Best 5 quotes in «beautifully broken quotes» category

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    The good news is that fear is a choice. You can stand in front of it, punch it in the face and get on with life. - Gabe

    • beautifully broken quotes
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    You think that you’re a bad thing, but you’re not. You protect the rest of us from bad things. You’re badass and lethal and scary, and you’re as far from weak as you can get. You’re a protector, Gabe. My protector.

    • beautifully broken quotes
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    The bad thing caught you. I’ve never retreated in my life. I’ve never backed away from a fight and I’ve never cowered in fear. Ever. That’s not who I am. But I’ve been in combat long enough to know that when something unbeatable chases you, you do the only thing you can do. You run. - Gabe

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    If anyone had bothered to notice me, they would only see a scared fifteen-year-old girl with eyes of sable ringed by kohl liner and black hair that fell to her waist. They wouldn't see someone struggling to remain sane. Only an empty space where a real girl used to live.

    • beautifully broken quotes
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    Breast implant illness may have broken you, but you are beautifully broken. Your brokenness is not the final outcome. Your outcome is the reward of who you get to become after the storm is over.