Best 117 quotes in «wow quotes» category

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    Wow, you're never allowed to sleep late again. You're crankier than a fat guy in stilettos.

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    When I have absolutely nothing to do, and I find myself in the middle of all of it going, "Wow!" When nothing's going on, that's when I get to stop and really appreciate the journey.

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    There's a woman I see who's not my therapist, but she's like an old friend who's a therapist in profession. She lets me talk to her like a therapist once in a while, and she does a great thing. Whenever I have a big dilemma, like this is a big problem in my life, she always says, 'Wow, you're going to have to figure that out.'

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    We got nominated for a Grammy, that was really crazy, and I was sitting there and Stevie Wonder was on stage and I remember thinking "Wow, I really need to take [singing] more seriously!

    • wow quotes
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    When you do an hour and a half and you destroy, like tonight was great. I had an awesome time. I realized that I'd been up there for about an hour and a half and I realized, "Wow, I'm gonna get out of here without doing Walken." It is a bit of a moral victory.

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    Wow. Ted Cruz falsely suggested Marco Rubio mocked the bible and was just forced to fire his communications director. More dirty tricks.

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    You can only truly wow a player the first time he sees [a cutscene]. I felt if players saw the cutscenes outside of the game, they would no longer serve as rewards for playing the game, so I've decided against having them.

    • wow quotes
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    You are covered in blood," Tybalt said again, stressing the words harder this time. "It makes me tense." There was a thud as the guard hit the floor, and Tybalt returned to my side. "Wow. You must be tense a lot." He sighed. "You have no idea.

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    You know it's easy to say you shouldn't do something and then something happens and you say, 'Wow, I wish I would have done something.

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    Wow. Who would want a fish for a pet when they could have a turtle?!

    • wow quotes
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    You want me to describe Elvis, wow!

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    All the humanity (Not the people!), are incrediable. What makes them incrediable is the way of thinking, the way of solving!

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    As sonner began as sooner finished... the guilt is after you. I feel it, I see it and I smell you have done something..., didn't you?? Something bad... isn't it?? Tell me... don't be afraid I won't do anything bad... (I will just cut your fingers one by one... on your hands... it will be one bloody night... Then I will start with your legs finger by finger with axe... then I will start removing little from you.... the flesh from you!)

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    2 + 2 equal 4... so far I don't think it will change to 5 or 6, it's near to fact, but the probability of the ability... equals not a fact!

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    Besides, when it came to being colorful...we invisible kids learned to carry our colors on the inside

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    Before one day, which will mean the day before today, I just played chess with a friend the strategies were incrediable the moves which I made were wise and I win the two games... This happens in other games also, however today I and two my friends we played football it ended 7 for me and my friend and for the other fried 5-6 somewhere there... We just played football!

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    Dear ones, wisdom, fortitude, strength, and hope cannot be learned in death. Life is not about reward and punishment," said Xuen. "It is about understanding, accepting who oneself is right now, in order to know what to change, and how.

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    Alot can happen in eleven minutes. Decker can run two miles in eleven minutes. I once wrote an English essay in ten. And God knows Carson Levine can talk a girl out of her clothes in less then half that time. Eleven minutes might as well be eternity underwater. It only takes three minutes without air for loss consciousness. Permanent brain damange begins at four minutes. And then, when the oxygen runs out, full cardiac arrest occurs. Death is possible at five minutes. Probable at seven. Definite at ten. Decker pulled me out at eleven.

    • wow quotes
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    CUT! ... Cut... ... FUCKING CUT IT! .... Where is the fucking screenplay?

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    From where do you find such awesome stuff?? ... I'm little puzzled, and confused that people say "No", and they want everything to be on their table!

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    Emily immediately saw a woman’s purse on the table, then saw the bed was messed up and slept in, as well. Her emotions were now off the charts, and the ground on which she was standing on fell out. No, Ford, no, she thought to herself. They both opened the bathroom door. “Aw, man! Dude! Call 911!” Mark said loudly, as Emily gasped.

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    He lifted his shirt, and on his back was the White Rabbit, wearing his waistcoat and looking at his watch. It was just like the illustration from the book. Only standing next to him, back-to-back, was another White Rabbit wearing a leather motercycle jacket and boots and smoking a cigar.

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    His eyes are so beautiful and dark and they do look like that dog’s—I mean, that wolf’s. They are kind and strong and a little bit something else and I like them. I like them a lot. No, I like them way too much. Something inside me gets a little warmer, edges closer to him. The fire crackles and I jump again, jittery, nervous, but I don’t jump away from Nick. I jump toward him. Nick in the firelight with just a blanket on is a little hard to resist, no matter how crazy he might be. His skin, deep with heat, seems to glisten. His muscles are defined and good but not all steroid bulky. He is so perfect. And beautiful. In a boy way. Not a monster way. Not a wolf way. “Are you going to kiss me?” My words tremble into the air. He smiles but doesn’t answer. “I’ve never kissed a werewolf before. Are were kisses like pixie kisses? Do they do something to you? Is that why you never kissed anybody?” He gives a little smile. “No. It’s just I never kissed anyone because I never thought I could be honest about who I am, you know? And I didn’t want anyone to get attached to me because . . .” “Because you’re a werewolf.” “Because I’m a werewolf,” he repeats softly. Watching his lips move makes me shiver; not in a scared way, in more of an oh-he-is-too-beautiful way. I put my hand against his skin. It is warm. It’s always been warm. He smells so good, like woods and safety. I swallow my fear and move forward, and my lips meet his, angel-light, a tiny promise. His lips move beneath mine. His hands move to my shoulders and my mouth feels like it will burst with happiness. My whole body shakes with it. “Wow,” I say. “Yeah,” he says. “Wow.” Our mouths meet again. It’s like my lips belong there . . . right there. One tiny part of me has finally found a place to fit.

