Best 383 quotes in «bones quotes» category

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    Of course, just because we've heard a spine-chilling, blood-curdling scream of the sort to make your very marrow freeze in your bones doesn't automatically mean there's anything wrong.

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    Our bones ache only while the flesh is on them.

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    Osteoporosis is a disease that attacks the bones in your body. It happens to really almost everyone when they get really old. But for women, after menopause, they can lose up to 30 percent of their bone mass.

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    Pain wanders through my bones like a lost fire

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    Prayer sweeps the battlefield, slays the enemy, and buries the bones.

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    Quench love, and what is left of a man's life but the folding of a few jointed bones and square inches of flesh? Who would call that life?

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    Reading supplies bread for imagination to feed on and bones for it to chew on.

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    Scheme not to make what's Another's your own; Be not a Dog for the sake of a Bone.

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    She was his soulmate, as much a part of him as the very flesh and bone that made him. She was with him, in him, in everything he did. She was everything he wanted from his life, the very measure of his dreams.

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    small talk comes from small bones

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    Some people think their fingers are toes or claws, but they're actually finger bones.

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    sometimes there are reasons for our fears that we can’t quite explain. Sometimes it’s just something we feel in our bones, something we know to be true, but would sound foolish to anyone else.

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    Stick a shovel into the ground almost anywhere and some horrible thing or other will come to light. Good for trade, we thrive on bones; without them there'd be no stories.

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    sticks and stones can only break bones; but words can shatter the soul

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    Sticks and stones will break our bones, but words will break our hearts.

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    One of the oddest things about being grown-up was looking back at something you thought you knew and finding out the truth of it was completely different from what you had always believed. (Bone Crossed)

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    Poverty ... It is life near the bone, where it is sweetest.

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    Pride, that invisible bone that keeps the neck stiff.

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    Science can reconstruct Tyrannosaurus Rex from a fossilized bone and a fancied footprint, but it can't reconstruct God from the whole of creation.

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    Shame weighs a lot more than flesh and bone.

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    She yanked my plate away and took it to the sink. She rinsed some bones that looked like pork shoulder, which was weird since we'd had chicken tonight.

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    Some folklorists just collected dead bones from one graveyard, only to bury them in another, their library.

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    Sometimes you do absolutely know there's something there. You feel it in your bones. I actually literally feel it on my skin sometimes. I do get goosebumps. There are times when you go oh God, that works that moment! But you find you take it apart again.

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    Sticks and stones, I'll break yer bones, but names ain't worth a quarrel.

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    Sucking the marrow out of life doesn't mean choking on the bone.

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    Such gluttony second to none Almost ended fatally When a bone choked a wolf as he gulped what he ate

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    T-Bone Burnett once said that much of rock music is simply someone going wahhh daddy.

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    Terrific! A successful blend of genres, complex and fascinating characters, and loads of suspense make 24 Bones a must-read.

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    That's what vampires do, Kitten. We always come for what's ours, no matter the circumstances." Bones said.

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    That which seems most feeble and bewildered in you is the strongest and most determined. Is it not your breath that has erected and hardened the structure of your bones?

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    The bones of the Dead will be seen to govern the fortunes of him who moves them.

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    Take that bone out of your nose and call me back (to an African American female caller).

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    Tell him I hate him to his guts and the marrow of his bones!

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    That's why when major badasses greet each other in movies, they don't say anything, they just nod. The nod means, 'I' am a badass, and I recognize that you, too, are a badass,' but they don't say anything because they're Wolverine and Magneto and it would mess up their vibe to explain.

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    The desert is a place of bones, where the innards are turned out, to desiccate into dust.

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    The bone-breaking thing is something that I put in many narratives.

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    The dog that trots about finds a bone.

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    The fingerprints of the god who amused himself fashioning them - I can see them on any bone whatsoever.

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    The collar-bone is my favourite part of the human body.

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    The dog won't bite if you beat Him with a bone

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    The Englishman walks before the law like a trained horse in the circus. He has the sense of legality in his bones, in his muscles.

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    The fact is that some of the mice [tested on with AZT] have contracted cancer. It attacks bone marrow. It is very toxic.

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    The human bones are but vain lines dawdling, the whole universe a blank mold of stars.

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    The lion has to stay outside" "He won't like it" The lion shook his mane. I looked at Curran. The lion melted. Skin stretched, bones twisted, and human Curran straightened. He was completely nude. Gloriously nude. "Well," Hrefna said. "I always wondered why you went all shapeshifter. Explain things.

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    The music business is suffering because fewer artists are being invested in. Labels are putting in less money, taking fewer risks and signing half as many artists as they did 10 years ago. Everything is risk averse right now and there are two ways to deal with a business situation like this: either reduce your risk or increase your return. They're reducing their risk to the bone and looking for ways with their 360 deals to increase their return. They're still not making money. Artists are suffering. Labels, or music investors, are suffering.

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    The moon has nothing to be sad about, Staring from her hood of bone. She is used to this sort of thing. Her blacks crackle and drag.

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    The ocean moans over dead men's bones.

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    ...the pain of the constant, bone-chilling loneliness she'd accustomed herself to. And learned to live with it.

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    There are things about Joe Torre, if I wanted to come out and say, would show how cold and calculated he really is... Joe Torre is for Joe Torre. ... The graveyard of Yankees coaches is loaded with bones of coaches Joe Torre did nothing about.

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    The monomaniac is unlikely to succeed. Most leave only their bleached bones in the roadless desert. But the rest of us, with our multiple interests instead of a single mission, are certain to fail and have no impact at all.