Best 13 quotes in «prideful quotes» category

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    How many times do we take credit for the work of our own hands, believing we are working harder and smarter than everyone else, and that somehow we deserve the success we have achieved? Like Nebuchadnezzar, I have basked in my own success and declared my perceived value with only a mere hat-tip to the Creator of it all. I've been full of myself, full of my pride. And like King Nebuchadnezzar, I have stood on the brink of disaster without a worry in the world. "While the word was in the king's mouth, a voice came from heaven, saying, 'King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is declared: sovereignty has been removed from you'" (Daniel 4:31). The word sovereignty here means the ability to rule the kingdom. The verse is startling. While the boastful words are still in the kings mouth, God takes Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom away from him. In an instant . Wow! Most of my failures have taken some time for the consequences to kick in, but I wonder if there was an instant, while the words were still in my mouth, when the Father determined--at that very moment--so strip me of my kingdom. Perhaps you have witnessed (or experienced) a similar kingdom-stripping.

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    If you are proud for bad reasons, shame waits around the corner

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    Fight and survive... Love life! Too many people would rather be dead than be embarrassed or soiled. That is very foolish. Life is a brilliant and wonderful adventure. Never throw it away, and never hide from it.

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    Humanity has many shortcomings, but none is stronger than pride.

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    “Hi, Isaiah. How are you doing, Beth?” Echo asked. Beth took a long draw off her cigarette, glaring at Echo. Standing her ground, Echo stared back, pretending Beth’s fury didn’t matter to her. Pride flooded my body.

    • prideful quotes
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    Overcome the prideful need to measure your worth by how much more successful you are than others, by operating from a core belief grounded in abundance.

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    Murph took his shot and dropped the bastard right out of the tree. then he stood. "I'm an American soldier, you son of a bitch.

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    Participation awards are for children and a leader should never accept one.

    • prideful quotes
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    The day your education makes you roll your eyes at your father. The day your exposure makes you call your own mother uncivilized, the day your amazing foreign degrees make you cringe as your driver speaks pidgin english, may you never forget your grandfather was a farmer from Oyo state who never understood english.

    • prideful quotes
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    Pride is a human nature and it's good for people to be proud of themselves, achievements, etc. but too much of anything is not healthy. Humble is pride exhibited through humility, so be humble and prideful about being humble.

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    Pride is a very dangerous disease that can turn your talent, asset, and achievements into a handicap.

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    Until you know someone's full story, it is just a guess to determine whether s/he is pride full or humble, out of touch with reality or grounded.

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    Beware pride; it would have us seek revenge from those most deserving of our pity.