Best 15 quotes in «green lantern quotes» category

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    Spectre: Atrocitus? You wish to continue to fight? Atrocitus: If I must. You were chained to a human soul to understand humanity, but it is clear you understand it no more than the guardians. This man... This man lost his daughter. You have no emotional component to your judgement. For you, vengeance is simply eye-for-an-eye. But that convict's life did not equal the life of Kim's daughter. His "eye" is worth nothing compared to hers. Eye-for-an-eye is a fallacy. Spectre: You dare question my scripture? Atrocitus: You may be objective and calm in your judgments, Spectre, but once you pass them you are no longer haunted by their victims. But the victims are our families. And the hauntings never stop. No matter what blood has spilled, there will never be enough to balance the scales. So if you wish to judge James Kim, you must first judge me.

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    To instill fear is to instill order - OUR order! The Guardians had billions of years to bring oder to this universe. They failed. Now it is OUR turn to spread our light. Our turn to take control! We will drive fear into the hearts of those who would worship chaos. But first, we will burn those who stand in our way!

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    Some things are worse than death... Some things... Like me. My father said "everyone dies, William." He said "death is the only thing you can count on in this universe." I killed him to prove his point. Death compels us because powerful or weak, loved or hated -- no one escapes death. That includes you.

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    You can't foresee all the consequences of your actions - But that's no excuse to do nothing.

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    You fear that power will corrupt you, don't you? That it might turn you into -- me?

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    Flash: Last time we saw Black Hand he was obsessed with causing the death of every living thing, Hal. What the hell did they do to him? Indigo-1: We gave him compassion, Flash. Green Lantern: And how did you do that? Black Hand: The ring. My life have been returned by the white light, Green Lantern, but it is this indigo ring that allowed me to truly be born again. Green Lantern: Born again? You can't erase your crimes by putting on a ring. If you can feel any kind of compassion right now, you'd be haunted by the guilt for all the evil you've done and the people you've killed. Black Hand: As you are because of Parallax? You are not the same man. I am not. William Hand no longer exists. He was without empathy. He was deeply disturbed. This ring has rid the universe of him. It is my salvation. Green Lantern: You brainwashed him. Indigo-1: No. The indigo light ignited a change within. He has converted to our way.

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    I don't know who the hell you are, hawk-woman, but if you think I'm going to let you destroy Zamaron with your army of birds in my first week on the job, you're mistaken. Love is beautiful. Love is inspiring. But love is also lethal.

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    Do you hate? The most powerful hate is not born out of ignorance or prejudice or a perceived threat. Those three are fear in disguise. The fury that fuels my corps ignites from personal pain. Those whose lives were ravaged by greed, lust and control wield the crimson light. The rings replace our damaged hearts. They beat for them. And they keep us alive only to hate. -Atrocitus

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    Hawkgirl: Get your pet dragon's bony claws off us before I break them! Carol: It's not a dragon, Hawgirl -- it's called the Predator. The "Entity of Love." Hawkman: This thing's an "Entity of Love?" Hawkgirl: I'd hate to see what the entity of hate looks like. Carol: It's one of the oldest forces in the universe. It's motivated by love or, more important, the absence of love.

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    I hate cowards. Abin Sur was not a coward. Abin was the bravest lantern I ever knew. He was my friend. And his sister, Arin, my lover. That made Abin Sur the closest thing I ever had to a brother. During the years before he died, Abin became obsessed with a hidden prophecy - a darkness he said would one day sweep across the universe. The Guardians forbade discussion of the prophecy. They tore its pages from the Book of Oa. They labeled Abin a heretic and feigned concern over his mental health. I thought my friend had lost his mind. And I told him as much. I do not have many regrets in life. But that is one of them.

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    Nothing frightens me. I AM fear.

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    I have been to every corner of every sector in the universe, and I have learned one thing: The universe needs to change. We live in a place rotting with hedonism and chaos. A place untamed and morally devoid. A place of darkness. When I was inducted into the Green Lantern Corps, I believed I had finally escaped the darkness. I worked hard to validate the power ring's selection. I tore my home planet of Korugar free from sin. I brought order and vowed to do the same for the rest of Sector 1417... and then, with the Corps' support, the rest of the universe. For a time the Guardians even called me the "greatest" of the Green Lanterns. Until an earthman I trained took everything from me. Hal Jordan called me a fascist for the order I bestowed upon Korugar. I was stripped of my ring. Labeled the first renegade of the Green Lantern Corps, I was banished to the underbelly of the universe, the Antimatter Universe... and delivered back into darkness. For the first time in my life -- I felt fear. And I was blinded by its brilliance. I believed fear to be a part of the chaos I abhor, but it was more controlling than all the willpower in the universe. And it would be mine. The Universe will change. The Green Lantern Corps will change.

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    Green Lantern: "What are your powers anyway? You can't fly." Batman: "No." Green Lantern: "Super-strength?" Batman: "No." Green Lantern: "Hold on a second... You're not just some guy in a bat costume, are you? Are you freaking kidding me?!

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    I see your birth. Your violent entrance into the barren and endless space. Sent here by accident or with purpose, Krona does not even know. Casting your presence across the entire universe. Light fighting back darkness by creating the stars and planets. Creating your shelter, earth, at the very spot you were thrust into the universe. The planet in which you made your home under molten rock -- and primordial waters. I see you touch the oceans, transforming them into seas of spontaneous life. Overflowing with evolution. Gaining complexity. Conjuring thought. I watch the first sentient creature in the universe to ever will itself to just that. And it is the origin of Willpower itself. The creature ignites with emerald light and transforms, elevated above the others. It is Ion. Thousands of years fly before my eyes as the creature escapes earth's oceans and crawl to land. Some take to the air. Fleeing for survival, this thing transforms into the emotional power it emits. Fear is born. And thus Parallax. As Love ignites into existence, so does the Predator. As a creature eats what it does not need, Avarice consumes all it touches. Rage grows from murder. Hope from prayer. And at last, Compassion is offered to us all.

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    Look at that, Jordan. another broken promise.