Best 12 quotes in «dream girl quotes» category

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    Darkness my beloved home, I return! I return, not whole, but damaged. Fatigued by quixotic tendencies, The prodigal has come back famished. An outer world, so hostile and strange Filled immensely with ignorant natives The land where all good is forgotten Where hatred itself is life’s matrix. Though I’ve brought an odd mystery, An enigma that requires my genius A phenomenon, in foreign land; A veiled embodiment of Venus. Since, I’ve craved for my sanctuary, I have returned to you, oh darkness! Now I will restore my lost vigor to Unravel demeanors of this goddess. But..... Why am I estranged to this darkness? Maybe I’ve been away for too long, But shouldn’t home always feel home? Why am I in dire need to belong? As if this soul is deprived of life As if this body is in swift decay As if this mind screams for peace As if this heart calls to be lured ‘way Unwise, to have brought the goddess, When she is of a different realm Unfortunate, to have fallen in love, As she leaves to retain her helm Perhaps, this home lies deep within For everything is, but mere illusion Hence, I’ll reside her in my heart; To feel her, even in seclusion.

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    But I will love you in this fire and blood And I will be the keeper of your smile

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    Being a Dream Girl is never going to be about what you look like or how much you weigh. After all, our physical appearances are just reflections of our inner worlds. What makes you a Dream Girl is your emotional sensitivity, your self-awareness, and your ability to communicate who you are effectively and compassionately in the world.

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    The pursuit of a dream partner can lead to a nightmare relationship.

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    Dream girl, please do not wake me so I may continue to dream...

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    Shall I speak of the consequence One, that your attention causes? Words you utter keep me stunned, My heart stops up at your gazes. I am known to have just one gift; To feel things with intense passion Yet it happens to consume me; A divine fire, I cannot abandon. In sleepless nights I sing to you A song, however, incomplete. On bright days I write you letters; Ardent proses, yet bittersweet. I am indeed burned with desire; The consequence you must construe If this is the damage of attention Imagine, what your love will do.

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    The girl, Gary's girl....would keep bowls of Hershey's Kisses on the coffee table, and she'd decorate the house for all the big holidays and most of the small ones. Probably she'd be class mother, and PTA president, and she'd deliver meals to the elderly once a month. In bed, she'd be exuberant, and would take it as an endorsement when Gary sweated all over her.

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    Do you remember how the sun, set On the occasion, we last conversed? First, it hid behind some lousy clouds As I was uttering my dying words Then, out it came with a shiny glare As I grasped the truth of your beauty ‘Twas nothing but my own reflection To my surprise and curiosity. Now the sun’s told our tale to this town And I heard how it had made you smile So if the thought of me drew a smile Then, I have mastered true lover’s guile

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    He had secret loves all over town, the kind of curly-haired big-bodied girls who wouldn't have said boo to a loser like him but about whom he could not stop dreaming.

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    They knew nothing about one another, yet he would recognize her even if deaf or blind. She was that much a part of him.

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    Why is my love for you, dyed in wool? What is the hindrance to moving on? Why in love have I been made a fool? What’s been causing this oblivion? Why is thought of you, ever-present? What’s keeping me from forgetting you? Why is the sight of you magnificent? What’s it you possess than others few? A slow fire burns deep within me, And keeps my curiosity at high I question these puzzles so direly, To philosophy, a pleasure – wry If all life has led me to this point, To make me but a mere proponent Then, from this day to my last moment, Just you and love, are my argument.

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    Why shall I speak of the damage of love? When it rejuvenates me just as much In love, people happen to say too much, But for me, words do not work as my crutch I reminisce the time I fell in love, As my remaining days go passing by I’ve realised the only love I now feel The unrequited, as the end draws nigh But what was so unusual about you? An epiphany unveiled at one sunrise: In darkness ere, I had craved for light Yet stars were situated in your eyes It was in the moment I gazed upon A face fashioned by the hands of nature There isn’t much left to my regret now, As lost moments cannot be recaptured.