Best 91 quotes of John Flavel on MyQuotes

John Flavel

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    John Flavel

    Affliction is a pill, which, being wrapt up in patience and quiet submission, may be easily swallowed; but discontent chews the pill, and so embitters the soul.

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    John Flavel

    Afflictions have the same use and end to our souls, that frosty weather hath upon those clothes that are laid and bleaching, they alter the hue and make them white.

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    John Flavel

    Ah, did we but rightly understand what the demerit of sin is, we would rather admire the bounty of God than complain of the straithandedness of Providence. And if we did but consider that there lies upon God no obligation of justice or gratitud to reward any of our duties, it would cure our murmurs (Gen. 32:10).

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    John Flavel

    A hot iron, though blunt, will pierce sooner than a cold one, though sharper.

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    John Flavel

    All the dark, intricate, puzzling providences at which we were sometimes so offended...we shall [one day] see to be to us, as the difficult passage through the wilderness was to Israel, "the right way to the city of habitation".

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    John Flavel

    All the tears of a penitent sinner, should he shed as many as there have fallen drops of rain, since the creation, to this day, cannot wash away one sin. The everLasting burnings in hell, cannot purify the flaming conscience, from the least sin.

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    John Flavel

    And now let us consider and marvel that ever this great and blessed God should be so much concerned, as you have heard He is in all His providences, about such vile, despicable worms as we are! He does not need us, but is perfectly blessed and happy in Himself without us. We can add nothing to Him.

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    John Flavel

    A saving, though an immethodical knowledge of Christ, will bring us to heaven, John 17: 2, but a regular and methodical, as well as a saving knowledge of him, will bring heaven into us, Col. 2: 2, 3.

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    John Flavel

    As God did not at first choose you because you were high, He will not now forsake you because you are low.

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    John Flavel

    As the blood of Christ is the fountain of all merit, so the Spirit of Christ is the fountain of all spiritual life; and until he quicken us and infuse the principle of the divine life into our souls, we can put forth no hand, or vital act of faith, to lay hold upon Jesus Christ.

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    John Flavel

    Brethren, it is easier to declaim against a thousand sins of others, than to mortify one sin in ourselves.

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    John Flavel

    Christ and his benefits go inseparably and undividedly... Many would willingly receive his privileges, who will not receive his person; but it cannot be; if we will have one, we must take the other too: Yea, we must accept his person first, and then his benefits: as it is in the marriage covenant, so it is here.

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    John Flavel

    Christ bounds and terminates the vast desires of the soul; He is the very Sabbath of the soul.

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    John Flavel

    Christ comes with kingly power, to rescue sinners, as a prey from the mouth of the terrible one.

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    John Flavel

    Christ is so in love with holiness, that at the price of His blood He will buy it for us.

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    John Flavel

    Christian, thou knowest thou carriest Gunpowder about thee, desire those that carry Fire to keep at a Distance from thee; 'tis a dangerous Crisis when a proud Heart meets with flattering Lips.

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    John Flavel

    Christ's resurrection is the ground-work of our hope. And the new birth is our title or evidence of our interest in it.

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    John Flavel

    Creatures, like pictures, are fairest at a certain distance, but it is not so with Christ; the nearer the soul approaches Him, and the longer it lives in the enjoyhment of Him, still the sweeter and more desirable He becomes.

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    John Flavel

    Did Christ finish His work for us? Then there can be no doubt but He will also finish His work in us.

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    John Flavel

    For the infinite glorious Creator of all things, to become a creature, is a mystery exceeding all human understanding.

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    John Flavel

    God's unspotted faithfulness never failed any soul that durst trust himself in its arms.

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    John Flavel

    Grace makes the promise and providence the payment.

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    John Flavel

    Guilt is to danger, what fire is to gunpowder; a man need not fear to walk among many barrels of powder, if he have no fire about him.

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    John Flavel

    He feels all our sorrows, needs, and burdens as his own. That is why it is said that the sufferings of believers are called the sufferings of Christ.

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    John Flavel

    He is bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, a garment to the naked, healing to the wounded; and whatever a soul can desire is found in Him.

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    John Flavel

    How often has providence convinced its observers, upon a sober recollection of the events of their lives, that if the Lord had left them to their own counsels they had as often been their own tormentors, if not executioners!

