Best 14 quotes of Karen Karbo on MyQuotes

Karen Karbo

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    Karen Karbo

    Expanding your notion of fun beyond a two-week vacation in Maui increases the chances you'll have more of it.

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    Karen Karbo

    Overdressing is the first cousin of trying too hard.

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    Karen Karbo

    The first draft is for YOU, the writer; the second and subsequent drafts are for the reader. Trying to do both things at once — figuring out what we want to say, while also fashioning it for another human being to read — is the cause of writer’s block.

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    Karen Karbo

    There are few things less stylish than a boring, self absorbed twit.

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    Karen Karbo

    The truth about Chanel's bespoke femininity is that a woman can do or say whatever she wants as long as she's wearing pearls.

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    Karen Karbo

    Writers are outsiders, and usually not by their own choosing. It’s why they’re writers. If they didn’t feel alienated from human experience, they wouldn’t feel so drawn to writing to make sense of their lives. It’s not the outsider’s facility for language that makes her a writer — many a student body president or homecoming queen can turn a phrase — but her ability to howl at the moon, on the page.

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    Karen Karbo

    Coco a spus, când vorbesc despre eleganță, vorbesc despre lux. Luxul trebuie să rămână invizibil, dar trebuie să se simtă. Luxul este simplu; este opusul complicației. Luxul este o necesitate care începe acolo unde se sfârșesc necesitățile. Unii oameni cred că luxul este opusul sărăciei. Nu este așa. El este opusul vulgarității. Luxul este opusul prestigiului.

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    Karen Karbo

    Deși faptul că izbutești să te căsătorești nu garantează că ai măcar o iotă habar despre ce înseamnă cu adevărat iubirea, nereușita în acest domeniu sugerează că nu poți intra în liga celor mari și tari. Dacă ești femeie, sugerează că e ceva profund greșit în privința ta sau, în mod paradoxal, ceva profund corect; să fii prea frumoasă, prea deșteaptă și prea sexi sunt trăsături despre care se știe că-i alungă pe posibilii pretendenți, care o iau la fugă spre teritorii mai puțin solicitante din punct de vedere romantic.

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    Karen Karbo

    Had she been a more instinctive, "natural" cook, she might have felt less compelled to parse each recipe, to tackle each one as though getting it right were a matter of life and death.

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    Karen Karbo

    Old age. I don't know when it really starts, and I'm not interested in finding out. Julia pretty much ignored the whole thing, and that may be the only real lesson there is for the end of our days. Just pretend like it isn't happening, until you have no choice but to accept reality. If you're lucky, like Julia, you'll die peacefully in your sleep after having enjoyed a dinner of onion soup.

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    Karen Karbo

    Once in a great while, she was distressed by the way she looked. As she was rounding the bend to forty she would write to Avis DeVoto that whenever she read Vogue she "felt like a frump....but I suppose that is the purpose of all of it, to shame people out of their frumpery so they will go out and buy 48 pairs of red shoes, have a facial, pat themselves with deodorizers, buy a freezer, and put up the new crispy window curtains with a draped valence." Julia was able to deconstruct the disingenuous motives that drive women's magazines with the ease she normally reserved for deboning a duck, seeing quite clearly that while ostensibly offering inspiration and useful advice, the stories and articles quietly pummel the reader's sense of self, the better to drive her into the arms of the advertisers.

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    Karen Karbo

    Persevering is not often simply a matter of working hard and refusing to quit; often, by trying again, failing again, and failing better, we inadvertently place ourselves in the way of luck.

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    Karen Karbo

    Să îmbrățișezi trăsăturile definitorii ale regiunii în care te-ai născut este o formă de apartenență la o familie extinsă, dar fără obligațiile uzuale. Este un mod de a aparține unui grup, fără să se aștepte de la tine să faci vizite de Crăciun.

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    Karen Karbo

    Years later, when Julia was famous she would often receive letters from people who asked not simply how they might learn to cook. They already knew the answer: The owned her cookbooks, but they were yearning to know how they might become passionate about it. She always answered the same thing: Go to France and eat.