Best 19 quotes of Alexandre Dumas-fils on MyQuotes

Alexandre Dumas-fils

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    Be good, be young, be true! Evil is nothing but vanity, let us have the pride of good, and above all let us never despair.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    Her delight in the smallest things was like that of a child. There were days when she ran in the garden, like a child of ten, after a butterfly or a dragon-fly. This courtesan who had cost more money in bouquets than would have kept a whole family in comfort, would sometimes sit on the grass for an hour, examining the simple flower whose name she bore.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    Love without esteem cannot go far or reach high. It is an angel with only one wing.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    Memory is a paradise out of which fate cannot drive us.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    The chains of marriage are so heavy that it takes two to bear them, sometimes three.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    The child is small, and he includes the man; the brain is narrow, and it harbours thought; the eye is but a point, and it covers leagues

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    The reason why women grown bad are worse than men is because it is the best that turns to the worst.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    We are not allowed to have hearts, under penalty of being hooted down.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    We must have done something very wicked before we were born, or else we must be going to be very happy indeed when we are dead, for God to let this life have all the tortures of expiation and all the sorrows of an ordeal.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    Women sometimes allow you to be unfaithful to their love; they never allow you to wound their self-esteem.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    Let us not despise the woman who is neither mother nor daughter nor wife. Let us not limit our esteem to family life, narrow our tolerance to simple egotism. Given that heaven rejoices more at the repentance of one sinner than over a hundred good men who have never sinned, let us endeavor to make heaven rejoice. We may be rewarded with interest. Let us leave along the path the alms of our forgiveness for those whose earthly desires have marooned them, so that a divine hope may save them, and, as the wise old women say when they prescribe a remedy of their own invention, if it doesn't help, at least it can't hurt.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    Mi tese le labbra, si lisciò nuovamente i capelli, e uscimmo dalla stanza, Marguerite cantando, io quasi impazzito. Nel salotto mi disse a bassa voce, fermandosi: "Vi sarà sembrato strano che io vi abbia accettato subito: lo sapete da cosa dipende? Dipende" riprese, prendendomi una mano ed appoggiandosela sul cuore, di cui sentii i battiti violenti e accelerati, "dal fatto che, dovendo vivere meno a lungo degli altri, mi sono ripromessa di vivere più in fretta.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    Pauvres créatures! Si c'est un tort de les aimer, c'est bien le moins qu'on les plaigne. Vous plaignez l'aveugle qui n'a jamais vu les rayons du jour, le sourd qui n'a jamais entendu les accords de la nature, le muet qui n'a jamais pu rendre la voix de son âme, et, sous un faux prétexte de pudeur, vous ne voulez pas plaindre cette cécité du coeur, cette surdité de âme, ce mutisme de la conscience qui rendent folle la malheureuse affligée et qui la font malgré elle incapable de voir le bien, d'entendre le Seigneur et de parler la langue pure de l'amour et de la foi.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    ¿Por qué habríamos de ser más severos que Cristo? ¿Por qué, ateniéndonos obstinadamente a las opiniones de este mundo que se cree duro para que lo crean fuerte, rechazaríamos con él a las almas que sangran a veces por heridas de las cuales, como la sangre mala de un enfermo, sale el mal de su pasado, y que solo esperan que una mano amiga las cuide y les devuelva la convalecencia del corazón?

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    The material world coexists alongside the ideal life, and the purest intentions are bound to the earth by ridiculous threads, but they are threads of iron and they are not easily broken.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    Tu, tu che non vuoi ch'io mi renda conto della tua posizione, e hai la vanità di mantenere a me la mia; tu che, conservandomi il lusso nel quale vivevo, conservi la distanza morale che ci separa; tu, infine, che non giudichi il mio affetto abbastanza disinteressato per dividere con me quello che possiedi, e basterebbe a vivere insieme felici, mentre preferisci rovinarti, schiavo di un pregiudizio ridicolo. E credi tu davvero ch'io possa paragonare una carrozza e alcuni gioielli col tuo amore? E che il mio bene consista in vanità che accontentano quando non si ha amore per nulla, ma diventano subito meschine quando si ama? Tu pagherai i miei debiti, impegnerai il tuo patrimonio e insomma mi manterrai! Quanto potrà durare tutto ciò? Due o tre mesi, e sarà troppo tardi allora vivere come ti propongo, perché allora tu dovrai accettare tutto da me, ciò che un gentiluomo non può fare. Oggi invece, con i tuoi otto o diecimila franchi di rendita, possiamo vivere. Io venderò il mio superfluo, e da questa sola vendita ricaverò duemila franchi di reddito. Affitteremo un bell'appartamento per tutti e due. L'estate andremo in campagna, non in una casa con questa, ma in una casetta che basti a due persone. Tu sei indipendente, io libera, e siamo giovani: in nome di Dio, Armando, non ricacciarmi nella vita che fui costretta a condurre un giorno.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    Une chose qui m’humilie profondément est de voir que le génie humain a des limites, quand la bêtise humaine n’en a pas.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    We men are built like that, and it is very fortunate that the imagination lends so much poetry to the senses, and that the desires of the body make thus much concession to the dreams of the soul.

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    Alexandre Dumas-fils

    What distresses me is to see that human genius has limitations, and human stupidity has none.