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    John Flavel

    If God has given you but a small portion of the world, yet if you are godly He has promised never to forsake you (Heb. 13:5). Providence has ordered that condition for you which is really best for your eternal good. If you had more of the world than you have, your heads and hearts might not be able to manage it to your advantage.

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    John Flavel

    If time be a ring of gold, opportunity is the rich diamond that gives it both its value and glory.

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    John Flavel

    If you neglect to instruct children in the way of holiness, will the devil neglect to instruct them in the way of wickedness? No; if you will not teach them to pray, he will to curse, swear, and lie; if ground be uncultivated, weeds will spring.

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    John Flavel

    I look upon every good man, as a good book, lent by its owner for another to read, and transcribe the excellent notions and golden passages that are in it for his own benefit, that they may return with him when the owner shall call for the book again: but in case this excellent book shall be thrown into a corner and no use made of it, it justly provokes the owner to take it away in displeasure. --Funeral of John Upton, Esq

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    John Flavel

    I think it is not very difficult to discern by the duties and converses of Christians, what frames their spirits are under. Take a Christian in a good frame, and how serious, heavenly, and profitable, will his converses and duties be! what a lovely companion is he during the continuance of it!

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    John Flavel

    It is a common thing for men to benumb their own arms, and make them as dead and useless by leaning too much upon them: so it is in a moral as well as a natural way: all the prudence and pains in the world avail nothing without God. So saith the Psalmist, in Psalm cxxvii. 2.

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    John Flavel

    It is better to be as low as hell with a promise, than in Paradise without one.

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    John Flavel

    It is the duty of the saints, especially in times of straights, to reflect upon the performances of Providence for them in all the states and through all the stages of their lives.

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    John Flavel

    It is the great support and solace of the saints in all the distresses that befall them here, that there is a wise Spirit sitting in all the wheels of motion, and governing the most eccentric creatures and their most pernicious designs to blessed and happy issues.

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    John Flavel

    It would much conduce to the settlement of your hearts, to consider, That by fretting and discontent, you do yourselves more injury thart till the afsltilions you lie under could do; your own discontent is that which arms your troubles with a sting; it is you that make your burden heavy, by struggling under it. Could you but lie quiet under the hand of God, your condition would be much easier and sweeter than it is.

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    John Flavel

    Jesus Christ is in every way sufficient to the vast desires of the soul.

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    John Flavel

    Jesus, our head, is already in heaven; and if the head be above water, the body cannot drown.

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    John Flavel

    Let all Arminians know: we have as high an esteem for faith as any men in the world, but yet we will not rob Christ to clothe faith.

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    John Flavel

    Let us see that our knowledge of Christ be not a powerless, barren, unpractical knowledge: O that, in its passage from our understanding to our lips, it might powerfully melt, sweeten, and ravish our hearts! Remember, brethren, a holy calling never saved any man, without a holy heart; if our tongues only be sanctified, our whole man must be damned. We must be judged by the same gospel, and stand at the same bar, and be sentenced to the same terms, and dealt with as severely as any other men.

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    John Flavel

    Look around in the world, and you may see some in every place who are objects of pity, bereaved by sad accidents of all the comforts of life, while in the meantime Providence has tenderly preserved you.

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    John Flavel

    Look to it, my dear friends, that none of you be found Christless at your appearance before him. Those that continue Christless now, will be left speechless then. God forbid that you that have heard so much of Christ, and you that have professed so much of Christ, should at last fall into a worse condition than those that never heard the name of Christ.

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    John Flavel

    Lord, here is my body; I am very grateful for it; I neglected nothing that belonged to its contents and welfare; but as for my soul, that is lost and cast away forever. I took and thought about it.

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    John Flavel

    No doctrine is more excellent, or necessary to be preached and studied, than Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

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    John Flavel

    No repentance, obedience, self-denial, prayers, tears, reformation or ordinances, without the new creation, avail any thing to the salvation of thy soul.

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    John Flavel

    Observed duties maintain our credit; but secret duties maintain our life.

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    John Flavel

    Oh sirs, deal with sin as sin, and speak of heaven and hell as they are, and not as if you were in jest.

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    John Flavel

    O my soul, I am now addressing myself to the greatest work that ever a creature was employed about - I am going into the solemn presence of God about business of everlasting importance!

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    John Flavel

    One word of God can do more than ten thousand words of men to relieve a distressed soul.

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    John Flavel

    Providence is like a curious piece of tapestry made of a thousand shreds, which, single, appear useless, but put together, they represent a beautiful history to the eye.