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    I always was afraid of looking films with different killings, but look me now. Now I'm a maniac of looking films which have brutal killings like films by Stephen King.

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    I don't need psychology I am not a sociopath Neither and Psychopath

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    From 1 to 18 is the holly worst parts of your life, you are caged and you can't do anything times passes events happen different today your granpa is alive, but tomorrow probably he will die or the next month or later-later. But what can it be done for that??

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    If I remove your eyes or make you in such way that to don't see... in reality you don't see the evil... you don't see me... so do whatever I don't give a fuck... that's wonderful... I like to play games... so run!... and welcome home!?

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    I don't think your missing pieces ever go inside you again once they go missing.

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    If this all works which I have read and some of which I have written did happen just one year... the events... what type of serial killer... what type of crazy mad stuff are going to happen... it's just an example of chaos.

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    If you can't please yourself some of the time, how do you expect to please people all the time? Not everyone is going to appreciate you for your efforts and deeds.

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    If you don't believe in time, your day will be longer (because reality time is an illusion, it exist only because of us and if we don't exist time doesn't exist!?)

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    If I know the end of a book or a film I want to know why it happen...

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    If somebody I say that I have written 9 books up to here + that I have quotes. Some people won't believe, other will be amazed, in my view it's unbelieveable, that 16 Years old has his own books written by him!

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    I heard that Stephen King doesn't sleep well,... so I gues that he doesn't sleep well from his imagination. If I had the same imagination I won't sleep too!

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    I’m going to make you so happy, Drew Evans.” My arms tighten around her. “You already have. After this? Heaven’s going to be a major disappointment.

    • wow quotes
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    If you think that's gross... check out what I found on FACT Verse called "11 Disgusting Foods That People Actually Eat"... WOw!

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    In all you do, try being a WOW, and not a woe.

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    I offer a duo of free-range monosyllabics: one being “wow” and the other being “cool,” often said in sequence, spoken without drawl. Take them, leave them, or show me to the Dewer’s--

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    It's funny isn't it?? YOu don't want to stop it?? Don't ya?? ... I don't give a shit about your opinion what I want I will do... You are now part of this story, unfortunately, just by reading this you make yourself part of this story, like it or not that's how it goes. Once upon a time there was one girl and one boy staying home banned to go outside everything was locked it wasn't one day, 2 days it was whole 10 years. Their family always was outside communicating with the other people and you didn't even exist, they knew you but they didn't wanted you... it was somewhere in the end of the Second War in which 50 soldiers just came in home, you were screaming... again and again they asked what's that... your mother said that she will handle it... and what?? Slap after slap, kick after kick then the father comes playing with the knife and he was juggling and one moment he made the knife with the spike in front of your eyes he tied your hands, he put a Scotch tape on your mouth and what??? He was taking your eye... by the knife and eating them... then he started fast and fast hitting with the knife without looking in random place and in this game..... it ended horrible?? The boy was first without eyes the girl was a second without a legs, years and however her tongue was cut... why?? Evil should speak... evil is on the first place. Never ends, there isn't even and beginning it's inside!

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    I live with past called "DeYtH" ( a guy who is famous with cs 1.6 maps, mods, photoshop and e.t.c. and with my now "Mark Tven", you probably said "Oh,Oh I know this name this guy was a writer..." it's not taken the guy was called Mark Twain, I'm Tven, famous with awesome maps and interesting updates of cs 1.6 maps. To don't forget, I'm famous with my nick of past with writting.

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    Infinity exist unfortnately what will happen if we accept it?? After all numbers are taken what happens?? We will start with Omega+1 Then Omega+Omega+1... Think on this, this is the infinitive road, I gave it to you but what you will do?

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    It is morning, John Mayer Concert Tee. I have a series of problems that cannot be solved.

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    It was a trap. It was so obviously a trap. Darquesse smiled.

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    I walk into the bathroom and even though I don’t need to pee, I do anyway. I’m wearing a skirt that Amber forced me to put on and it’s so easy to use the bathroom when you’re in a skirt, it’s stupid not to take advantage of the opportunity. Besides, I’m pretty sure I’m getting a cab home right after I punch Ben in the face, so I might as well use the restroom while I’m here. Why am I justifying the fact that I’m peeing?

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    It's Sunday, yesterday was Saturday, before Saturday was Friday 3.18.2016 - I'm 16 and soon I will be 17, the times flies. We can't stop it, but we can be wise and use it in clever way!

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    Memories have big value,... look back look what you have lost (For a moment)..., look what you have been making with this something or somebody... (For a moment) and look now without it... That's value, this is what robots don't have but humanity have!

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    Make your decision, one moment you need to follow somebody for awesome stuff. But other you just add him to your favourites authors and you check out everyday his progress, awesome.

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    Most people will say that this story which I told "It's not a happy"... doesn't exist, but sorry it exist. I made in normal age, like 10 or 14 years old to can be saw the drama, if it was baybe, the baybe will cry, won't it? The age which I put the girl was the perfect, teenager in the same time, mother which is lost which will mean she has died... her father with a strange past still a mystery.

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    My brain scrambled to make room for the existene of these people. Grandparents I'd never known. They went from hypothetical, empty memories to blurry, unformed shapes in my head. Dead one second, alive the next. Kind of like me.

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    Oh...oh... "You" the big job... should we be impressed!?