Best 85 quotes of William Morris on MyQuotes

William Morris

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    William Morris

    A good way to rid one's self of a sense of discomfort is to do something. That uneasy, dissatisfied feeling is actual force vibrating out of order; it may be turned to practical account by giving proper expression to its creative character.

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    William Morris

    All rooms ought to look as if they were lived in, and to have so to say, a friendly welcome ready for the incomer.

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    William Morris

    A man at work, making something which he feels will exist because he is working at it and wills it, is exercising the energies of his mind and soul as well as of his body. Memory and imagination help him as he works.

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    William Morris

    And the deeds that ye do upon this earth, it is for fellowship's sake that ye do them.

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    William Morris

    Another thing much too commonly seen, is an aberration of the human mind which otherwise I should have been ashamed to warn you of. It is technically called carpet-gardening. Need I explain it further? I had rather not, for when I think of it, even when I am quite alone, I blush with shame at the thought.

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    William Morris

    Apart from the desire to produce beautiful things, the leading passion of my life has been and is hatred of modern civilization.

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    William Morris

    A pattern is either right or is no stronger than its weakest point.

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    William Morris

    Architecture would lead us to all the arts, as it did with earlier mean: but if we despise it and take no note of how we are housed, the other arts will have a hard time of it indeed.

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    William Morris

    Artists cannot help themselves; they are driven to create by their nature, but for that nature to truly thrive, we need to preserve the precious habitat in which that beauty can flourish.

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    William Morris

    Art made by the people for the people, as a joy to the maker and the user.

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    William Morris

    As to the garden, it seems to me its chief fruit is-blackbirds.

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    William Morris

    A world made to be lost, - A bitter life 'twixt pain and nothing tost.

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    William Morris

    Beauty, which is what is meant by art, using the word in its widest sense, is, I contend, no mere accident to human life, which people can take or leave as they choose, but a positive necessity of life.

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    William Morris

    Between complete socialism and communism there is no difference whatever in my mind.Communism is in fact the completion of socialism; when that ceases to be militant and becomes triumphant, it will be communism.

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    William Morris

    By God! I will not tell you more to-day, Judge any way you will - what matters it?

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    William Morris

    Death have we hated, knowing not what it meant; Life we have loved, through green leaf and through sere, Though still the less we knew of its intent.

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    William Morris

    Do not be afraid of large patterns, if properly designed they are more restful to the eye than small ones: on the whole, a pattern where the structure is large and the details much broken up is the most useful...very small rooms, as well as very large ones, look better ornamented with large patterns.

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    William Morris

    Don't think too much of style.

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    William Morris

    Earth, left silent by the wind of night,Seems shrunken 'neath the gray unmeasured height.

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    William Morris

    Forgetfulness of grief I yet may gain;In some wise may come ending to my pain;It may be yet the Gods will have me glad!Yet, Love, I would that thee and pain I had!

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    William Morris

    Forsooth, brethren, fellowship is heaven and lack of fellowship is hell; fellowship is life and lack of fellowship is death; and the deeds that ye do upon the earth, it is for fellowship's sake that ye do them.

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    William Morris

    Free men must live simple lives and have simple pleasures.

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    William Morris

    From out the throng and stress of lies, From out the painful noise of sighs, One voice of comfort seems to rise: "It is the meaner part that dies.

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    William Morris

    Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.

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    William Morris

    History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they destroyed; art has remembered the people, because they created.

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    William Morris

    I am going your way, so let us go hand in hand. You help me and I'll help you. We shall not be here very long ... so let us help one another while we may.

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    William Morris

    I do not want art for a few any more than education for a few, or freedom for a few.

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    William Morris

    If a chap can't compose an epic poem while he's weaving tapestry, he had better shut up, he'll never do any good at all.

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    William Morris

    If i were asked to say what is at once the most important production of Art and the thing most to be longed for, I should answer, A beautiful House.

