Best 5 quotes in «coconut quotes» category

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    Christmas in Barbados I miss being in Barbados in December, That is a time I always remember, The smell of varnish on the wooden floors and the smell of paint on the wooden floors. The smell of cloves as the ham was baked And the smell of the rum in mother’s fruit cake The smell of coconut as she bake de sweetbread, And the smell of the cloth, as she made up de bed

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    I brought a coconut cream pie, Mom's favorite. Coconut's hard, dirty, shaggy exterior didn't promise much. But when you cracked it open and then cleaned it up, it surprised you with the smooth white riches inside. In a coconut shell, this was my mother's mission in life- to tackle the litter, the dust, the stains, the residue of life and tidy them all up. Her sweet reward was that exotic state of everything-in-its-clean-place, always a mirage in the distance while she was living with Helen. Coconut cream pie fed her soul.

    • coconut quotes
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    They agreed on four flavors of cake- vanilla, maple, orange, and coconut- to alternate, almost randomly, in twenty-one slim layers throughout the seven tiers beneath the one to be saved, the crown of coconut. A syrup infused with ginger would be brushed on the sponge beneath the icing.

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    I miss that jellied coconut and that invigorating coconut water, Oh, how I miss my sweet Barbados, "Yes, this is your lost daughter

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    You can speak with a twang and still not say a thang.