Best 528 quotes in «legs quotes» category

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    I can cross my arms and I can cross my legs, but nothing seems to cross my mind.

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    I didn't ask to see you. You sent for me. I don't mind your ritzing me or drinking your lunch out of a Scotch bottle. I don't mind your showing me your legs. They're very swell legs and it's a pleasure to make their acquaintance. I don't mind if you don't like my manners. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings. But don't waste your time trying to cross-examine me.

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    He always thought a muse should be sex on legs.

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    High heels? But of course! A lie has short legs.

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    If any woman opens her legs for you, don't feel so lucky to be fed with nonsense, she has been a bitch for a long time, and now its your own turn to get a share from her itching tunnel.

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    It’s boring.” “Oh,” I said. I rubbed at my jaw. “You think I should have gone four-color?” Bob stared at me for a second and said, “I have nightmares about Hell, where all I do is add up numbers and try to have conversations with people like you.” I glowered up at the skull and nodded. “Okay, fine. You think it needs more drama.” “More anything. Drama would do. Or breasts.” I sighed and saw where that line of thought was going. “I am not going to hire a leggy secretary, Bob. Get over it.” “I didn’t say anything about legs. But as long as we’re on the subject . . .

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    It's funny isn't it?? YOu don't want to stop it?? Don't ya?? ... I don't give a shit about your opinion what I want I will do... You are now part of this story, unfortunately, just by reading this you make yourself part of this story, like it or not that's how it goes. Once upon a time there was one girl and one boy staying home banned to go outside everything was locked it wasn't one day, 2 days it was whole 10 years. Their family always was outside communicating with the other people and you didn't even exist, they knew you but they didn't wanted you... it was somewhere in the end of the Second War in which 50 soldiers just came in home, you were screaming... again and again they asked what's that... your mother said that she will handle it... and what?? Slap after slap, kick after kick then the father comes playing with the knife and he was juggling and one moment he made the knife with the spike in front of your eyes he tied your hands, he put a Scotch tape on your mouth and what??? He was taking your eye... by the knife and eating them... then he started fast and fast hitting with the knife without looking in random place and in this game..... it ended horrible?? The boy was first without eyes the girl was a second without a legs, years and however her tongue was cut... why?? Evil should speak... evil is on the first place. Never ends, there isn't even and beginning it's inside!

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    It was a strange moment, like when you get sad after sex, and it feels like it's too late in the afternoon, even if it's morning, or night, and you turn away from the other person, and they turn away from you, and you lie there, and when you turn back towards them you can both see each other's moles. Usually there seem to shadows from Venetian blinds all across your legs.

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    Mr. Poyser had no reason to be ashamed of his leg, and suspected that the growing abuse of top-boots and other fashions tending to disguise the nether limbs had their origin in a pitiable degeneracy of the human calf.

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    I had a dream about you last night. You set a timer on in the bathroom to prove how long it takes me to get ready. So I shaved your legs, made up your face and gave you lashes. An hour later you thanked God for not making you a woman.

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    Lizzie ignored the hair in her armpits and on her legs. It had gone from stubble to dark hair. F*** it. End of the world rules apply.

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    Only the legs that run are those that really have muscles!

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    O woman, father says natural is beautiful so why do you redden your cheeks and blacken your eyes? Why do you remove the hair on your legs and draw them into your brows? Why do you hold your breath lest your stomach show and hold your fart lest they know that you’re a human? O woman, father says natural is beautiful so why do you straighten your hair to curl it next and pretend to orgasm so they think you enjoyed the sex? Why do you dumb yourself down and push your breasts up? Why do you smile when you’re told to and love when you don’t want to? When? When will you stop, woman? Father says natural is beautiful but that is doubtful for what does father know he’s only a fellow.

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    Sometimes war takes an arm, or an eye, or it takes two legs from us, but above all the war takes our belief in humanity away from us!

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    She beckoned for him to come closer and he did. He crawled onto the bed from the bottom and worked his way up to her legs. His hands caressed the smoothness of her recently shaven legs. She moaned at his touch. He hovered over her and she pulled him closer. Their lips met, once more, and, somehow, it was even better than before.