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    William Morris

    ...If our houses, or clothes, our household furniture and utensils are not works of art, they are either wretched makeshifts, or, what is worse, degrading shams of better things.

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    William Morris

    If there is a reason for keeping the wall very quiet, choose a pattern that works all over without pronounced lines...Put very succinctly, architectural effect depends upon a nice balance of horizontal, vertical and oblique. No rules can say how much of each; so nothing can really take the place of feeling and good judgement.

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    William Morris

    If we feel the least degradation in being amorous, or merry or hungry, or sleepy, we are so far bad animals & miserable men.

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    William Morris

    If you cannot learn to love real art, at least learn to hate sham art and reject it.

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    William Morris

    I half wish that I had not been born with a sense of romance and beauty in this accursed age.

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    William Morris

    I have said as much as that the aim of art was to destroy the curse of labour by making work the pleasurable satisfaction of our impulse towards energy, and giving to that energy hope of producing something worth its exercise.

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    William Morris

    I know a little garden close Set thick with lily and red rose, Where I would wander if I might From dewy dawn to dewy night. And have one with me wandering.

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    William Morris

    I love art, and I love history, but it is living art and living history that I love. It is in the interest of living art and living history that I oppose so-called restoration. What history can there be in a building bedaubed with ornament, which cannot at the best be anything but a hopeless and lifeless imitation of the hope and vigor of the earlier world?

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    William Morris

    In Prison Wearily, drearily, Half the day long, Flap the great banners High over the stone; Strangely and eerily Sounds the wind's song, Bending the banner-poles. While, all alone, Watching the loophole's spark, Lie I, with life all dark, Feet tethered, hands fettered Fast to the stone, The grim walls, square lettered With prisoned men's groan. Still strain the banner-poles Through the wind's song, Westward the banner rolls Over my wrong.

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    William Morris

    I pondered all these things, and how men fight and lose the battle, and the thing that they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out not to be what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they meant under another name.

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    William Morris

    It has become an article of the creed of modern morality that all labour is good in itself -- a convenient belief to those who live on the labour of others. But as to those on whom they live, I recommend them not to take it on trust, but to look into the matter a little deeper.

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    William Morris

    I think the thing that impressed me is (AT&T CEO Michael) Armstrong's strategic vision and the fact that he's got John Malone (TCI's chairman) to go along. There's a real commitment to build a new AT&T.

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    William Morris

    It is for him that is lonely or in prison to dream of fellowship, but for him that is of a fellowship to do and not to dream.

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    William Morris

    It is the childlike part of us that produces works of the imagination. When we were children time passed so slow with us that we seemed to have time for everything.

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    William Morris

    Large or small, [the garden] should be orderly and rich. It should be well fenced from the outside world. It should by no means imitate either the willfulness or the wildness of nature, but should look like a thing never to be seen except near the house. It should, in fact, look like part of the house.

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    William Morris

    Late February days; and now, at last, Might you have thought that Winter's woe was past; So fair the sky was and so soft the air.

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    William Morris

    Love is Enough Love is enough: though the world be a-waning, And the woods have no voice but the voice of complaining, Though the skies be too dark for dim eyes to discover The gold-cups and daisies fair blooming thereunder, Though the hills be held shadows, and the sea a dark wonder, And this day draw a veil over all deeds passed over, Yet their hands shall not tremble, their feet shall not falter: The void shall not weary, the fear shall not alter These lips and these eyes of the loved and the lover.

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    William Morris

    Love is enough: though the world be a-waning, And the woods have no voice but the voice of complaining.

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    William Morris

    Mastership hath many shifts whereby it striveth to keep itself alive in the world. And now hear a marvel: whereas thou sayest these two times that out of one man ye may get but one man's work, in days to come one man shall do the work of a hundred men - yea, of a thousand or more: and this is the shift of mastership that shall make many masters and many rich men.

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    William Morris

    No man is good enough to be another's master.

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    William Morris

    My work is the embodiment of dreams in one form or another.