Best 15 quotes in «heros quotes» category

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    if there are no heros to save you, Then you be the hero

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    You don't need superpowers to be someones hero

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    Il n’y a aucune règle qui stipule qu’il faut être un Prodige pour être un héros. Si les gens voulaient se prendre en main, défendre leurs proches ou se battre pour ce qu’ils croient juste, ils n’auraient qu’à le faire. S’ils voulaient être héroïques, ils trouveraient un moyen de l’être, avec ou sans super-pouvoirs. C’est facile de dire qu’on voudrait être un héros, mais la vérité, c’est que la plupart des gens sont trop paresseux pour ça.

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    The poetry of Homer, sprung from the soil of legend, is not yet wholly detached from it, even as the figures of a bas-relief adhere to an extraneous backing of the original block. These figures are but slightly raised, and in the epic poem all is painted as past and remote. In bas- relief the figures are usually in profile, and in the epos all are characterized in the simplest manner in relief; they are not grouped together, but follow one another; so Homer's heroes advance, one by one, in succession before us. It has been remarked that the Iliad is not definitively closed, but that we are left to suppose something both to precede and to follow it. The bas-relief is equally without limit, and may be continued ad infinitum, either from before or behind, on which account the ancients preferred for it such subjects as admitted of an indefinite extension, sacrificial processions, dances, and lines of combatants, &c. Hence they also exhibited bas-reliefs on curved surfaces, such as vases, or the frieze of a rotunda, where, by the curvature, the two ends are withdrawn from our sight, and where, while we advance, one object appears as another disappears. Reading Homer is very much like such a circuit; the present object alone arresting our attention, we lose sight of that which precedes, and do not concern ourselves about what is to follow.

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    I have to keep my mouth shut about Nam though. All of these guys want to believe they were fighting an honorable war, and that their conduct deserves respect. They want the public to treat them like they’re heroes—like the WWII vets were.” “Instead, smart ass, pampered kids call them names and throw dog shit at them.

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    It is an interesting thing, love ,” the Princess stated. “It can turn lambs into heroes, and heroes into lambs.

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    Starting out a new day gives hope for new adventures, villains and hero's to cross your path. Make the most of it.

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    The medals of the dead heroes are the coins for the future. (Les médailles des héros morts - Sont les pièces pour l'avenir.)

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    Car celui qui tombe pour la liberté Ne meurt pas, ne peut pas mourir !

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    Try this: Identify a bottom-up improvement or innovation in your organization, and interview the person who championed it. Chances are you will find a hero story of some kind. Why do we have to be heroes to implement perfectly good ideas?

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    A writer is never the Hero of society. A writer inspires people to become the Heros in society!

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    Ce que l'ingéniosité des hommes nous a offert dans ces cent dernières années aurait pu faciliter une vie libre et heureuse, si le progrès entre les humains s'effectuait en même temps que les progrès sur les choses. Or le résultat laborieux ressemble pour ceux de notre génération à ce que serait un rasoir pour un enfant de trois ans. La conquête de fabuleux moyens de production n'a pas apporté la liberté, mais les angoisses et la faim. Pire encore, les progrès techniques fournissent les moyens d'anéantir la vie humaine et tout ce qui a été durement créé par l'homme. Nous, les anciens, avons vécu cette abomination pensant la guerre mondiale. Mais plus ignoble que cet anéantissement, nous avons vécu l'esclavage ignominieux où l'homme se voit entraîné par la guerre ! N'est-il pas épouvantable d'être contraint par la communauté d'accomplir des actes que chacun, face à sa conscience, juge criminels ? Or peu d'êtres ont révélé une telle grandeur d'âme qu'ils ont refusé de les commettre. A mes yeux pourtant ils sont les vrais héros de la guerre mondiale.

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    Cowards excuse themselves by the children. Heroes excuse the children. (Les lâches s'excusent par les enfants. - Les héros excusent les enfants.)

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    Heros they're not always tough or brave, and the last look on their face is scared or uncertain like rethinking the choice they just made. But they don't change their mind, they stick to it. Then boom they're gone

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    Each age selects its own geniuses from the past to suit its own needs. It's always been that way.