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    Some men’s chests are more buttlike than some women’s butts.

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    The brain says “it is impossible” and the legs respond “let’s sit down”. The brain says “it is possible” and the legs respond “let’s go to work”. Don’t blame the legs, blame the head.

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    Thoughts are powerful, one thinking for something makes big changes... you try... Imagine this say "I want to fuck", then imaginate a girl. A woman which is 18 years old, blonde hair, white skin, big ass, big boobs, long legs, and likes to play with dicks... Think few times on such type of stuff and look the magic!

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    When the brain thinks positively, the hands work positively, the legs run positively and the individual becomes a positive wholesome entity.

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    Whenever He answers prayers, God usually prioritizes those by people who, instead of their mouths, have prayed with their hands and/or feet.

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    To stand strongly, we need three legs: Two legs and a work that will keep us busy!

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    When the positive mind takes the lead, the legs are safe to follow without any shaking!

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    You can tell a rider's fitness by the shape of his ass and the veins in his legs.

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    You have the legs and other also have it; they have the brain and you have it! Stop thinking you can't transact the business that others can. If you do, you are raising your inflation rate!

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    You may have access to the best information; you may build up the most positive attitude but, to get the wisest experience, your hands and legs must work!

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    Your ideas have legs and just as they run through your head, they could be running through someone else's head and it's just a matter of who gets to the finish line first. Nothing is new under the sun so act on your ideas.

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    A baby is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase.

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    According to the rules of comedy, your suffering will be funny after an undetermined length of time. Maybe not while you're having your gangrenous leg sawed off, watching your home burn down or learning how to be intimate with your cellmate, but, in the big scheme of things, soon.

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    A dedication is a wooden leg.

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    A gourmet can tell from the flavor whether a woodcock's leg is the one on which the bird is accustomed to roost.

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    A horse stumbles that hath foure legges. [A horse stumbles that has four legs.]

    • legs quotes
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    You're not allowed to have legs and not use them. Dance.

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    According to The New York Times, the mob has now gotten into Medicare fraud. But the good news is, when they do break your legs there's a good chance you're covered.

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    After I broke my leg I had to go back and do one of the remakes of 'The Magnificent Seven' and ended up on a horse that pitched me off and broke my leg again... I rode horses pretty well. I just didn't like doing it.

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    A girl is grown up when she stops counting on her fingers and starts counting on her legs.

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    A girl's legs are her best friends...but even the best of friends must part.

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    All his life he [the American] jumps into the train after it has started and jumps out before it has stopped; and he never once gets left behind, or breaks a leg.

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    A liberal will cut off your leg so he can hand you a crutch.

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    A man can spend several hours sitting cross-legged in the same position if he knows that noting prevents him from changing it; but if he knows that he has to sit with his legs crossed like that, he will get cramps, his legs will twitch and strain towards where he would like to stretch them.

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    A man that has lost moral sense is like a man in battle with both of his legs shot off: he has nothing to stand on.

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    All you have to do is open your heart, just like you opened your legs.

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    A lie has no legs, and cannot stand; but it has wings, and can fly far and wide.

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    ... and that's why I kicked your leg out of your leg!

    • legs quotes
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    Ambition is, of all other, the most contrary humor to solitude; and glory and repose are so inconsistent that they cannot possibly inhabit one and the same place; and for so much as I understand, those have only their arms and legs disengaged from the crowd, their mind and intention remain engaged behind more than ever.

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    And we don't often get any wading birds in the River Ankh, mainly because the pollution would eat their legs away and anyway, it's easier for them to walk on the surface.

    • legs quotes
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    Anomalocaridids seemed to lack front limbs, being an arthropod - being a joint-legged animal - and not having legs, it's kind of embarrassing.

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    And of Kanye's [West]? I have to say [I love] his heart. And I've always loved his legs.

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    A pitcher is only as good as his legs.

    • legs quotes
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    A pound of Alaskan king crab legs and buffalo shrimp = happy Travie.

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    Anything good has a magical power! Say something good; it travels around the world without legs; do something good, it flies around the world without wings! Everything good has a mystical power!