Best 63 quotes of Christopher Reeve on MyQuotes

Christopher Reeve

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    Christopher Reeve

    A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway.

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    Christopher Reeve

    A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.

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    Christopher Reeve

    A hero is an ordinary person doing things in an extra ordinary way.

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    Christopher Reeve

    All the scientists who are working on solving the problem of curing paralysis say that it won't do you any good if you don't keep your body in shape.

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    Christopher Reeve

    America is better when all of us take care of all of us.

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    Christopher Reeve

    At some time, often when we least expect it, we all have to face overwhelming challenges. When the unthinkable happens, the lighthouse is hope. Once we find it, we must cling to it with absolute determination. When we have hope, we discover powers within ourselves we may have never known- the power to make sacrifices, to endure, to heal, and to love. Once we choose hope, everything is possible.

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    Christopher Reeve

    By reaching out, more comes back than you can possibly imagine.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Don't give up. Don't lose hope. Don't sell out.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Don't put a limit on what can be accomplished.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Either you vegetate and look out a window, or activate and try to effect change.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Even though I don't personally believe in the Lord, I try to behave as though He was watching.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Every scientist should remove the word 'impossible' from their lexicon.

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    Christopher Reeve

    For everyone who thought I couldn’t do it… for everyone who thought I shouldn’t do it… for everyone who said, ‘It’s impossible’… see you at the finish line!

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    Christopher Reeve

    Having that college-town atmosphere with a live repertory company available was a real gift. I found myself gravitating toward the theater from about the age of nine. I guess it was the environment that got me started.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I am a very lucky guy. I can testify before Congress. I can raise funds. I can raise awareness.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I am optimistic. But I also know that, with time, I'm beginning to fight issues of aging as well as long-term paralysis.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I did my first apprenticeship when I was 15, then joined the union when I was 17. I worked every summer in high school and college.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I don't have to prove anything to anyone. As a result, I am ready to take up again the characters who are closer to what I really am.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I don't think actors are to blame for poor writing. The culture changes first, and the theater follows it. In the case of the movies, it's the same thing.

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    Christopher Reeve

    If you don't have a vision, nothing happens.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I get pretty impatient with people who are able-bodied but are somehow paralyzed for other reasons.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I have more awareness of other people and, I hope, more sensitivity to their needs. I also find that I'm more direct and outspoken.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I have never been disabled in my dreams.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I have no bones to pick and no fight with society. And I'm willing to be and interested in being in the mainstream of society.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I'm not living the life I thought I would lead, but it does have meaning, purpose. There is love... there is joy... there is laughter.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I'm starting a new chapter in my [[life], and you have no idea how much that means.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I never said I will stand, I said I hoped to stand. It wasn't a prediction.

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    Christopher Reeve

    In the face of adversity, hope often comes in the form of a friend who reaches out to us.

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    Christopher Reeve

    In the second half of the 20th century, people are becoming more limited: Vocabularies are smaller, thoughts are smaller, aspirations are smaller, everything is very scaled down. Everyone is typecast.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I refuse to allow a disability to determine how I live my life. There is only one way to go in life and that is forward.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I remember telling a neurosurgeon, "Don't give me too much information, because at the moment my ignorance is my best asset.

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    Christopher Reeve

    I think we all have a little voice inside us that will guide us. It may be God, I don't know. But I think that if we shut out all the noise and clutter from our lives and listen to that voice, it will tell us the right thing to do.

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    Christopher Reeve

    It never occurred to me that I was a leading man until I was 19 years old. I had been acting since I was 10, so that's nine years and 30 or 40 plays, in school and summer stock, professional theater, too.

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    Christopher Reeve

    It's important to me to say what I really mean.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Living a life with meaning means spreading the word. Even if you can't move, you can have a powerful effect with what you say.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Misfortune can force you into doing things you should be doing anyway. Lessons come from adversity. Anything can happen to anyone... You can find a new lease on life - more meaning than you thought possible in simple things... Let go. Live in the moment. Go forward.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Never accept ultimatums, conventional wisdom, or absolutes.

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    Christopher Reeve

    My father is an intellectual and physical man, which is a rather unusual combination. He's great. As he brought up me and my brothers and sisters, he ingrained in us that your appearance is not your responsibility, other than that you should not be a slob.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Nothing of any consequence happens unless people get behind an idea. It begins with an individual and they share the idea with more individuals-and eventually it becomes a movement.

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    Christopher Reeve

    On the wall of his rehabilitation room was a picture of the space shuttle blasting off, autographed by every astronaut now at NASA. On top of the picture it says, "We found nothing is impossible." That should be our motto.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Pain is inevitable. Misery is a choice.

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    Christopher Reeve

    People may never understand this - and perhaps I should give up caring whether they do or not - but the idea of me playing Superman is so far away from what I was brought up to aspire to.

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    Christopher Reeve

    So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Some people are walking around with full use of their bodies and they're more paralyzed than I am.

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    Christopher Reeve

    Success is not about money and power. Real success is about relationships. There's no point in making $50 million a year if your teenager thinks you're a jerk and you spend no time with your wife.

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    Christopher Reeve

    The bigger the canvas, the better I do. I'm not so good at understated, kitchen-sink kinds of parts.

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    Christopher Reeve

    The character is a piece of fiction. You are yourself, however, and that makes you interesting, because you're alive and you're a human being.

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    Christopher Reeve

    The key to success is letting the relationships in your life grow to the highest levels they possibly can . . . not putting yourself first in life and remembering that the more you give away, the more you have.

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    Christopher Reeve

    We all have many more abilities and internal resources than we know. My advice is that you don't need to break your neck to find out about them.