By AnonymKathleen Flinn
As in cooking, living requires that you taste, taste, taste as you go along.
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By AnonymKathleen Flinn
I didn't start cooking until I was thirty-two. Until then, I just ate. - Julia Child
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By AnonymKathleen Flinn
I don't have to tell you I love you. I fed you pancakes.
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By AnonymKathleen Flinn
You can’t hurry love, and you can’t rush puff pastry, either. You can knead too much, and you can be too needy. Always, warmth is what brings pastry to rise. Chemistry creates something amazing; coupled with care and heat, it works some kind of magic to create this satisfying, welcoming, and nourishing thing that is the base of life.
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By AnonymKathleen Flinn
You're only limited by your passion and your imagination. Be open to the possibilities, take chances.
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By AnonymKathleen Flinn
If you believe that life should be full of adventure , then you have to willing to let your kids have them, too.
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By AnonymKathleen Flinn
I'm a woman; in so many ways I've been programmed to please. I took the job and spent time hunkered over figures, budgets, charts, and fiscal-year projections. I tried, but I hated it. "Working at a job you don't like is the same as going to prison every day," my father used to say. He was right. I felt imprisoned by an impressive title, travel, perks, and a good salary. On the inside, I was miserable and lonely, and I felt as if I was losing myself. I spent weekends working on reports no one read, and I gave presentations that I didn't care about. It made me feel like a sellout and, worse, a fraud. Now set free, like any inmate I had to figure out what to do with the rest of my life.