the treats of a person who lives with a mental health diagnosis and who is depressed and frustrated at the same time.

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    Rough week, right? Listen, every book in your home is one of us saying to you, please hold on until the end. We want you to stay with us so we can all see, together, how it all turns out. You're not alone. One of us is with you all the time. Hold on tight. See you next week.

    • suicide prevention quotes
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    The crisis must be examined from different angles. To anyone else but that boy or girl sitting across from you, the crisis may seem trivial. In his or her mind, though, it has taken on monumental proportions. "De-catastrophize" the issues where possible. Identify the most realistic and promising alternatives.

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    stay alive for you may save a life.

    • suicide prevention quotes
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    Suicide is the last attempt of re-emergence of the will of life. - On Suicide

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    The lessons learned, then, in Robinson's case: "Additional training is required to inform soldiers of the dangers of self-medicating along with the associated risk of overdosing" is the first. "Encourage the use of a battle buddy among warriors" is the second. "Increase suicide prevention classes" is the third. "Increase communication to twice a day with high-risk soldiers" is the fourth. "Continue improvements in leader communication" is the fifth. And that's that. Eight months. Five minutes. The army moves on to the next suicide. Case forever closed.

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    Today I finally recognise the mistake that almost became my downfall: I expected too much out of life. I thought it would owe me happiness and cheerfulness. In fact, life offers neither good nor evil. Happiness is a fruit you cultivate and harvest inside your soul. You can not receive it from the outside. Why should I be fretful like a child that has got no gift? I have years ahead to be happy.

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    When you suspect that a person has gotten to the point of , “ I can’t take it anymore” with evidence of self-limiting thoughts and self-harm actions, please by all the legitimate means available to you, as a care giver, seek professional help and restraint the person. Of course, they would say they are alright and all that… but if your instincts says, they are not, please keep a close watch!

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    You didn’t put a semicolon there — God did.