Best 5 quotes in «drum quotes» category

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    The house, and all the objects in it, crackled with static electricity; undertows washed through it, the air was heavy with things that were known but not spoken. Like a hollow log, a drum, a church, it was amplified, so that conversations whispered in it sixty years ago can be half-heard today.

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    Familia yako haikusaidii chochote katika mipango ya takdiri yako. Hii inasikitisha sana. Unajitahidi kila siku kuwafurahisha watu unaowapenda na watu wako wa karibu. Kila ukijitahidi kupata kibali cha watu unaishia kudharaulika na kuonekana mjinga asiyekuwa na maana. Sikiliza mazungumzo ya ndani ya moyo wako. Wapendwa wako watakukubali kama mtu hodari asiyekata tamaa, na tena watakuheshimu kutokana na tabia zako hizo. Mabadiliko haya ya kifikra hayatatokea haraka kama unavyofikiria. Yatachukua muda. Hivyo, kuwa mvumilivu. Wakati huohuo, endelea kucheza ngoma uliyoianzisha mwenyewe, endelea na mipango yako kama akili yako inavyokutuma.

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    Nu-i așa că [durerea] e perfect firească chiar și atunci când omul știe că la capătul acestui drum îl așteaptă fericirea?

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    When you beat a drum, you create NOW, when silence becomes a sound so enormous and alive it feels like you're breathing in the clouds and the sky, and your heart is the rain and the thunder.

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    I came to that wooden marching band. I stopped and looked. There was a trumpet, trombone, clarinet, and drum. Birds don't live alone, I told myself. They live in flocks. Like people. People are always in a group. Like that little wooden band.