Best 7 quotes in «the witcher quotes» category

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    Everyone has some kind of debt. Such is life. Debts and liabilities, obligations, gratitude, payments, doing something for someone. Or perhaps for ourselves? For in fact we are always paying ourselves back and not someone else. Each time we are indebted we pay off the debt to ourselves. In each of us lies a creditor and a debtor at once and the art is for the reckoning to tally inside us. We enter the world as a minute part of the life we are given, and from then on we are ever paying off debts, To ourselves. For ourselves. In order for the final reckoning to tally.

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    It's an invention, a fairy tale devoid of any sense, like all the legends in which good spirits and fortune tellers fulfill wishes. Stories like that are made up by poor simpletons, who can't even dream of fulfilling their wishes and desires themselves. I'm pleased you're not one of them, Geralt of Rivia. It makes you closer in spirit to me. If I want something, I don't dream of it—I act. And I always get what I want.

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    „Pokrok,“ prohlásil, „je jako stádo sviní v humně. Z takého stáda, to sa mosí uznat, je užitek. Je uzený špek, je ovar, je prejt, sú klobásky, sú nožky v rosolu. Tož sa nesmí ohrnovat nos, že je všecko posrané.

    • the witcher quotes
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    Only death can finish the fight, everything else only interrupts the fighting.

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    Mamá, ¿es que son demonios? ¿Es la persecución salvaje? ¿Monstruos del infierno? ¡Mamá, mamá! Silencio, silencio, niños. No son demonios, no son diablos... Peor. Son seres humanos

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    Night and day the streets resounded with music, song, and the clinking of chalices and tankards, for it is well known that nothing is such thirsty work as the acquisition of knowledge.

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    - [...] Va'esse deireádh aep eigean, va'esse eigh faidh'ar, powtarzała, co się po ichniemu wykłada jako... - Coś się kończy, coś się zaczyna.